Housing Starts Soar

Yes housing starts are up, who wants spend all that time and money repairing a foreclosure? Just let those rot.
you are able to look at a past housing bubble as evidence that any positive news related to increase in housing construction is bad.

Dear, I didn't say it was bad I merely asked how you knew it was good rather than a sign of impending disaster like it was the last time. Try reading for comprehension. Thanks
Dear, I didn't say it was bad I merely asked how you knew it was good rather than a sign of impending disaster like it was the last time. Try reading for comprehension. Thanks
Sure you did you simpleton windup monkey. Your shallow pea brains only exists to talk in circles and get humiliated whenever you try to debate a topic.
Sure you did you simpleton windup monkey. Your shallow pea brains only exists to talk in circles and get humiliated whenever you try to debate a topic.

dear, you said you wanted to celebrate that housing was soaring even though the last time it soared it led to the Great Recession. When I asked why you wanted to celebrate, you were not able to answer, so instead got very angry in frustration at your liberal ignorance. What does that teach us?
dear, you said you wanted to celebrate that housing was soaring even though the last time it soared it led to the Great Recession. When I asked why you wanted to celebrate, you were not able to answer, so instead got very angry in frustration at your liberal ignorance. What does that teach us?

Dick, you aren't aware of who you are talking to.
dear, you said you wanted to celebrate that housing was soaring even though the last time it soared it led to the Great Recession.
Hah hah yup, since we had a recession we should only be happy when housing starts are down.

When I asked why you wanted to celebrate, you were not able to answer, so instead got very angry in frustration at your liberal ignorance. What does that teach us?
Nobody is angry, it is great enjoyment watching the village idiot stumble his way along trying to talk with the non-retards.
for 6th time, still trying to find out why you want to celebrate rather than worry about soaring housing starts. How will you learn if you are afraid to try?
for 6th time, still trying to find out why you want to celebrate rather than worry about soaring housing starts. How will you learn if you are afraid to try?
Why would I bother explaining anything to you, you'd just talk in circles and no matter how cornered you end up you'd just make the same disproven claims the next day in another thread.

You already admitted in that other thread you just blindly follow political lines to attack headlines, so it really isn't worth wasting time with the village idiot.
you just blindly follow political lines to attack headlines, .
I didn't say I blindly follow political lines. I would have said something like I intelligently follow conservative/libertarian political lines.

If you feel conservatism and libertarianism are not based in intelligence, and that liberalism is not pure ignorance please give us your best reason or admit you lack the IQ to do it. Thanks.

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