Hours after Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was sworn into Congress, she pledged to impeach the President


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed

Wasn't this the psyco who was fucking her brother while married to someone else?

Democrats lol
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed

Wasn't this the psyco who was fucking her brother while married to someone else?

Democrats lol

No, and that was a lie told about Ilan Omar that the gullible rubes still believe. Because they’ll believe anything told to them by the wingnut media.
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed

Wasn't this the psyco who was fucking her brother while married to someone else?

Democrats lol

No that was the other member of the squad
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed

Wasn't this the psyco who was fucking her brother while married to someone else?

Democrats lol

That would be the OTHER Muslim. The one who infamously remarked about 9-11, "Something happened".
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed

Wasn't this the psyco who was fucking her brother while married to someone else?

Democrats lol

No, and that was a lie told about Ilan Omar that the gullible rubes still believe. Because they’ll believe anything told to them by the wingnut media.

Ahhh, I got my MuSLIME traitors mixed up.

My bad
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed

Well, guess what? It's on.

Sure it was on as soon as he won
But how are you going to take it when he's still President in 2021?
That's all this impeachment is about calling for impeachment even before any crimes were investigated. It's partisanship at it worse
So leftist don't whine when the President is not removed

I wanted him impeached in January 2017 after he invited Russians into the Oval Office with no security present, no reporters present, so that he could reveal classified Israeli intelligence to them. While they were in there they could have planted any devices they wanted. He was probably fine with that, since he’s an active Russian asset.

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