How bad is it?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Some think we're teetering or 'swirling around the drain' but I think we're down the drain already. No hope at all for any sort of future not filled with misery and death.

Every 4 or 8 years people convince themselves who becomes the next President means a damn. But it doesn't. Look at the world as a whole from one administration to the next and nothing ever changes. President Obama ran promising to get us out of stupid wars, but at some point during his first week in office someone came and explained reality to him and here we are, still involved in stupid wars. That's the reality. Presidents don't decide shit.

Politics and who's 'in power' or not, what big bill means anything, who said what, these are the set of keys being dangled and jingled over a baby's face to get it to stop crying. They're distractions. Everything they're saying right now about ISIS and Islam they used to say about communists. Go watch old newsreels and documentaries, it's verbatim anti-red propaganda. They just changed who the big bad bad guy is.

America is a right-wing dictatorship with a hardon for war. No pacifist will get their way or into office. The last one who did got his head literally blown open for his trouble. We say how we don't want wars, how that's abad, but it's a lie. We DO want wars. We've been embroiled in one or another since World War 1.

“The problem after a war is with the victor. He thinks he has just proved that war and violence pay. Who will now teach him a lesson?”
― A.J. Muste

America won WW1 and then 2 and got it into its' head that wars are positive and strength-generating. And despite losing Korea and Vietnam, Iraq and Afganistan, hasn't yet learned the lessons of losing and is continuing to bang its' wardrums. I fear it'll take a foreign military rolling through US streets befvore we learn the lesson of the futility of war as our past enemies did. Until we get our noses bloodied and kicked in the balls we'll keep looking for another war.
Silly. You really think the Left does not also love war?
nobody is EVER going to roll thru the streets of any nation that's got nuke missile subs, man. Not going to happen.
Silly. You really think the Left does not also love war?

If you ever try pulling your head out of your anus you'll realize both are equally to blame. There isn't a true left vs right debate in this country so much as the illusion of a difference.

You're so buried with crap you think it's a partisan thing. Until you extricate yourself from the mountain of crap burying you you'll never udnerstand what's really going on and be a baby reacting to an adult jingling their keys at you.
Silly. You really think the Left does not also love war?

If you ever try pulling your head out of your anus you'll realize both are equally to blame. There isn't a true left vs right debate in this country so much as the illusion of a difference.

You're so buried with crap you think it's a partisan thing. Until you extricate yourself from the mountain of crap burying you you'll never udnerstand what's really going on and be a baby reacting to an adult jingling their keys at you.
Well then, your OP is entirely bullshit.

You think the USA is a right wing dictatorship. You need to explain this belief and back it up with facts.
Some think we're teetering or 'swirling around the drain' but I think we're down the drain already. No hope at all for any sort of future not filled with misery and death.

Every 4 or 8 years people convince themselves who becomes the next President means a damn. But it doesn't. Look at the world as a whole from one administration to the next and nothing ever changes. President Obama ran promising to get us out of stupid wars, but at some point during his first week in office someone came and explained reality to him and here we are, still involved in stupid wars. That's the reality. Presidents don't decide shit.

Politics and who's 'in power' or not, what big bill means anything, who said what, these are the set of keys being dangled and jingled over a baby's face to get it to stop crying. They're distractions. Everything they're saying right now about ISIS and Islam they used to say about communists. Go watch old newsreels and documentaries, it's verbatim anti-red propaganda. They just changed who the big bad bad guy is.

America is a right-wing dictatorship with a hardon for war. No pacifist will get their way or into office. The last one who did got his head literally blown open for his trouble. We say how we don't want wars, how that's abad, but it's a lie. We DO want wars. We've been embroiled in one or another since World War 1.

“The problem after a war is with the victor. He thinks he has just proved that war and violence pay. Who will now teach him a lesson?”
― A.J. Muste

America won WW1 and then 2 and got it into its' head that wars are positive and strength-generating. And despite losing Korea and Vietnam, Iraq and Afganistan, hasn't yet learned the lessons of losing and is continuing to bang its' wardrums. I fear it'll take a foreign military rolling through US streets befvore we learn the lesson of the futility of war as our past enemies did. Until we get our noses bloodied and kicked in the balls we'll keep looking for another war.

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