How affirmative action hurts Asian Americans in college admissions


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
How Affirmative Action Hurts Asian-Americans in College Admissions

Michael Wang stared at the letter in dismay.

It marked the sixth Ivy League university he had been rejected by, out of the seven he had applied to. In addition to his perfect ACT score and grade-point average, he was ranked third nationally in piano, sang at President Barack Obama’s inauguration, and had received accolades in many debate competitions.


If you don't see this Country being destroyed by degenerates maybe you are part of the American problems. .
Affirmative action is needed to make up for the racial IQ inequality
Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
About 47% of them are stupid, why else did they vote for the enabler of a rapist who lost the presidential election that even the lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media was all in for?


lickspittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun)
  1. a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.
Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
Just the liberal ones
What about the conservative ones or are they kept barefoot and pregnant while chained to the kitchen?
They may be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and happy, than being miserable liberal hags who get abused and raped by liberals like Weinstein and Franken...
Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
About 47% of them are stupid, why else did they vote for the enabler of a rapist who lost the presidential election that even the lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media was all in for?


lickspittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun)
  1. a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.
So are you calling 47% of white women stupid?
Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
Just the liberal ones
What about the conservative ones or are they kept barefoot and pregnant while chained to the kitchen?
They may be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and happy, than being miserable liberal hags who get abused and raped by liberals like Weinstein and Franken...
Thanks. I already figured out you were a little guy that is intimidated by white women.
I hope this moves to the Supreme Court fast.

ANd that Harvard gets absolutely fucked for the actions.
Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
About 47% of them are stupid, why else did they vote for the enabler of a rapist who lost the presidential election that even the lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media was all in for?


lickspittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun)
  1. a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.
So are you calling 47% of white women stupid?
liberal women , yes are stupid and as stupid as you.

Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
Just the liberal ones
What about the conservative ones or are they kept barefoot and pregnant while chained to the kitchen?
They may be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and happy, than being miserable liberal hags who get abused and raped by liberals like Weinstein and Franken...
Thanks. I already figured out you were a little guy that is intimidated by white women.

Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
About 47% of them are stupid, why else did they vote for the enabler of a rapist who lost the presidential election that even the lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media was all in for?


lickspittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun)
  1. a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.
So are you calling 47% of white women stupid?
liberal women , yes are stupid and as stupid as you.

View attachment 164943
You hate your women. I get it. One must have hurt you badly.
Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
About 47% of them are stupid, why else did they vote for the enabler of a rapist who lost the presidential election that even the lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media was all in for?


lickspittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun)
  1. a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.
So are you calling 47% of white women stupid?

His words were clear. Stop asking stupid questions, if you can.

Do you have a point to make, other than demonstrating how stupid you are?
Affirmative Action hurts all intelligent people
Are you calling white women stupid?
About 47% of them are stupid, why else did they vote for the enabler of a rapist who lost the presidential election that even the lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media was all in for?


lickspittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun) · lick-spittle (noun) · lick-spittles (plural noun)
  1. a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.
So are you calling 47% of white women stupid?
liberal women , yes are stupid and as stupid as you.

View attachment 164943
You hate your women. I get it. One must have hurt you badly.
No I hate liberal women who must destroy respectable men by using the Rules for Radicals to stop them from being elected. Just because you are a homo and put your dick in a mans Uranus, was it because you couldn't get a female, even a liberal one?


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