House Democrats Are Already Delivering On Status Quo Joe’s Promise, 'Nothing Would Fundamentally Change'


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
House Democrats Are Already Delivering On Status Quo Joe’s Promise, 'Nothing Would Fundamentally Change'

When Status Quo Joe promised major political contributors, “Nothing would fundamentally change,” he assured them the long-serving Democrats would continue helping the GOP serve the political and financial interests of the billionaire class and Big business, and, ignore the needs of average Americans and small businesses.

This legislation proposed by the House majority should prove to Democratic voters that most long-serving Democratic politicians are as crooked and corrupt as Republican politicians: “House Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a sprawling 1,815-page, $3 trillion coronavirus relief package that spurns many of the key demands of progressive activists and lawmakers while including proposals that immediately provoked backlash, such as a tax cut for the wealthy and a provision that would allow corporate lobbying organizations to take part in federal small business loan program.”

It's well known that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other three members of “The Squad” put their constituents’ interests above those of the 0.1% and Big Business. Due to their rebellion against unwritten rule obeyed by nearly all members of congress, the DNC and the Democratic congressional establishment are equally as eager to see these four young women ousted from congress as the congressional Republicans, the RNC, the impeached president trump, corporate lobbyists, conservative voters, and the fools who believe Status Quo Joe will reverse the damage to the 99.9% perpetrated by the GOP, and the Democrats over the past four decades.

Keep in mind, Status Quo Joe also promised major political contributors, “No one’s standard of living will change,” if he is elected in November. So, the only difference between the two crooks running for POTUS in 2020, Status Quo Joe presents himself publicly as a civilized individual, unlike the impeached president trump, who is a boorish, bullying slob. So, regardless of which candidate wins in November, 99.9% of the American population loses, as usual.

'No Excuse for This': House Dems Unveil 1,815-Page Bill That Would Bail Out Corporate Lobbyists But Omits Key People-First Priorities&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&utm_medium=Email

House Democrats Are Already Delivering On Status Quo Joe’s Promise, 'Nothing Would Fundamentally Change'

When Status Quo Joe promised major political contributors, “Nothing would fundamentally change,” he assured them the long-serving Democrats would continue helping the GOP serve the political and financial interests of the billionaire class and Big business, and, ignore the needs of average Americans and small businesses.

This legislation proposed by the House majority should prove to Democratic voters that most long-serving Democratic politicians are as crooked and corrupt as Republican politicians: “House Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a sprawling 1,815-page, $3 trillion coronavirus relief package that spurns many of the key demands of progressive activists and lawmakers while including proposals that immediately provoked backlash, such as a tax cut for the wealthy and a provision that would allow corporate lobbying organizations to take part in federal small business loan program.”

It's well known that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other three members of “The Squad” put their constituents’ interests above those of the 0.1% and Big Business. Due to their rebellion against unwritten rule obeyed by nearly all members of congress, the DNC and the Democratic congressional establishment are equally as eager to see these four young women ousted from congress as the congressional Republicans, the RNC, the impeached president trump, corporate lobbyists, conservative voters, and the fools who believe Status Quo Joe will reverse the damage to the 99.9% perpetrated by the GOP, and the Democrats over the past four decades.

Keep in mind, Status Quo Joe also promised major political contributors, “No one’s standard of living will change,” if he is elected in November. So, the only difference between the two crooks running for POTUS in 2020, Status Quo Joe presents himself publicly as a civilized individual, unlike the impeached president trump, who is a boorish, bullying slob. So, regardless of which candidate wins in November, 99.9% of the American population loses, as usual.

'No Excuse for This': House Dems Unveil 1,815-Page Bill That Would Bail Out Corporate Lobbyists But Omits Key People-First Priorities&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&utm_medium=Email


I was really hoping one of the Democrats running would have at least pretended that, if elected, they would work with Congress to take back some power that has been ceded (sp?) to the Excecutive branch over the last few Presidents. Such as adding some tighter restricts to the WPA, and less ambiguity about the governing practice such as adding rules to the Senate that they will have hearings within a set time limit of a presidential nomination to the courts, etc...

For whatever reason; they won't.
Democrats really don't know what to promise because they have no idea what they believe in. Their plan is to just get the power and figure it out as they go. They'll do whatever they're told by China, globalists and the super rich. They're terminally power drunk.

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