Housing is not a right

why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
You prefer them shitting on the sidewalk in L.A. because they're living on the street with no options. I'm pretty sure you were strongly in favor of that, weren't you?

So we gotta give them a place to live? Why don’t you go ahead and build a house and hand the keys over to some homeless person, you know lead by example.

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why do so many libs keep saying that it is?
You prefer them shitting on the sidewalk in L.A. because they're living on the street with no options. I'm pretty sure you were strongly in favor of that, weren't you?

Decent people don't shit on the sidewalk, whether they have a place to live or not. People who shit on the street aren't going to behave decently, whether you give them a house or not.

Do NOT try to BS us that people are shitting on the sidewalk only because the government hasn't shelled out for an apartment, and if it did, they'll straighten right up and be indistinguishable from your average bank manager.
So you're living in a tent on the sidewalk in L.A.; the local businesses have long since forbidden you homeless folks to walk in and use their bathrooms without making a purchase, but you don't have any money. Where you gonna go, Cecilie?

I really don't want to talk about this anymore; it's gross. But it's also true. Every single day that you have a flushing toilet and mattress to sleep on with a roof over your head, you should feel fortunate. Because everyone of those people living on the street? There but for the Grace of God goes I. Or you. And a LOT of them do indeed clean up just fine once they have a place to live and a hand up getting back to work.
Imagine doing a serious job search after living in a tent for a month.
Give it a little real thought.
Trump supporters always attacking the weakest people in our society all while the rich commit white collar crimes they don't care about that cost our country 1 million times more money than the poor people ever could.

Yeah that's it.

Shocking Planned Parenthood Annual Report Shows Abortions, Taxpayer Funding, and Profits Soar; Prenatal Services and Cancer Screenings Plummet | American Center for Law and Justice

Yep it is. You ignore it and focus on poor people as the problem. That's why you don't see it.

If I posted a thread showing how a millionaire cheated on their taxes to save their self millions of dollars but it was against the law, you Trump supporters would just say he shouldn't have to pay taxes in the first place.

If a poor person fudged their income by $25 a month in order to get healthcare you'd want them thrown under the jail.

The thing you clowns consistently get wrong is that we demand wrongdoers get punished regardless of economic status.

Be sure if you reply you are talking about laws, not things you think are wrong according to your emotional stability.

Liar? It ALWAYS happens. Please point to one thread where a Trump supporter has demand justice be served against a rich person who committed white collar crime... that isn't a Democrat.
We ALWAYS demand justice for real crimes committed, regardless of economic or social status.

The key here is a breading of a law. Not some outrage that triggers a progressive.


I can't stop laughing at this. The Conservative party USED to be and call themselves the party of law enforcement, BEFORE TRUMP. Not anymore.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Great, I have a pup-tent that's no longer being used, should I send it to you or will you be picking it up?

Thanks, but no thanks to the pup tent. However, it would be awfully kind of you to pay off the balance of my mortgage.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Great, I have a pup-tent that's no longer being used, should I send it to you or will you be picking it up?

Thanks, but no thanks to the pup tent. However, it would be awfully kind of you to pay off the balance of my mortgage.

Sure, you can sell the tent and use that to pay off your mortgage.
They want the government to pay for everything........lefties cant function without someone telling them what to do.....they're like perpetual children, that need a mommy and daddy to function.
This from a blind member of a group who cannot live without Donnie shitstain telling them what to think and do. Which would only be somewhat pathetic if Donnie shitstain didn’t get the entirety of being from Faux news
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Great, I have a pup-tent that's no longer being used, should I send it to you or will you be picking it up?

Thanks, but no thanks to the pup tent. However, it would be awfully kind of you to pay off the balance of my mortgage.

Sure, you can sell the tent and use that to pay off your mortgage.

Not unless the tent is weaved with solid gold and platnium threads!
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.

If that were true we would not have any federal deficit.

What you should have said is:

where SHOULD the government get its money?
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.

If that were true we would not have any federal deficit.

What you should have said is:

where SHOULD the government get its money?

Well, considering the government produces nothing, the taxpayer provides the money.
why do so many libs keep saying that it is?

It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.

If that were true we would not have any federal deficit.

What you should have said is:

where SHOULD the government get its money?

The Fed should protect us from foreign invaders, not take my money and give it to other Americans in exchange for votes.
It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Great, I have a pup-tent that's no longer being used, should I send it to you or will you be picking it up?

Thanks, but no thanks to the pup tent. However, it would be awfully kind of you to pay off the balance of my mortgage.

Sure, you can sell the tent and use that to pay off your mortgage.

Not unless the tent is weaved with solid gold and platnium threads!

No doubt you are one of those idiots that stand on the street corner with a sign saying "will work for food". And turn down anything that even resembles work.

You do realize that I'm on a PC right now, don't you?

No, I'm one of those idiots that posts online saying "Will Manage your entire Corporate Computer network for a very large salary and a nice benefits package".

Then I turn down lots of offers if there's anything that I don't like about the Company.

How about you? Price of soy beans got 'cha down?
It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.

If that were true we would not have any federal deficit.

What you should have said is:

where SHOULD the government get its money?

Well, considering the government produces nothing, the taxpayer provides the money.

The government provides the economic environment.
Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.

If that were true we would not have any federal deficit.

What you should have said is:

where SHOULD the government get its money?

Well, considering the government produces nothing, the taxpayer provides the money.

The government provides the economic environment.

Please elaborate.
It generally believed that people need food, water and shelter to survive. Since the Right to Life is listed in the declaration of independence as an inalienable right, anyone who believes in inalienable rights would agree that housing is inherently a right.

Okay, in the same sense that you have a right to life (aka you cannot be deprived of it by the government without due process of law), sure. In the sense that someone else must provide it for you? No.

I don't expect the anyone else to provide it for you other than the government. But we've had federal housing projects for many years now, so this is a rather moot discussion.

Really? And from where does the government get its money? Oh, yeah, somebody else.

If that were true we would not have any federal deficit.

What you should have said is:

where SHOULD the government get its money?

The Fed should protect us from foreign invaders, not take my money and give it to other Americans in exchange for votes.

" establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare,"

You don't get to pick just one.
Great, I have a pup-tent that's no longer being used, should I send it to you or will you be picking it up?

Thanks, but no thanks to the pup tent. However, it would be awfully kind of you to pay off the balance of my mortgage.

Sure, you can sell the tent and use that to pay off your mortgage.

Not unless the tent is weaved with solid gold and platnium threads!

No doubt you are one of those idiots that stand on the street corner with a sign saying "will work for food". And turn down anything that even resembles work.

You do realize that I'm on a PC right now, don't you?

No, I'm one of those idiots that posts online saying "Will Manage your entire Corporate Computer network for a very large salary and a nice benefits package".

Then I turn down lots of offers if there's anything that I don't like about the Company.

How about you? Price of soy beans got 'cha down?

Good for you, although if you're posting that online, my guess is no one is reading.
The government must provide housing and child care for the poor!
And the poor must use it!

Aren’t you living off of Social Security and Medicare?

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