How about a Bill that would allow illegals & their anchors to live & work in sanctuary states only & forbid their travel outside of sanctuary ‘zones’?

You might want to rethink the stereotypes for Alabamians.
The centuries old stereotype that purple haired lefties want hold on to? You might want to wrap your head around current reality.
I posted current data for Donald H to swallow…..dark people rape the living shit out of their own family members.
And live to your standards? Typical RWinger lifestyle.
I thought you always tell us we have to save 20% on our lettuce and housekeeping or we will all cease to exist? I thought you tell us we have to have peasants willing to do shit work for shit money?
The centuries old stereotype that purple haired lefties want hold on to? You might want to wrap your head around current reality.
I posted current data for Donald H to swallow…..dark people rape the living shit out of their own family members.

White people rape family members too. The incidents of children being molested by family members crosses racial and socio-economic lines.

I don't care what purple haired people want to hold on to. I just prefer reality to ignorance.
I live in south orange county…it’s all white, clean and productive. It stays that way because those like you can’t afford 1/4 of my property tax bill.

…..dark people rape the living shit out of their own family members.
It's very prevalent in the American south.

You sort of people continuously shoot off your own foot!

It makes my job of congratulating ya'all so much easier.
Politicians are you listening?
Wouldn’t something like that appease both parties?
California and states like it could basically become Mexico (like it is already) and core Americans who never wanted to live in Mexico among Mexico’s people could relocate to a state where Mexico’s people can not travel to or reside?
Impossible to enforce
It's very prevalent in the American south.

You sort of people continuously shoot off your own foot!

It makes my job of congratulating ya'all so much easier.
I’m agreeing with you…incestual rape is very prevalent within dark people culture. One more reason we need more of Mexico’s, central and south Americas people here.
Haha…I get it, unsuccessful miserable degenerates always want to believe that all are just as unsuccessful, miserable and degenerate. I’m good with that if it makes them feel better about their degeneracy…I’m a man of the people

This from the guy that named himself broke loser! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

But hey, if you want to compare resumes and life experiences I am game, just let me know!
Politicians are you listening?
Wouldn’t something like that appease both parties?
California and states like it could basically become Mexico (like it is already) and core Americans who never wanted to live in Mexico among Mexico’s people could relocate to a state where Mexico’s people can not travel to or reside?
Unfortunately the statist left is fixated on the "one world without borders" fantasy. Cultists, again unfortunately, are "driven" by BOTH peer pressure & also by agenda that comes from the top down. A key feature of a cult is the abolition of "critical thinking" regarding the rank & file core body of any cult. A lack of both knowledge & critical thinking blinds the individual cult member to common sense. Sociologists have researched this topic of one world without borders & have arrived @ the conclusion that human nature alone would not tolerate such a system as absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That's WHY humanity created sovereign nations, along with sovereign states within the sovereign nation so folks could chose the lifestyle, geological area & culture they desired to reside in. But, that was not enough for folks so counties, cities/towns & even neighborhoods were brought online. Then there are the folks into ranching/farming that exist far out from the population centers. Curtailing religion, ethnicity, individualism/identity & choice would most likely lead to a global war & end up with the extinction of biological life upon our former planet earth. There is of course is a LOT more info on this subject but time & space are limited here. Below is just one of thousands of links about cults that are available to anyone with a desk top computer & service provider.

Politicians are you listening?
Wouldn’t something like that appease both parties?
California and states like it could basically become Mexico (like it is already) and core Americans who never wanted to live in Mexico among Mexico’s people could relocate to a state where Mexico’s people can not travel to or reside?


Illegals don't belong here under any circumstances. This isn't about cities or political parties or any of that. This is about america as a whole, the entire nation.

No city or state deserves criminals, fags, dopeheads, crime or criminals or any of that because despite of a places side or politics or politicians the American people and America itself do not deserve what we have.

I'm a believer in when you have a problem you take care of it at the source. Anything else is just accepting the problem and finding work arounds for it.
Politicians are you listening?
Wouldn’t something like that appease both parties?
California and states like it could basically become Mexico (like it is already) and core Americans who never wanted to live in Mexico among Mexico’s people could relocate to a state where Mexico’s people can not travel to or reside?
Neat idea. Probably would be ruled unconstitutional. Equal protection and such, but then again, since when did out elected reps care about the constitution?

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