Another Guessametric on the Origins of Stonehenge


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, I know I am beating a dead horse, but maybe it can be fun beating dead horses?

Lol, anyway, there are a number of coincidental factoids that have pushed me toward a tentative conclusion that Stonehenge was, along with religious usage, an astronomical device to help local tribal leaders prepare the latest shipment of tin for the all important seasonal arrival of trade ships from the Eastern Mediteranean.

Of course, Stonehenge was likely a multipurpose site that initially was built for local purposes, religious practices, etc, and then was additionally purposed to the following use around 2000 BC.

1) Egypt's Old Kingdom dominated the Nile due, in part, to the use of bronze weapons and tools. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin, mostly, and the tin also helps to remove the poisonous arsenic commonly found in copper. So in addition to tin reducing the melting point of copper to that of bronze and making it harder, it also made it a safer material for use in household items.

Now note where tin is found on the map.


Notice there is not source of tin in Egypt and the closest supplies of it were in Europe. The mines in Romania and the Chzech area of today did not open until 1800 BC at the earliest and probably later, while England and Brittany and NW Spain had plentiful amounts of tin from around 2500 BC.

Conclusion: Egyptian and later Phonecian traders were going to SW England from about 2500 BC at the latest.

2) It was a long journey for simple sailing vessels of that time and was likely used to anticipate with some accuracy the arrival of many key calendar events from the Winter Solstice, as many ancient constructions in that area are keyed to, optimal agricultural times to plant, and perhaps the arrival of tin seeking traders from the Mediteranean world.

For the tin trade, knowing approximately when the tin seeking traders would arrive is crucial to getting the optimal amount of tin prepared for maximized trade results.

The Phonecians probably picked up much of their navigational skills and ship making ability from the Egyptians whom they supplanted in trade.

Phoenicia, Phoenician Ships, Navigation and Commerce

Outside the Pillars of Hercules the Phoenicians had only savage nations to deal with, and with these they seem to have traded mainly for the purpose of obtaining certain natural products, either peculiarly valuable or scarcely procurable elsewhere. Their trade with the Scilly Islands and the coast of Cornwall was especially for the procuring of tin. Of all the metals, tin is found in the fewest places, and though Spain seems to have yielded some anciently,102 yet it can only have been in small quantities, while there was an enormous demand for tin in all parts of the old world, since bronze was the material almost universally employed for arms, tools, implements, and utensils of all kinds, while tin is the most important, though not the largest, element in bronze. From the time that the Phoenicians discovered the Scilly Islands--the "Tin Islands" (Cassiterides), as they called them --it is probable that the tin of the civilised world was almost wholly derived from this quarter. Eastern Asia, no doubt, had always its own mines, and may have exported tin to some extent, in the remoter times, supplying perhaps the needs of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon. But, after the rich stores of the metal which our own islands possess were laid open, and the Phoenicians with their extensive commercial dealings, both in the West and in the East, became interested in diffusing it, British tin probably drove all other out of use, and obtained the monopoly of the markets wherever Phoenician influence prevailed. Hence the trade with the Cassiterides was constant, and so highly prized that a Phoenician captain, finding his ship followed by a Roman vessel, preferred running it upon the rocks to letting a rival nation learn the secret of how the tin-producing coast might be approached in safety.103 With the tin it was usual for the merchants to combine a certain amount of lead and a certain quantity of skins or hides; while they gave in exchange pottery, salt, and articles in bronze, such as arms, implements, and utensils for cooking and for the table.104

If the Phoenicians visited, as some maintain that they did,105 the coasts of the Baltic, it must have been for the purpose of obtaining amber. Amber is thrown up largely by the waters of that land-locked sea, and at present especially abounds on the shore in the vicinity of Dantzic. It is very scarce elsewhere. The Phoenicians seem to have made use of amber in their necklaces from a very early date;106 and, though they might no doubt have obtained it by land-carriage across Europe to the head of the Adriatic, yet their enterprise and their commercial spirit were such as would not improbably have led them to seek to open a direct communication with the amber-producing region, so soon as they knew where it was situated. The dangers of the German Ocean are certainly not greater than those of the Atlantic; and if the Phoenicians had sufficient skill in navigation to reach Britain and the Fortunate Islands, they could have found no very serious difficulty in penetrating to the Baltic. On the other hand, there is no direct evidence of their having penetrated so far, and perhaps the Adriatic trade may have supplied them with as much amber as they needed.​
I saw a thing on a cable program (I forgot the name) where interesting sites are spotted by satellites and later researched. They found a site in Turkey close to the Syrian border with large carved stone monoliths. The problem is that the site was carbon dated to 9,000 BC before the wheel was invented and when humans were hunter gatherers allegedly unable to construct such a site. Either the carbon dating was wrong or everything archaeologists thought they knew about early humans is wrong.
I saw a thing on a cable program (I forgot the name) where interesting sites are spotted by satellites and later researched. They found a site in Turkey close to the Syrian border with large carved stone monoliths. The problem is that the site was carbon dated to 9,000 BC before the wheel was invented and when humans were hunter gatherers allegedly unable to construct such a site. Either the carbon dating was wrong or everything archaeologists thought they knew about early humans is wrong.
I suspect that much of our early knowledge and technology was lost in small iterations due to intergalacial flooding.

Wonder how much knowledge was lost with the Black Sea flood for example.
I saw a thing on a cable program (I forgot the name) where interesting sites are spotted by satellites and later researched. They found a site in Turkey close to the Syrian border with large carved stone monoliths. The problem is that the site was carbon dated to 9,000 BC before the wheel was invented and when humans were hunter gatherers allegedly unable to construct such a site. Either the carbon dating was wrong or everything archaeologists thought they knew about early humans is wrong.
Yep, and even Stonehenge is thought to be much older than what they had initially estimated?

The human advanced civilized world is much much older than what people have come to accept...imo.

Could be the flood or something else wiped most of us out, and we had to start over again with our knowledge???

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