House GOP Set To Repeal Incandescent Bulb Ban...

Vote to repeal ban on incandescent bulbs

  • YES kill the ban- gimme my oldie bulbs!!

    Votes: 24 88.9%
  • NO- CFLs!! today tomorrow forever ( starting in 2012)

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Get back to me when commercial and agriculture have been required to stop using phosphates.

btw, CFLs overall reduce the amount of mercury that is spewed into the environment so your argument doesn't fly.

Compact Fluorescent Bulbs and Mercury: Reality Check - Popular Mechanics

Tell it to these guys.

In the past decade, hundreds of Chinese factory workers who manufacture CFLs for export to first world countries were being poisoned and hospitalized because of mercury exposure. Examples include workers at the Nanhai Feiyang lighting factory in Foshan, where 68 out of 72 were so badly poisoned that they required hospitalization. At another CFL factory in Jinzhou, 121 out of 123 employees were found to have excessive mercury levels, with one employee's mercury level 150 times the accepted standard.[63]

Compact fluorescent lamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Less mercury in the making more mercury in the bulb. Let me know when I can break a cfl in my house and not enact a haz-mat type operation to clean it up.
The haz-mat thing is also a myth. Check snopes.

I am all for not buying things from China because they treat there employees like shit. But as far as I know, no real Republican would care about what goes on in China.

Get rid of the ban and let the markets decide. If people want CFLs, they can buy them; and ditto for incandescents.

Once a better technology comes out it will replace standard incandescents. Trying to force technological change via legislation should be a last resort, not some feel good crap you use to play to a part of your base.
Except....since this ban was voted in in 2007, manufacturers have already come out with incandescents that meet the energy efficiency guidelines.

This is nothing but pandering to idiots, the repeal of a law the Repukes already overwhelmingly supported.
The new law doesn't mandate CFLs, it just requires more efficient bulbs.

Researchers across the country have been racing to breathe new life into Thomas Edison’s light bulb, a pursuit that accelerated with the new legislation. Amid that footrace, one company is already marketing limited quantities of incandescent bulbs that meet the 2012 standard, and researchers are promising a wave of innovative products in the next few years. Energy efficient LED lighting is also available up to 75watts

Indeed, the incandescent bulb is turning into a case study of the way government mandates can spur innovation.

In a few years, consumers will have more choice not less. Not only will the public have different types of bulbs to choose from but there will be new stylish fixtures that will take advantage of low heat emissions from the new bulbs.

This law is win for consumers, the environment, and American's need to reduce energy consumption.
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btw, CFLs overall reduce the amount of mercury that is spewed into the environment so your argument doesn't fly.

Compact Fluorescent Bulbs and Mercury: Reality Check - Popular Mechanics

Tell it to these guys.

In the past decade, hundreds of Chinese factory workers who manufacture CFLs for export to first world countries were being poisoned and hospitalized because of mercury exposure. Examples include workers at the Nanhai Feiyang lighting factory in Foshan, where 68 out of 72 were so badly poisoned that they required hospitalization. At another CFL factory in Jinzhou, 121 out of 123 employees were found to have excessive mercury levels, with one employee's mercury level 150 times the accepted standard.[63]

Compact fluorescent lamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Less mercury in the making more mercury in the bulb. Let me know when I can break a cfl in my house and not enact a haz-mat type operation to clean it up.
The haz-mat thing is also a myth. Check snopes.

I am all for not buying things from China because they treat there employees like shit. But as far as I know, no real Republican would care about what goes on in China.


Tell it the government, they're the ones who put out the guidelines for cleaning up a broken cfl. Cleaning Up a Broken Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb (CFL) | Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) | US EPA

Ya, cfls are just what I want to have break on my kitchen floor.

Mercury vapor released from broken compact fluorescent light bulbs can exceed safe exposure levels

Environmental Engineering Science is an authoritative interdisciplinary journal publishing state-of-the-art studies of innovative solutions to problems in air, water, and land contamination and waste disposal. For more information, please visit Environmental Engineering Science. Credit: © 2011, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers

New Rochelle, NY, July, 6, 2011—Once broken, a compact fluorescent light bulb continuously releases mercury vapor into the air for weeks to months, and the total amount can exceed safe human exposure levels in a poorly ventilated room, according to study results reported in Environmental Engineering Science, a peer-reviewed online only journal published monthly by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.). The article is available free online at Environmental Engineering Science

Gee, ya think? Proof of what many have said for years | Watts Up With That?

All of our cfls are made in China. Only an idiot wouldn't care about how they're made.

Thanks government for more lost jobs. China loves you though! :thup: Must be good to be Jeffery Immelt.

Employees of GE Consumer & Industrial's Kentucky Glass Plant on Loudon Avenue in Lexington got word Thursday that the parent company intends to close the plant by the end of July 2010.

The proposed action would affect 125 employees.

The plant makes glass bulbs called "envelopes" for incandescent light bulbs. It has been operating since 1946.

Officials of the company said that legislation calling for higher energy-efficient light bulbs in the United States and throughout the world is making standard incandescent light bulbs obsolete. The costs of manufacturing incandescent bulbs also is increasing.

In recent years, the Lexington plant has seen declines in volume of up to 20 percent a year because of changes in energy standards and the economic recession, they said.

"Over time, our volume continues to drop and drop and drop to where we're running at about 50 percent capacity," GE spokeswoman Julie Wood said of the Loudon Avenue plant.

Some of the employees of the Loudon facility have worked there for more than 30 years. In 2001, thought to be a peak employment year at the plant, there were 171 employees, she said.

Read more: GE announces intent to close plant in Lexington; 125 employees affected | Latest Local, State News |

Now you're crying about GE and their crappy business decisions. :lol:

If you don't want to buy CFLs, then don't.

It really is that simple.

Now you're crying about GE and their crappy business decisions. :lol:

If you don't want to buy CFLs, then don't.

It really is that simple.

Swing and miss . . . but you knew that.

General Electric to sink $2billion into China development as production moves from the U.S.

Read more: General Electric to sink $2bn into China development as production moves from US | Mail Online

Where are you going to buy all your cfl's, Ravi? They're all made in China now. :idea: :lol:

Now you're crying about GE and their crappy business decisions. :lol:

If you don't want to buy CFLs, then don't.

It really is that simple.

Swing and miss . . . but you knew that.

General Electric to sink $2billion into China development as production moves from the U.S.

Read more: General Electric to sink $2bn into China development as production moves from US | Mail Online

Where are you going to buy all your cfl's, Ravi? They're all made in China now. :idea: :lol:

I don't use them, and you don't need to use them either.

So GE is whining over the lose of 125 jobs while sinking millions in China.

Doesn't surprise me.
Again, energy efficient incandescents are already on the market. Why must I keep repeating that point. You do not have to use CFLs. The mercury content is no different than the already existing for years and years tube light flourescents.


And yet government still feels the need to butt in.

'the mercury content is no different'. And what happens in 20 or 30 years when all these bulbs -- dont' forget, tons of folks are gobbling up the cfls for in-home use -- end up in landfills? Oh that's right, that's years away ... we won't concern ourselves with those consequences of our present energy efficiency goals!

I thought the left loved mother earth.
Please. You don't care about phosphates leaching into the water so why should I believe you are concerned about mercury?


the wash. st. phosphate scare was bogus too...but anyway...proctor and gamble was stampeded into changed their formula and were left with literally a 600% increase in complaints due to dirty dishes from use of their dish washer detergent because, they had removed the phosphates...
And yet government still feels the need to butt in.

'the mercury content is no different'. And what happens in 20 or 30 years when all these bulbs -- dont' forget, tons of folks are gobbling up the cfls for in-home use -- end up in landfills? Oh that's right, that's years away ... we won't concern ourselves with those consequences of our present energy efficiency goals!

I thought the left loved mother earth.
Please. You don't care about phosphates leaching into the water so why should I believe you are concerned about mercury?


the wash. st. phosphate scare was bogus too...but anyway...proctor and gamble was stampeded into changed their formula and were left with literally a 600% increase in complaints due to dirty dishes from use of their dish washer detergent because, they had removed the phosphates...

We already solved this dilemma on another thread, thanks to Zoomie.

Now you're crying about GE and their crappy business decisions. :lol:

If you don't want to buy CFLs, then don't.

It really is that simple.

Swing and miss . . . but you knew that.

General Electric to sink $2billion into China development as production moves from the U.S.

Read more: General Electric to sink $2bn into China development as production moves from US | Mail Online

Where are you going to buy all your cfl's, Ravi? They're all made in China now. :idea: :lol:

I don't use them, and you don't need to use them either.

So GE is whining over the lose of 125 jobs while sinking millions in China.

Doesn't surprise me.

In a few years when all the 'inefficient' cheap incandescents are no longer available to buy and the only choices are expensive cfl's or more expensive led's, energy efficient incandescents or halogens . . . yes, I will have to buy the cfls. Why? Because my choice was taken away by the government who forced out the 'old' even though the 'new' wasn't ready for folks (price-wise). The government may think I have unlimited revenues . . . they are wrong.

GE doesn't give a shit about the 125 jobs lost here, they've got their eye on the bigger picture. $$$

Not only don't I want to have to purchase cfls, I particularly don't want to have to purchase cfl's made in China.
And yet government still feels the need to butt in.

'the mercury content is no different'. And what happens in 20 or 30 years when all these bulbs -- dont' forget, tons of folks are gobbling up the cfls for in-home use -- end up in landfills? Oh that's right, that's years away ... we won't concern ourselves with those consequences of our present energy efficiency goals!

I thought the left loved mother earth.
Please. You don't care about phosphates leaching into the water so why should I believe you are concerned about mercury?


the wash. st. phosphate scare was bogus too...but anyway...proctor and gamble was stampeded into changed their formula and were left with literally a 600% increase in complaints due to dirty dishes from use of their dish washer detergent because, they had removed the phosphates...

What do mean 'phosphate scare was bogus too'?
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Once a better technology comes out it will replace standard incandescents. Trying to force technological change via legislation should be a last resort, not some feel good crap you use to play to a part of your base.
Except....since this ban was voted in in 2007, manufacturers have already come out with incandescents that meet the energy efficiency guidelines.

This is nothing but pandering to idiots, the repeal of a law the Repukes already overwhelmingly supported.
The new law doesn't mandate CFLs, it just requires more efficient bulbs.

Researchers across the country have been racing to breathe new life into Thomas Edison’s light bulb, a pursuit that accelerated with the new legislation. Amid that footrace, one company is already marketing limited quantities of incandescent bulbs that meet the 2012 standard, and researchers are promising a wave of innovative products in the next few years. Energy efficient LED lighting is also available up to 75watts

Indeed, the incandescent bulb is turning into a case study of the way government mandates can spur innovation.

In a few years, consumers will have more choice not less. Not only will the public have different types of bulbs to choose from but there will be new stylish fixtures that will take advantage of low heat emissions from the new bulbs.

This law is win for consumers, the environment, and American's need to reduce energy consumption.

Incandescent Bulbs Return to the Cutting Edge -
Still none of your fucking business, comrade.
at work, we have a huge staircase, 6 floors open skeletal structure , there are lights every oh, 25 feet all the way up on the bottom of the stairwells...they are the huge cfl type, 150 watt full spectrum jobs....30 bucks a pop.

there are approx. 35 of them according to the bdlg fac. guy. he replaces them every 6 months. Thats a no shitter, he doesn't know why, they never get turned off, so there are no on off discharge aspects, hes tries a few different vendors.....

I work at a "green rated bdlg" all the stars etc etc. built just 5 years ago.

Guess what? He has approval to go to incandescent.

Oh and the 'piss cylinder' non flush toilets were torn out and replaced last year, at a cost of, get ready................... 600K.


You don't say how much the light bill currently is with all those expensive bulbs. A cost saving overall, down the line, is usually the motivation behind a changeover like that.

I work in Berkeley, you'll just have to trust me when I tell you there was quite the throw down when we calculated it was hugely inefficient to use the no flush toilets and an even bigger one when the scientists that had the Green rating of our bldg. at heart and not some small ideological platform had to admit that the others, the few scientists who got pulled into this and had the balls to help the case, that it was a trade off that left no doubt all things considered.

Nothing were I work happens in a day or without 10-15 meetings and a HUGE amount of indisputable data that would turn over a green initiative...but there it is.......;)
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at work, we have a huge staircase, 6 floors open skeletal structure , there are lights every oh, 25 feet all the way up on the bottom of the stairwells...they are the huge cfl type, 150 watt full spectrum jobs....30 bucks a pop.

there are approx. 35 of them according to the bdlg fac. guy. he replaces them every 6 months. Thats a no shitter, he doesn't know why, they never get turned off, so there are no on off discharge aspects, hes tries a few different vendors.....

I work at a "green rated bdlg" all the stars etc etc. built just 5 years ago.

Guess what? He has approval to go to incandescent.

Oh and the 'piss cylinder' non flush toilets were torn out and replaced last year, at a cost of, get ready................... 600K.


You don't say how much the light bill currently is with all those expensive bulbs. A cost saving overall, down the line, is usually the motivation behind a changeover like that.

I work in Berkeley, you'll just have to trust me when I tell you there was quite the throw down when we calculated it was hugely inefficient to use the no flush toilets and an even bigger one when the scientists that had the Green rating of our bldg. at heart and not some small ideological platform had to admit that the others, the few scientists who got pulled into this and had the balls to help the case, that it was a trade off that left no doubt all things considered.

Nothing were I work happens in a day or without 10-15 meetings and a HUGE amount of indisputable data that would turn over a green initiative...but there it is.......;)

Big companies are as bad as big government. Gotta have a "committee" decision before they can decide where to have lunch. Been there, too. The firm I worked for many years got so big and had so many committees, the partners decided enough was enough, so they established a Committee on Committees. True story.
Except....since this ban was voted in in 2007, manufacturers have already come out with incandescents that meet the energy efficiency guidelines.

This is nothing but pandering to idiots, the repeal of a law the Repukes already overwhelmingly supported.
The new law doesn't mandate CFLs, it just requires more efficient bulbs.

Researchers across the country have been racing to breathe new life into Thomas Edison’s light bulb, a pursuit that accelerated with the new legislation. Amid that footrace, one company is already marketing limited quantities of incandescent bulbs that meet the 2012 standard, and researchers are promising a wave of innovative products in the next few years. Energy efficient LED lighting is also available up to 75watts

Indeed, the incandescent bulb is turning into a case study of the way government mandates can spur innovation.

In a few years, consumers will have more choice not less. Not only will the public have different types of bulbs to choose from but there will be new stylish fixtures that will take advantage of low heat emissions from the new bulbs.

This law is win for consumers, the environment, and American's need to reduce energy consumption.

Incandescent Bulbs Return to the Cutting Edge -
Still none of your fucking business, comrade.
Apparently the Republican House was in such haste to repeal the law they didn't bother to read it. This law doesn't take away your freedom. You can buy any kind of light bulbs you want. You can buy the new high efficiency incandescent bulbs, CFLs, Leds, or any other high efficiency bulb. If you really want the old bulbs, buy as many of them as you want and stock them up. The restriction is on the manufacture. This is not any different than the requirement that Detroit produce more fuel efficient cars. This law just requires the bulb manufacture to make more efficient bulbs.

I call remember the outcry when laws were passed that made it illegal to dump trash and garbage on the highways, requirements for pollution control devices on motor vehicles, seat belt requirements, and air bags. Today, there are few that would argue that laws such as these have not made America a better place to live.
Swing and miss . . . but you knew that.

Read more: General Electric to sink $2bn into China development as production moves from US | Mail Online

Where are you going to buy all your cfl's, Ravi? They're all made in China now. :idea: :lol:

I don't use them, and you don't need to use them either.

So GE is whining over the lose of 125 jobs while sinking millions in China.

Doesn't surprise me.

In a few years when all the 'inefficient' cheap incandescents are no longer available to buy and the only choices are expensive cfl's or more expensive led's, energy efficient incandescents or halogens . . . yes, I will have to buy the cfls. Why? Because my choice was taken away by the government who forced out the 'old' even though the 'new' wasn't ready for folks (price-wise). The government may think I have unlimited revenues . . . they are wrong.

GE doesn't give a shit about the 125 jobs lost here, they've got their eye on the bigger picture. $$$

Not only don't I want to have to purchase cfls, I particularly don't want to have to purchase cfl's made in China.
sigh...there are no longer inefficient ones, Zoomie. I am not sure why you continue to argue with me since we are on the same page.
Except....since this ban was voted in in 2007, manufacturers have already come out with incandescents that meet the energy efficiency guidelines.

This is nothing but pandering to idiots, the repeal of a law the Repukes already overwhelmingly supported.
The new law doesn't mandate CFLs, it just requires more efficient bulbs.

Researchers across the country have been racing to breathe new life into Thomas Edison’s light bulb, a pursuit that accelerated with the new legislation. Amid that footrace, one company is already marketing limited quantities of incandescent bulbs that meet the 2012 standard, and researchers are promising a wave of innovative products in the next few years. Energy efficient LED lighting is also available up to 75watts

Indeed, the incandescent bulb is turning into a case study of the way government mandates can spur innovation.

In a few years, consumers will have more choice not less. Not only will the public have different types of bulbs to choose from but there will be new stylish fixtures that will take advantage of low heat emissions from the new bulbs.

This law is win for consumers, the environment, and American's need to reduce energy consumption.

Incandescent Bulbs Return to the Cutting Edge -
Still none of your fucking business, comrade.
:lol: Sez Mr. Big Government wanting to protect business pollution.

Seriously, you are a caricature of a rightwingloon.
Let's see...the "ban" went into effect before the financial meltdown. So, what "problems" were we facing at that time that needed to be addressed and wasn't?

The current House isn't doing anything else...

we were not having problems in 2007?.....

You tell me. What problems were we having in 2007 when the original regulations went into effect that the Senate or the House weren't working on?

this whole light bulb thing is Moot a few years the Curly Q will be a footnote in history as well as the Incandescent.....
Please. You don't care about phosphates leaching into the water so why should I believe you are concerned about mercury?


the wash. st. phosphate scare was bogus too...but anyway...proctor and gamble was stampeded into changed their formula and were left with literally a 600% increase in complaints due to dirty dishes from use of their dish washer detergent because, they had removed the phosphates...

What do mean 'phosphate scare was bogus too'?

the supposed Phopshate 'run off' into waterways in Wash st. that was 'killing' algae was not nearly destructive as they said it was and was even shown to be only a small part of the issue when all of the studies came in.....
the wash. st. phosphate scare was bogus too...but anyway...proctor and gamble was stampeded into changed their formula and were left with literally a 600% increase in complaints due to dirty dishes from use of their dish washer detergent because, they had removed the phosphates...

What do mean 'phosphate scare was bogus too'?

the supposed Phopshate 'run off' into waterways in Wash st. that was 'killing' algae was not nearly destructive as they said it was and was even shown to be only a small part of the issue when all of the studies came in.....

So the companies taking phosphates out of dishwashing detergent did so needlessly? Since they did it voluntarily, and in light of this study, will they put it back in?

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