How big of a Defeat for the Ds are we Looking at?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
That's just what the Nixonites thought. You'd think there'd be some institutional memory in the Republican Party!!! :lmao:
it's all Dumber and Dumbest stunts that will cause the 2020 Trump victory. the same effect as with Hillary going on a victory binge before the votes were cast much less counted to get Trump elected. The Ds are getting into their its a gimme own goal default state.
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
With their menagerie of lousy front-runners, I believe Trump could easily win 40 states in next year's election. The only platform the Dems really have at this point is "We HATE Trump, orange man BAD." That's it.
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
With their menagerie of lousy front-runners, I believe Trump could easily win 40 states in next year's election. The only platform the Dems really have at this point is "We HATE Trump, orange man BAD." That's it.
No The Ds have won in the past with much crappier candidates than the ones they got now: Carter and Obama for examples and they have ballot box stuffers out the wazoo but they are lazy and stupid.
Count no chickens just yet, my friends. From John Mauldin's Thoughts From The Frontline, latest edition:

Every day brings more signs of the impending crisis. Duke University’s latest quarterly CFO survey found more than half of finance chiefs foresee a US recession before the 2020 election. Possibly worse, they project only a 1% increase in capital spending over the next 12 months.

An economy in which near-zero interest rates can’t spur more investment than that is an economy with serious problems. And I expect them to get worse, not better.

Furthermore, an increasing body of evidence says that increasing sovereign debt is a slow but inexorable drag on GDP. It is like the frog being boiled in water, but so slowly that we as citizens don’t really understand what is happening to us. We do sense something is wrong, though. Hence today’s worldwide populist movements.

What's going to happen if there is a recession next year or even just a slowdown back to Obama numbers? Now I know that the proposals from all of the Dem candidates is worse than what Trump is doing, but it could be that a lot of Trump voters last time are tired of his antics and won't support him this time. Just as there are a number of Dem voters who don't like any of the far Left people who are running on their side. Things and and will change between now and then, so as I say, don't be counting any chickens.
No The Ds have won in the past with much crappier candidates than the ones they got now: Carter and Obama for examples and they have ballot box stuffers out the wazoo but they are lazy and stupid.

Obama ran against quite possibly the two least inspiring Republican candidates since WWII. McCain acted like a doormat during the campaign while Obama was throwing haymakers, and Romney was like a living pinata with his howdy doody appearance (and first name "Mitt"), his inability to land a counter-punch, and his religious view made a large part of the Republican base stay home. Neither of those guys inspired minorities to get out and vote for them, much less the base.
Big.....I would say a very big defeat, a substantial one.....and that's ok! :2up:

How big of a Defeat for the Ds are we Looking at?
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
If Trump wins the next election we lose our democratic republic. We move away from our Constitution of seperation of powers to a monarchy. An all powerful President without checks from other branches of government.
If that is what the electorate comes up with we get what we deserve. The absolute dumb shit Trump supporters do not realize when the monarchy changes to the other side they will lose big time. The US has never had a more pathetic, dumb shit group of citizens as the Trumpp supporters.
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
If Trump wins the next election we lose our democratic republic...
OMG ... the sky is falling!!! It's the end of the world!!!

No Chicken Little, it's just the end of your "progressive" world.

The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
If Trump wins the next election we lose our democratic republic...
OMG ... the sky is falling!!! It's the end of the world!!!

No Chicken Little, it's just the end of your "progressive" world.


The Mafia, cartels, tongs, motorcycle gangs and other criminal groups need the Ds to defend the indefensible so the Ds won't ever be totally gone and I wouldn't put too much money on them even being semi-civilized for more than a decade, maybe too.
Start preparing, get food, water, and other supplies, guns and ammo, it will be brutal come 2020.
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
If Trump wins the next election we lose our democratic republic...
OMG ... the sky is falling!!! It's the end of the world!!!

No Chicken Little, it's just the end of your "progressive" world.

seperation of powers was progressive in the 1700's. It is not progessive in 2020.
Trump supporters are so fricking stupid, they do not know that Trump is taking us away from the principles that we built our country on. Our founding fathers knew the tyranny of a monarchy. They put fail safes in our Constitution to prevent an over powerful leader. Trump is stripping the fail safes. The absolute dumd shit Trump supporters do not see it. God forgive them for their absolute stupidity that their children and grandchildren will pay the price for.
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?

Worse than that, he's blowing the whistle over what? Tell me what law Trump broke? Perhaps a high crime? No? Then a misdemeanor then perhaps? Nadda. In fact, the more the D's pursue this, which they can do only through sheer outright lies and propaganda to the public, the more they open themselves instead to investigation. :auiqs.jpg:

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