How American Became A Monarchy....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....and why Democrats celebrate that devolution.

1. Under discussion was the Virginia Plan..
"On May 29, 1787, Virginia delegate Edmund Randolph proposed what became known as "The Virginia Plan." Written primarily by fellow Virginian James Madison, the plan traced the broad outlines of what would become the U.S. Constitution: a national government consisting of three branches with checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power. In its amended form, this page of Madison's plan shows his ideas for a legislature. It describes 2 houses: one with members elected by the people for 3-year terms and the other composed of older leaders elected by the state legislatures for 7-year terms. Both would use population as a basis for dividing seats among the states."
Our Documents - Virginia Plan (1787)

On this, Madisonians were adamant: America could not have a king.

2. Alexander Hamilton rose to give a six-hour lecture to the assembled in Philadelphia championing a view that left the assembly aghast!

".... my own ideas are so materially dissimilar to the plans now before the committee. ... no amendment of the confederation can answer the purpose of a good government, so long as state sovereignties do, in any shape, exist; .... I believe the British government forms the best model the world ever produced,.... you cannot have a good executive upon a democratic plan. See the excellency of the British executive. He is placed above temptation. He can have no distinct interests from the public welfare. Nothing short of such an executive can be efficient. an executive is less dangerous to the liberties of the people when in office during life, than for seven years. It may be said, this constitutes an elective monarchy..."

a. "In a testament to their belief that men are able to govern themselves, that Congress should be the strongest branch of government , that a government of limited powers provides the best protection of individual liberty, the delegates were so dismissive of Hamilton's proposal that they declined even to debate it."
Mike Lee, 'Our Lost Constitution," p. 58

3. This lesson from history frames the question to be asked by all Americans today. The answer should dictate one's views of contemporary history.

Think it over:
An 'elected monarch' or a limited constitutional government?
Which do you choose for America??

There are, in fact, millions who favor Hamilton's view. They are Liberals, Democrats, Fascists, Communists, Progressives, Socialists and Nazis.
They are not Americans.

But....under the 'perfect storm' of economic upheaval....all of that changed: Hamilton would have been filled with glee!

Coming right up.
If a republican ever did something wrong, PCs head would fucking EXPLODE
So now Polislick has the idea that monarchism is a dominion only of the left.. Isn't that special......
If a republican ever did something wrong, PCs head would fucking EXPLODE
I warned republicans about shit like the Patriot Act and NSA spying powers back when they were in full panic mode after 9/11. They've lived to find I was right.

Now we have a strongman about to ascend to power with an (R) by his name, and they're practically throwing roses at his feet.

If any of you wiseguys say; "But you're the guy with Pinochet throwing commies out of helicopters, dude!", remember that's just a bunch of hyperbole that I like to have fun with, not how I really look at things.

Just remember:

4. It took a century and a half....from Hamilton to King Franklin

The inauguration of March 4, 1933, presaged changes that only Alexander Hamilton foresaw, and promoted.

Franklin Roosevelt accrued some 90% of the electoral votes....but this doesn't mean that Americans wanted a lifetime-monarch!

First, Roosevelt had run on a very different platform, and had taken an oath to 'preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

He kept that oath no more than his promises to reverse Hoover's policies.
He lied about both.

The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget.
He hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time." Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

5. Roosevelt expanded the federal government and ran up deficits much greater than those of Hoover.
....he put together the huge spending and administrative expansion in his first hundred days...but kept the Depression going for a decade.
....Roosevelt would promise cuts, then go to Rexford Tugwell and Harry Hopkins and give them whatever they wanted. Of course, the 'Brain Trust' was made up of socialists, fascists and communists....but, what the heck.

....and just months after his inauguration he embraced the Soviet Bolshevik government, granting what no other President would: recognition of the USSR.

√ Ran for President, became monarch for life
√Promised to honor the Constitution...did the very opposite
√ Said that debt caused the he increased it
√ Aligned America with the Bolshevik Empire that he admired

Bet you never heard that in government school.

That makes three of you for whom the topic is well beyond your ability.

This is what happens when they let high school drop-outs into a post-grad seminar.

This course is entitled "How America Became A Monarchy...
....and why Democrats celebrate that devolution."

Let that sink in.......

That makes three of you for whom the topic is well beyond your ability.

This is what happens when they let high school drop-outs into a post-grad seminar.

This course is entitled "How America Became A Monarchy...
....and why Democrats celebrate that devolution."

Let that sink in.......
Beyond our ability, oh you mean like redundant threads you post every month reiterating the same old tired, yellowed sheets of propaganda?

That makes three of you for whom the topic is well beyond your ability.

This is what happens when they let high school drop-outs into a post-grad seminar.

This course is entitled "How America Became A Monarchy...
....and why Democrats celebrate that devolution."

Let that sink in.......
Beyond our ability, oh you mean like redundant threads you post every month reiterating the same old tired, yellowed sheets of propaganda?

Simple enough for you to try to prove you aren' the popular opinion suggests...a gum-flapping fool....

Just produce any other post of mine illuminating the direct connection between Alexander Hamilton advancing the desire for a life-time monarch....

...and Franklin Roosevelt fulfilling that desire.

Get to it, dunce.
6. Without any adherence to the Constitution he had sworn to honor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued dictates more attuned to Bolshevik Russia than to the United States:
" we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline"
Americans must be "ready and willing to submit our lives and property to such discipline"
Government will engage "on a national scale in a redistribution" and " strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments."

a. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor:
[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.” From a speech delivered on the Senate floor May 14, 1943

"Most of these initiatives represented a fundamental transformation in the relationship between the people and their federal government. Never before had our national leaders assumed the power to regulate private land, market prices, and every major industry in the country."
Mike Lee, "Our Lost Constitution," p. 62-63

All hail King Franklin the First!!!

........rekindle the flame of freedom!

You had a challenge....
"Simple enough for you to try to prove you aren' the popular opinion suggests...a gum-flapping fool....
Just produce any other post of mine illuminating the direct connection between Alexander Hamilton advancing the desire for a life-time monarch....
...and Franklin Roosevelt fulfilling that desire."

But you punted.....and failed to score.

".... oh you mean like redundant threads you post every month reiterating the same old tired, yellowed sheets of propaganda?"

Wasn't that simple???

So....forever and after, we can agree that you have been certified

....a gum-flapping fool....

".... oh you mean like redundant threads you post every month reiterating the same old tired, yellowed sheets of propaganda?"

You had a challenge....
"Simple enough for you to try to prove you aren' the popular opinion suggests...a gum-flapping fool....
Just produce any other post of mine illuminating the direct connection between Alexander Hamilton advancing the desire for a life-time monarch....
...and Franklin Roosevelt fulfilling that desire."

But you punted.....and failed to score.

Wasn't that simple???

So....forever and after, we can agree that you have been certified as......

....a gum-flapping fool....
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7. Who was this man who wanted to be the American king? A exceptional human being? Let's see:

a. A 'C to C+' student; not much for homework, study, or research....but he focused on social-political clubs, debates and journalism.

Not the only rejection, but a significant one, was his attempt to join Porcellian, the oldest and most elite social club at Harvard. Theodore Roosevelt and other members of the Roosevelt family belonged to the club, but Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was president of the Harvard Crimson, never managed to be elected a member. At some time, in his late thirties, he told his relative Sheffield Cowles that this had been "the greatest disappointment in his life".
Frances Richardson Keller, Fictions of U. S. History : A Theory & Four Illustrations, p. 116.

b. "A few months before his marriage, Franklin began law school at Columbia University. He attended for two years, never graduated, and displayed neither an aptitude nor a passion for the law."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Life Before the Presidency—Miller Center

After Harvard, we find Franklin in law school at Columbia. At Columbia Law School, his professor for a public-utilities course, Jackson E. Reynolds, said, "Franklin Roosevelt was no good as a student. He didn’t appear to have any aptitude for law, and made no effort to overcome that handicap by hard work. . . . He passed both of my courses, but he never received a degree because he flunked. Afterwards in offices downtown he made the same kind of records."
Jackson E. Reynolds interview, Columbia Oral History Project, p. 42.

c. How'd he do as a businessman?"....he pursued futile schemes to drill oil in Wyoming, buy ships to cross the Atlantic, and sell stamps that were premoistened....tried to corner the live lobster market...lost $26,000 before bailing out.....he assumed that airplanes were only a passing fad, and he invested in a line of airships, called dirigibles,....tried buying and selling German marks, planting thousands of trees, making cash with vending machines,....lost money in his resort for polio patients in Warm Springs, Georgia- and then, to top that off, he lost more money farming the land nearby."
"A First Class Temperament: The Emergence of Franklin Roosevelt, 1905-1928,"
by Geoffrey C. Ward, p. 658, 756, 768-769, 793; Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.24-25

But, in politics, he found his niche. He was excellent at what was necessary: smiles, handshakes, and speeches....and with evasiveness, exaggerations, and lies.

"BEFORE THE TRUMPET: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882-1905," by Geoffrey C. Ward, gives many examples of his efforts to manipulate and equivocate.
"And if he thought distorting the truth would go undetected, he did not hesitate to try that either." (p. 204)

And this is the 'stuff' that Liberals, Democrats, find in their idols, gods,....and kings.
4. It took a century and a half....from Hamilton to King Franklin

The inauguration of March 4, 1933, presaged changes that only Alexander Hamilton foresaw, and promoted.

Franklin Roosevelt accrued some 90% of the electoral votes....but this doesn't mean that Americans wanted a lifetime-monarch!

First, Roosevelt had run on a very different platform, and had taken an oath to 'preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

He kept that oath no more than his promises to reverse Hoover's policies.
He lied about both.

The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget.
He hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time." Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

5. Roosevelt expanded the federal government and ran up deficits much greater than those of Hoover.
....he put together the huge spending and administrative expansion in his first hundred days...but kept the Depression going for a decade.
....Roosevelt would promise cuts, then go to Rexford Tugwell and Harry Hopkins and give them whatever they wanted. Of course, the 'Brain Trust' was made up of socialists, fascists and communists....but, what the heck.

....and just months after his inauguration he embraced the Soviet Bolshevik government, granting what no other President would: recognition of the USSR.

√ Ran for President, became monarch for life
√Promised to honor the Constitution...did the very opposite
√ Said that debt caused the he increased it
√ Aligned America with the Bolshevik Empire that he admired

Bet you never heard that in government school.
How does a balanced budget cure a depression?
7. Who was this man who wanted to be the American king? A exceptional human being? Let's see:

a. A 'C to C+' student; not much for homework, study, or research....but he focused on social-political clubs, debates and journalism.

Not the only rejection, but a significant one, was his attempt to join Porcellian, the oldest and most elite social club at Harvard. Theodore Roosevelt and other members of the Roosevelt family belonged to the club, but Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was president of the Harvard Crimson, never managed to be elected a member. At some time, in his late thirties, he told his relative Sheffield Cowles that this had been "the greatest disappointment in his life".
Frances Richardson Keller, Fictions of U. S. History : A Theory & Four Illustrations, p. 116.

b. "A few months before his marriage, Franklin began law school at Columbia University. He attended for two years, never graduated, and displayed neither an aptitude nor a passion for the law."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Life Before the Presidency—Miller Center

After Harvard, we find Franklin in law school at Columbia. At Columbia Law School, his professor for a public-utilities course, Jackson E. Reynolds, said, "Franklin Roosevelt was no good as a student. He didn’t appear to have any aptitude for law, and made no effort to overcome that handicap by hard work. . . . He passed both of my courses, but he never received a degree because he flunked. Afterwards in offices downtown he made the same kind of records."
Jackson E. Reynolds interview, Columbia Oral History Project, p. 42.

c. How'd he do as a businessman?"....he pursued futile schemes to drill oil in Wyoming, buy ships to cross the Atlantic, and sell stamps that were premoistened....tried to corner the live lobster market...lost $26,000 before bailing out.....he assumed that airplanes were only a passing fad, and he invested in a line of airships, called dirigibles,....tried buying and selling German marks, planting thousands of trees, making cash with vending machines,....lost money in his resort for polio patients in Warm Springs, Georgia- and then, to top that off, he lost more money farming the land nearby."
"A First Class Temperament: The Emergence of Franklin Roosevelt, 1905-1928,"
by Geoffrey C. Ward, p. 658, 756, 768-769, 793; Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.24-25

But, in politics, he found his niche. He was excellent at what was necessary: smiles, handshakes, and speeches....and with evasiveness, exaggerations, and lies.

"BEFORE THE TRUMPET: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882-1905," by Geoffrey C. Ward, gives many examples of his efforts to manipulate and equivocate.
"And if he thought distorting the truth would go undetected, he did not hesitate to try that either." (p. 204)

And this is the 'stuff' that Liberals, Democrats, find in their idols, gods,....and kings.
The bottom line seems to be, not what kind of student FDR was or even businessman, but rather what kind of president FDR turned out to be. Apparently the people thought he was great electing him four times, and America's top historians rating FDR as America's best president.
4. It took a century and a half....from Hamilton to King Franklin

The inauguration of March 4, 1933, presaged changes that only Alexander Hamilton foresaw, and promoted.

Franklin Roosevelt accrued some 90% of the electoral votes....but this doesn't mean that Americans wanted a lifetime-monarch!

First, Roosevelt had run on a very different platform, and had taken an oath to 'preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

He kept that oath no more than his promises to reverse Hoover's policies.
He lied about both.

The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget.
He hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time." Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

5. Roosevelt expanded the federal government and ran up deficits much greater than those of Hoover.
....he put together the huge spending and administrative expansion in his first hundred days...but kept the Depression going for a decade.
....Roosevelt would promise cuts, then go to Rexford Tugwell and Harry Hopkins and give them whatever they wanted. Of course, the 'Brain Trust' was made up of socialists, fascists and communists....but, what the heck.

....and just months after his inauguration he embraced the Soviet Bolshevik government, granting what no other President would: recognition of the USSR.

√ Ran for President, became monarch for life
√Promised to honor the Constitution...did the very opposite
√ Said that debt caused the he increased it
√ Aligned America with the Bolshevik Empire that he admired

Bet you never heard that in government school.
How does a balanced budget cure a depression?

"How does a balanced budget cure a depression?"

Why are you asking me????

It was your lord and master, Franklin the First, who claimed so:

1. The hagiography and idol-worship leaves out all understanding of his times...and what he actually said and did. I am to save the day!

2. The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget.
FDR’s Commonwealth Club Address

3.The part about balancing the budget had a certain resonance as President Harding had veered sharply away from federal spending and solved as big a recession in about one year.
.... Franklin Roosevelt knew this, as he hammered away at Hoover's spending.

October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Campaign Address on the Federal Budget at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

Can we let that sink in? Franklin Delano Roosevelt...budget wonk....balance the budget....stop the what Republican Harding did!!!
I think I have the vapors!

Sooo.......I smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh????
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7. Who was this man who wanted to be the American king? A exceptional human being? Let's see:

a. A 'C to C+' student; not much for homework, study, or research....but he focused on social-political clubs, debates and journalism.

Not the only rejection, but a significant one, was his attempt to join Porcellian, the oldest and most elite social club at Harvard. Theodore Roosevelt and other members of the Roosevelt family belonged to the club, but Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was president of the Harvard Crimson, never managed to be elected a member. At some time, in his late thirties, he told his relative Sheffield Cowles that this had been "the greatest disappointment in his life".
Frances Richardson Keller, Fictions of U. S. History : A Theory & Four Illustrations, p. 116.

b. "A few months before his marriage, Franklin began law school at Columbia University. He attended for two years, never graduated, and displayed neither an aptitude nor a passion for the law."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Life Before the Presidency—Miller Center

After Harvard, we find Franklin in law school at Columbia. At Columbia Law School, his professor for a public-utilities course, Jackson E. Reynolds, said, "Franklin Roosevelt was no good as a student. He didn’t appear to have any aptitude for law, and made no effort to overcome that handicap by hard work. . . . He passed both of my courses, but he never received a degree because he flunked. Afterwards in offices downtown he made the same kind of records."
Jackson E. Reynolds interview, Columbia Oral History Project, p. 42.

c. How'd he do as a businessman?"....he pursued futile schemes to drill oil in Wyoming, buy ships to cross the Atlantic, and sell stamps that were premoistened....tried to corner the live lobster market...lost $26,000 before bailing out.....he assumed that airplanes were only a passing fad, and he invested in a line of airships, called dirigibles,....tried buying and selling German marks, planting thousands of trees, making cash with vending machines,....lost money in his resort for polio patients in Warm Springs, Georgia- and then, to top that off, he lost more money farming the land nearby."
"A First Class Temperament: The Emergence of Franklin Roosevelt, 1905-1928,"
by Geoffrey C. Ward, p. 658, 756, 768-769, 793; Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.24-25

But, in politics, he found his niche. He was excellent at what was necessary: smiles, handshakes, and speeches....and with evasiveness, exaggerations, and lies.

"BEFORE THE TRUMPET: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882-1905," by Geoffrey C. Ward, gives many examples of his efforts to manipulate and equivocate.
"And if he thought distorting the truth would go undetected, he did not hesitate to try that either." (p. 204)

And this is the 'stuff' that Liberals, Democrats, find in their idols, gods,....and kings.
The bottom line seems to be, not what kind of student FDR was or even businessman, but rather what kind of president FDR turned out to be. Apparently the people thought he was great electing him four times, and America's top historians rating FDR as America's best president.

"but rather what kind of president FDR turned out to be."

Exactly my point!!!!!

President would be American.

King, dictator, or tyrant.....your sort of 'leader.' I wish you a Happy New Year, or would you be more comfortable with Sieg Heil????

Did you know that King Franklin the First was on excellent personal terms with Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini?

That's another fact.
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8. Seizing the opportunity to lord it over those who had done better or surpassed him in one way or another in life, Franklin Roosevelt saw the opportunity to ignore the foundations of American history and government: the doctrine of separation of powers.

As a mediocre student, he may not have been familiar with one of the greatest influences on the Founders, Montesquieu:

"In a despotic government there can be no check to the power of the prince, no limitations to safeguard the individual—the idea of the separation of powers in any form is foreign to despotic governments.

When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty. . . .

Again, there is no liberty, if the judiciary power be not separated from the legislative and executive. Were it joined with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control; for the judge would then be the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power, the judge might behave with violence and oppression. There would be an end to everything, were the same man, or the same body, whether of the nobles or of the people, to exercise those three powers, that of enacting laws, that of executing the public resolutions, and of trying the causes of individuals." Montesquieu and the Separation of Powers - Online Library of Liberty

"....the idea of the separation of powers in any form is foreign to despotic governments."

Alexander Hamilton inveighed for a monarchy.
Franklin Roosevelt established one in America.

In this regard, both proved wrong, anti-American,.......and unworthy.

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