How bad is it to reveal intelligence from an ongoing investigation


VIP Member
May 4, 2018
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on a criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
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Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on an criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Someone on the Republican side -- Nunes, maybe? -- said they didn't get anything surprising because they didn't get what they asked for. That leads me to believe that any information relating to the investigation that needed to remain in DOJ hands, did. I hope. I don't believe they would release information that would actually impact Mueller's ability to continue forward with the Grand Jury or his investigation and its ability to stand up in court.
How does it feel to keep getting disappointed by the facts?

Trump is innocent....he did nothing wrong....he won fair and square...the witch hunt is nearly wrapped up and will go down in history as the biggest scandal America has ever seen all brought to us by the first black president...
Obama will stay in hiding and that's a good thing....he can't go around flapping his gums because he will be asked questions he doesn't want to answer...

You fuck up looked the other way while Obama staged a coup against a man that the people voted for...Obama will never out live that embarrassing legacy...there will not be another liberal like him elected in our nation for a very long time...most of us know how to learn from our mistakes and a liberal black man with a chip on his shoulder will never again be elected least not in our lifetime.....

Yep the fact that we are not seeing Obama on TV screaming about Trump stealing the election is because he didn't steal it and Trump's poll numbers are too high for Obama or Hillary or anyone else to be talking up impeachment...

Tissues by the door on your way out.....BUUUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHA!!!!!
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on an criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Someone on the Republican side -- Nunes, maybe? -- said they didn't get anything surprising because they didn't get what they asked for. That leads me to believe that any information relating to the investigation that needed to remain in DOJ hands, did. I hope. I don't believe they would release information that would actually impact Mueller's ability to continue forward with the Grand Jury or his investigation and its ability to stand up in court.
We hope not. By doing so, opens the flood gates for criminal activity and corrupting the DOJ and FBI the likes we have never seen before.

Can you imagine a defense lawyer going up to the prosecution before the trial, and requesting to the prosecution that they would like to get all their evidence so the defense lawyer could use it against the prosecution? That would cancel out the need for a court room trial? That is essentially what Trump and his butt boys were trying to do.
Democrats are determined to end the rule of law.
You know something, if that were really true, we wouldn't have seen this nine word sorry excuse of an explanation that says absolutely nothing.
You people are the biggest cowards. You can't debate anything. You just attack what you don't want to read or here, because it doesn't come from your shallow minded narrative.
Folks like you are totally absent of any intelligent counter rebuttals, because none exist. So what do you post? These cut and run random accusations that prove or explain nothing.
You know something, if that were really true, we wouldn't have seen this nine word sorry excuse of an explanation that says absolutely nothing.
You people are the biggest cowards. You can't debate anything. You just attack what you don't want to read or here, because it doesn't come from your shallow minded narrative.
Folks like you are totally absent of any intelligent counter rebuttals, because none exist. So what do you post? These cut and run random accusations that prove or explain nothing.
Stop cryin bitch....Obama is a law breaker...a spy....and a treasonous bastard...get up to date...turn off the half news you get from CNN....
You know something, if that were really true, we wouldn't have seen this nine word sorry excuse of an explanation that says absolutely nothing.
You people are the biggest cowards. You can't debate anything. You just attack what you don't want to read or here, because it doesn't come from your shallow minded narrative.
Folks like you are totally absent of any intelligent counter rebuttals, because none exist. So what do you post? These cut and run random accusations that prove or explain nothing.
Stop cryin bitch....Obama is a law breaker...a spy....and a treasonous bastard...get up to date...turn off the half news you get from CNN....
Here comes my favorite off topic coward who is always on the prowl looking for something to cut and run with, so he doesn't have to engage in any kind of intelligent debate that might get him into a jam. Go get em boss.
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on an criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Someone on the Republican side -- Nunes, maybe? -- said they didn't get anything surprising because they didn't get what they asked for. That leads me to believe that any information relating to the investigation that needed to remain in DOJ hands, did. I hope. I don't believe they would release information that would actually impact Mueller's ability to continue forward with the Grand Jury or his investigation and its ability to stand up in court.
We hope not. By doing so, opens the flood gates for criminal activity and corrupting the DOJ and FBI the likes we have never seen before.

Can you imagine a defense lawyer going up to the prosecution before the trial, and requesting to the prosecution that they would like to get all their evidence so the defense lawyer could use it against the prosecution? That would cancel out the need for a court room trial? That is essentially what Trump and his butt boys were trying to do.
It’s called discovery and that is exactly what a good defense attorney does. He asks for the evidence the prosecutor has! If it shows wrongdoing by the prosecution? When did you realize you were with stupid?
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on an criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Someone on the Republican side -- Nunes, maybe? -- said they didn't get anything surprising because they didn't get what they asked for. That leads me to believe that any information relating to the investigation that needed to remain in DOJ hands, did. I hope. I don't believe they would release information that would actually impact Mueller's ability to continue forward with the Grand Jury or his investigation and its ability to stand up in court.
We hope not. By doing so, opens the flood gates for criminal activity and corrupting the DOJ and FBI the likes we have never seen before.

Can you imagine a defense lawyer going up to the prosecution before the trial, and requesting to the prosecution that they would like to get all their evidence so the defense lawyer could use it against the prosecution? That would cancel out the need for a court room trial? That is essentially what Trump and his butt boys were trying to do.
It’s called discovery and that is exactly what a good defense attorney does. He asks for the evidence the prosecutor has! If it shows wrongdoing by the prosecution? When did you realize you were with stupid?
OMG! I can't believe I just read this. Tell you what, let's let a bunch of attorney's explain to you just how grossly inaccurate you are, then I want you to meet me on the other side of my post, just to be fair, for "YOU", to explain to "ME", in detail, where I and others are wrong. Busted: Trump’s Russia lawyer caught sneaking into DOJ meeting
Time for indictments against Trump.

And no, it is not called "discovery". It's called obstruction of justice and meddling in a criminal investigation against the very person, (Trump), who they are investigating, while his butt boys in Congress are complicit with their own aid to him, forming a criminal conspiracy. Again, time for indictments.
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Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on an criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Someone on the Republican side -- Nunes, maybe? -- said they didn't get anything surprising because they didn't get what they asked for. That leads me to believe that any information relating to the investigation that needed to remain in DOJ hands, did. I hope. I don't believe they would release information that would actually impact Mueller's ability to continue forward with the Grand Jury or his investigation and its ability to stand up in court.
We hope not. By doing so, opens the flood gates for criminal activity and corrupting the DOJ and FBI the likes we have never seen before.

Can you imagine a defense lawyer going up to the prosecution before the trial, and requesting to the prosecution that they would like to get all their evidence so the defense lawyer could use it against the prosecution? That would cancel out the need for a court room trial? That is essentially what Trump and his butt boys were trying to do.
It’s called discovery and that is exactly what a good defense attorney does. He asks for the evidence the prosecutor has! If it shows wrongdoing by the prosecution? When did you realize you were with stupid?
OMG! I can't believe I just read this. Tell you what, let's let a bunch of attorney's explain to you just how grossly inaccurate you are, then I want you to meet me on the other side of my post, just to be fair, for "YOU", to explain to "ME", in detail, where I and others are wrong. Busted: Trump’s Russia lawyer caught sneaking into DOJ meeting
Time for indictments against Trump.

And no, it is not called "discovery". It's called obstruction of justice and meddling in a criminal investigation against the very person, (Trump), who they are investigating, while his butt boys in Congress are complicit with their own aid to him, forming a criminal conspiracy. Again, time for indictments.
I thought fucking Comey said Trump was not under investigation you big dumbass nincompoop
Democrats are determined to end the rule of law.
You know something, if that were really true, we wouldn't have seen this nine word sorry excuse of an explanation that says absolutely nothing.
You people are the biggest cowards. You can't debate anything. You just attack what you don't want to read or here, because it doesn't come from your shallow minded narrative.
Folks like you are totally absent of any intelligent counter rebuttals, because none exist. So what do you post? These cut and run random accusations that prove or explain nothing.
Do you get called kettle or pot?
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on a criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Define intelligence.

This should be good...:popcorn:
Democrats are determined to end the rule of law.
You know something, if that were really true, we wouldn't have seen this nine word sorry excuse of an explanation that says absolutely nothing.
You people are the biggest cowards. You can't debate anything. You just attack what you don't want to read or here, because it doesn't come from your shallow minded narrative.
Folks like you are totally absent of any intelligent counter rebuttals, because none exist. So what do you post? These cut and run random accusations that prove or explain nothing.
Do you get called kettle or pot?
I think political leftist hack works better.

Or general all around retard
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on an criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Someone on the Republican side -- Nunes, maybe? -- said they didn't get anything surprising because they didn't get what they asked for. That leads me to believe that any information relating to the investigation that needed to remain in DOJ hands, did. I hope. I don't believe they would release information that would actually impact Mueller's ability to continue forward with the Grand Jury or his investigation and its ability to stand up in court.
We hope not. By doing so, opens the flood gates for criminal activity and corrupting the DOJ and FBI the likes we have never seen before.

Can you imagine a defense lawyer going up to the prosecution before the trial, and requesting to the prosecution that they would like to get all their evidence so the defense lawyer could use it against the prosecution? That would cancel out the need for a court room trial? That is essentially what Trump and his butt boys were trying to do.
It’s called discovery and that is exactly what a good defense attorney does. He asks for the evidence the prosecutor has! If it shows wrongdoing by the prosecution? When did you realize you were with stupid?
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on an criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Someone on the Republican side -- Nunes, maybe? -- said they didn't get anything surprising because they didn't get what they asked for. That leads me to believe that any information relating to the investigation that needed to remain in DOJ hands, did. I hope. I don't believe they would release information that would actually impact Mueller's ability to continue forward with the Grand Jury or his investigation and its ability to stand up in court.
We hope not. By doing so, opens the flood gates for criminal activity and corrupting the DOJ and FBI the likes we have never seen before.

Can you imagine a defense lawyer going up to the prosecution before the trial, and requesting to the prosecution that they would like to get all their evidence so the defense lawyer could use it against the prosecution? That would cancel out the need for a court room trial? That is essentially what Trump and his butt boys were trying to do.
It’s called discovery and that is exactly what a good defense attorney does. He asks for the evidence the prosecutor has! If it shows wrongdoing by the prosecution? When did you realize you were with stupid?
OMG! I can't believe I just read this. Tell you what, let's let a bunch of attorney's explain to you just how grossly inaccurate you are, then I want you to meet me on the other side of my post, just to be fair, for "YOU", to explain to "ME", in detail, where I and others are wrong. Busted: Trump’s Russia lawyer caught sneaking into DOJ meeting
Time for indictments against Trump.

And no, it is not called "discovery". It's called obstruction of justice and meddling in a criminal investigation against the very person, (Trump), who they are investigating, while his butt boys in Congress are complicit with their own aid to him, forming a criminal conspiracy. Again, time for indictments.
I thought fucking Comey said Trump was not under investigation you big dumbass nincompoop
Ha, bigger "Nincompoop", Comey's been gone for a year.

And guess what's even better, you pooped out on me with debating the facts of the debate. I presented counter arguments through attorney's that you cowardly ignored. Here we have another one folks, who dropped the chance to mount a challenge, who could only change the narrative to Comey. What a joke.

It's like "little John" used to say, "they step up to they face, and ain't gonna do shit. Lol! That would be you. Thanks for the concession by the way.
Answer, very bad. And here is the reason why; Mueller probe's many threads are why details can't be public

Of course, we already know that those on the Trump team could care less, and that the rule of law does not/ should not apply to them.

This thread is meant to once again explain, that despite the attitude of Trump and his Sheep, and their new found privilege in society, thinking they are immune to lawlessness, these attempts by Trump's lawyer and his Chief of Staff to penetrate an intelligence briefing that involves possible criminal misconduct by Trump, will and have been met by resistance. Privilege to lawlessness only goes so far in the Trump world.

We are experiencing massive, and I do mean massive corruption from Trump and all his stooges out in he periphery. Some have already been caught, indicted, and convicted. And from the looks of things, a lot more are on that list to add. This monologue by Rachel Maddow reveals more. And, it is a testament that her reporting seems to add different names almost on a daily basis, indicating to us all, that this ring of corruption and criminal activity was/is so far reaching, with so many interconnected players, that this investigation could go on for ten years, and I'm not so sure you would reveal them all? One thing for sure, one corrupt president sits at the top of that corrupt pyramid, and the last thing we want to do, is to let his lawyer sit in on a criminal investigation that has evidence that can be used to benefit that lawyers client. Not in our history have I ever heard of such insanity coming from a criminal investigation.

What a disaster Trump has been to the moral, ethical, legal fabric of this country.

Like Jeff Flake said it best, " without the 'rule of law' we are no longer America". Read Jeff Flake's Commencement Speech on the Rule of Law and Trump: 'We May Have Hit Bottom'
Define intelligence.

This should be good...:popcorn:
Anything above "Grampa Marked U". How do we know that? Because you never presented any counter arguments to the facts presented. Nor could you. Why else would you need a definition for the word "intelligence"?
Democrats are determined to end the rule of law.
You know something, if that were really true, we wouldn't have seen this nine word sorry excuse of an explanation that says absolutely nothing.
You people are the biggest cowards. You can't debate anything. You just attack what you don't want to read or here, because it doesn't come from your shallow minded narrative.
Folks like you are totally absent of any intelligent counter rebuttals, because none exist. So what do you post? These cut and run random accusations that prove or explain nothing.
Do you get called kettle or pot?
Neither! I call this seven word "dump" of yours, a concession by you to this cowardliness that preys on you and your ilk. You people are totally paralyzed to debate much of anything when it comes to Trump/Russia. You're boxed in by the truth, that surrounds the criminals of the Right.
Democrats are determined to end the rule of law.
You know something, if that were really true, we wouldn't have seen this nine word sorry excuse of an explanation that says absolutely nothing.
You people are the biggest cowards. You can't debate anything. You just attack what you don't want to read or here, because it doesn't come from your shallow minded narrative.
Folks like you are totally absent of any intelligent counter rebuttals, because none exist. So what do you post? These cut and run random accusations that prove or explain nothing.
Do you get called kettle or pot?
Neither! I call this seven word "dump" of yours, a concession by you to this cowardliness that preys on you and your ilk. You people are totally paralyzed to debate much of anything when it comes to Trump/Russia. You're boxed in by the truth, that surrounds the criminals of the Right.
Learn to quote someone first, then make lame and childish insults.

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