Honest question for the 911 conspiracy buffs.

I appreciate that. If it was the truth I was looking for, then I would take your advice. My puropse was to delve into the conspiracy with people who were familiar with it. Conspiracy theories fascinate me, even if I don't believe them.

He just proved it in his OWN words right here in black in white,this dude has NO INTEREST in the truth on what happened on 9/11 even ADMITTING it here.In other words conspiracy theories like the governments that 19 muslims highjacked the planes and jet fuel fires caused the collapse of the towers is the only thing he wants to know about.:cuckoo:

not worth the bother anymore.

dumbest comment on any message board, ever.

nice convient dodge there evading the facts evading the imporant fact about those buildings and building 7.:lol:
I appreciate that. If it was the truth I was looking for, then I would take your advice. My puropse was to delve into the conspiracy with people who were familiar with it. Conspiracy theories fascinate me, even if I don't believe them.

He just proved it in his OWN words right here in black in white,this dude has NO INTEREST in the truth on what happened on 9/11 even ADMITTING it here.In other words conspiracy theories like the governments that 19 muslims highjacked the planes and jet fuel fires caused the collapse of the towers is the only thing he wants to know about.:cuckoo:

not worth the bother anymore.

Yep. The truth will not be found on this topic. So it's all a waste of time. the theories, the whole lot of it. Maybe in 50 years or so the truth will get released. I'm not gonna hold my breath. Especially since the investigation was botched and the whole thing swept away into a mountain of theories and after thoughts. Those that question are crazy is the common concensus. It's a lost cause to fight for.

Oh Yeah thats what I been saying the last few years myself.the people lost control over the government DECADES ago back in the early 1900's.Until the american people take back their country where the government serves US,instead of the way it is now where we serve them,its a lost cause to fight for.Its been over 10 years now.Its just going to turn into another kennedy assassination thing where the real killers get away with it and the lie continues to be crammed down our throuts by the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system.

Thats why I try to advise people who argue with shills about 9/11 that its not worth it.9/11 is the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.Its all just a smoke screen to keep truthers occupied while they plot other things against them.I was guilty of that myself arguing about it for years till a couple years ago.I usually try to stay away from these 9/11 discussions but this was one i could not resist.Nothing will ever change until the people take their country back.
I appreciate that. If it was the truth I was looking for, then I would take your advice. My puropse was to delve into the conspiracy with people who were familiar with it. Conspiracy theories fascinate me, even if I don't believe them.

He just proved it in his OWN words right here in black in white,this dude has NO INTEREST in the truth on what happened on 9/11 even ADMITTING it here.In other words conspiracy theories like the governments that 19 muslims highjacked the planes and jet fuel fires caused the collapse of the towers is the only thing he wants to know about.:cuckoo:

not worth the bother anymore.

Yep. The truth will not be found on this topic. So it's all a waste of time. the theories, the whole lot of it. Maybe in 50 years or so the truth will get released. I'm not gonna hold my breath. Especially since the investigation was botched and the whole thing swept away into a mountain of theories and after thoughts. Those that question are crazy is the common concensus. It's a lost cause to fight for.

You make some spot-on points. You're a "Bat-Shit crazy America-hating puppy-strangling Nazi", if you dare question the Government's story on 9/11. Check out my earlier 'Everything you ever wanted to know about the 911 Conspiracy in under 5 minutes' post. It's pretty interesting.
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i don't need to watch it. I've spent ten plus years on the subject and it's futile. I'm familiar with what is in there Im sure. I dont even bother on the theories when there are tons of scientific anomalies to run people over with. It's all just useless in the end.
i don't need to watch it. I've spent ten plus years on the subject and it's futile. I'm familiar with what is in there Im sure. I dont even bother on the theories when there are tons of scientific anomalies to run people over with. I'm just useless in the end.
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i don't need to watch it. I've spent ten plus years on the subject and it's futile. I'm familiar with what is in there Im sure. I dont even bother on the theories when there are tons of scientific anomalies to run people over with. I'm just useless in the end.

:really, really slow and condescending clap:

And yet when I did debate this subject here, with you as a participant. I ran you the fuck over too. because there are a lot of things that can not be explained. Whether you want to fall back on your cognitive dissonance or not. I even offered one of many up here and it went unmatched.

So, laugh it up. The jokes on you. :lol:
9/11 truthers are insane, by definition. You should all be evaluated, sedated, and forcibly sterilized so you cannot further pollute the gene pool.

There is that old ad hominem thing. Or you could address the parking lot full of spontaneously combusted vehicles across West St. as the other post asked.

It's ok. I know you can not address this because you probably didn't even fucking know about it. Makes no difference now. Had you had your head out of your ass 11 years ago, along with the rest of the complacent simpletons, things might have been different.

i don't need to watch it. I've spent ten plus years on the subject and it's futile. I'm familiar with what is in there Im sure. I dont even bother on the theories when there are tons of scientific anomalies to run people over with. I'm just useless in the end.

:really, really slow and condescending clap:

And yet when I did debate this subject here, with you as a participant. I ran you the fuck over too. because there are a lot of things that can not be explained. Whether you want to fall back on your cognitive dissonance or not. I even offered one of many up here and it went unmatched.

So, laugh it up. The jokes on you. :lol:
Before you sprain your arm patting yourself on the back show us where you "ran the fuck over me".
You might do that if you could make up your (mind) whether 9/11 was intentional or not. You twofers are all over the board. If Rimjob was on my "side" I would change in a heartbeat. He's a fucking idiot.:lol::lol:

:really, really slow and condescending clap:

And yet when I did debate this subject here, with you as a participant. I ran you the fuck over too. because there are a lot of things that can not be explained. Whether you want to fall back on your cognitive dissonance or not. I even offered one of many up here and it went unmatched.

So, laugh it up. The jokes on you. :lol:
Before you sprain your arm patting yourself on the back show us where you "ran the fuck over me".
You might do that if you could make up your (mind) whether 9/11 was intentional or not. You twofers are all over the board. If Rimjob was on my "side" I would change in a heartbeat. He's a fucking idiot.:lol::lol:

You're... DUMB
:really, really slow and condescending clap:

And yet when I did debate this subject here, with you as a participant. I ran you the fuck over too. because there are a lot of things that can not be explained. Whether you want to fall back on your cognitive dissonance or not. I even offered one of many up here and it went unmatched.

So, laugh it up. The jokes on you. :lol:
Before you sprain your arm patting yourself on the back show us where you "ran the fuck over me".
You might do that if you could make up your (mind) whether 9/11 was intentional or not. You twofers are all over the board. If Rimjob was on my "side" I would change in a heartbeat. He's a fucking idiot.:lol::lol:

You're... DUMB
I stand corrected. After looking at your avatar I would say you're well versed in what "dumb" is.:lol::lol:
9/11 truthers are insane, by definition. You should all be evaluated, sedated, and forcibly sterilized so you cannot further pollute the gene pool.

Anyone that would make such statements is clearly the person that has lost touch with reality and is suffering mentally

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OEkDZTldt8]Patriots Question 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

thats the logic and mindset of the blind loyal Bush dupes.Somehow they find all these credible entiguished people who dont accept the fairy tales of the government such as top brass militray people,expert pilots from aroud the world,architects,engineers and scientists,former high ranking government officials, or firefighters experienced in the ounds of exploives that were on the scene there.somehow this loyal Bush dupe finds THEM to be suffering mentally but out corporate controlled media and corrupt government instituitions credible.priceless.I love it.:lol::lol: :lol: they kill me everytime with that logic.:lol:
:really, really slow and condescending clap:

And yet when I did debate this subject here, with you as a participant. I ran you the fuck over too. because there are a lot of things that can not be explained. Whether you want to fall back on your cognitive dissonance or not. I even offered one of many up here and it went unmatched.

So, laugh it up. The jokes on you. :lol:
Before you sprain your arm patting yourself on the back show us where you "ran the fuck over me".
You might do that if you could make up your (mind) whether 9/11 was intentional or not. You twofers are all over the board. If Rimjob was on my "side" I would change in a heartbeat. He's a fucking idiot.:lol::lol:

You're... DUMB

agent candycunt troll just cant get over his obsession he has with me.The kid just cant over some grudge argument that we engaged in about 9/11 from ANOTHER site several months ago so he brings his childish grudge from there over to hear.see me and candycunts sock puppet Obamamerica go way back from that other message board which again is why he has this irrational obsession over me.
i don't need to watch it. I've spent ten plus years on the subject and it's futile. I'm familiar with what is in there Im sure. I dont even bother on the theories when there are tons of scientific anomalies to run people over with. I'm just useless in the end.

:really, really slow and condescending clap:

And yet when I did debate this subject here, with you as a participant. I ran you the fuck over too. because there are a lot of things that can not be explained. Whether you want to fall back on your cognitive dissonance or not. I even offered one of many up here and it went unmatched.

So, laugh it up. The jokes on you. :lol:


simple as pie to run all over candycunt.they sure pay him well.He would never come back here constantly for his constant ass beatings he gets here everyday for free like he does.No way in hell.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Damn, the angry stalker trolls sure are especially pissy today. lol! Probably beginning to accept the reality their Government has lied to them. And I can understand how painful that has to be for them. I guess they're just clinging to that last bit of angry denial though. They've become especially vicious in lashing out lately. But they are coming along. They're making progress. I believe there's still hope for them. They'll get past their angry denial phase at some point. Just give em some more time. :)
Damn, the angry stalker trolls sure are especially pissy today. lol! Probably beginning to accept the reality their Government has lied to them. And I can understand how painful that has to be for them. I guess they're just clinging to that last bit of angry denial though. They've become especially vicious in lashing out lately. But they are coming along. They're making progress. I believe there's still hope for them. They'll get past their angry denial phase at some point. Just give em some more time. :)

They are probably so angry because their underpaid by their handlers for their ass beatings they get here constantly.:lol::lol::lol:
Damn, the angry stalker trolls sure are especially pissy today. lol! Probably beginning to accept the reality their Government has lied to them. And I can understand how painful that has to be for them. I guess they're just clinging to that last bit of angry denial though. They've become especially vicious in lashing out lately. But they are coming along. They're making progress. I believe there's still hope for them. They'll get past their angry denial phase at some point. Just give em some more time. :)
You twofers are hilarious. In your screwed up little world you see every post you make as an ass beating? I had a higher opinion of you until you started backing Rimjob. No normal person could read his posts and agree with him yet you do that. Why is it that Ron Paul has so many idiots that back him? I like a lot of his policies but you morons make it VERY difficult to support him. Paul's support base is his own worst enemy.

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