Honest Americans Bought Enough Guns to Outfit the Entire Chinese and Indian Armies


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
And that's just in November and December of 2012.

The Obama Administration is the number one threat to the nation’s gun rights advocates.

In the four years since Barack Obama was first elected president in November 2008, an estimated 67 million firearms have been purchased in the United States. In November a record 2 million guns were sold in America.

This was followed up by another record in December. 2.7 million guns were sold in America in the last month of 2012.


To put this in perspective.
Chinese and Indian Standing Army Numbers:


- There are 2.29 active members in the Chinese Army.


- There are 1.13 active members in the Indian Army.

There were enough guns sold in the US in November and December to outfit each active member of the Chinese and Indian armies with a brand new gun.

Americans Buy Enough Guns in Last Two Months to Outfit the Entire Chinese and Indian Armies | The Gateway Pundit
Considering the current threat to our way of life and the Constitution that guarantees that way of life, are you surprised?

As a non-com in the US Army, this is the oath I swore each and every time I enlisted/re-enlisted:

"I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Is there anyone in the house who does not recognize the FACT that we are now faced with a domestic threat of unprecedented proportion? The tragedy is, some of the domestic enemies we face are just those named in that oath.
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And that's just in November and December of 2012.

The Obama Administration is the number one threat to the nation’s gun rights advocates.

In the four years since Barack Obama was first elected president in November 2008, an estimated 67 million firearms have been purchased in the United States. In November a record 2 million guns were sold in America.

This was followed up by another record in December. 2.7 million guns were sold in America in the last month of 2012.


To put this in perspective.
Chinese and Indian Standing Army Numbers:

- There are 2.29 active members in the Chinese Army.

- There are 1.13 active members in the Indian Army.

There were enough guns sold in the US in November and December to outfit each active member of the Chinese and Indian armies with a brand new gun.

Two months ago, one older, Democratic couple I know owned only a single antique rifle with a ten-round magazine and perhaps 100 extra rounds.

They now own two semi-automatic AK47 rifles, four 30-round magazines, two 73-round drum-style magazines, two more 10-round magazines for the antique, and a total of over 3,000 rounds ammunition.


Well, because it's a good investment, of course! Rifles and ammunition are appreciating in value much faster than gold or silver. They are currently appreciating in value at a rate of 10-50% per WEEK.

According to recent reports, more Americans from every walk of life are becoming new gun owners. Gun shows are mobbed, and many of the attendees are now mothers with children, grandparents, and others who have never before owned or fired a gun, nor even expressed interest in owning or firing a gun. Yet now they are buying semi-automatic rifles and handguns in record numbers, and equipping themselves with high-capacity magazines. There is now an astounding shortage of rifles, large-caliber and large-capacity-magazine handguns, and ammunition of all calibers.

Ammunition purchased two months ago is now selling for three times its former value. And although it will probably stop appreciating in value once the stores get new stock, most places are backordered until September 2013 -- that's eight months from now.

Moreover, ammunition has become so expensive that people who are buying it are not using it up again at firing ranges. In spite of the sudden growth in the number of new gun owners, firing ranges are seeing a sharp drop in their customer volume.

The bottom line is, the law-abiding American public is not only arming themselves as heavily as they can afford to do, they are also buying record amounts of ammunition to feed their firearms... and they're saving it. They're not running out and firing off their brand new guns "for fun" -- no, they're saving their guns and ammunition.

Which begs the question, "What are they saving them for?"

If I were a politician, that is a question that would keep me up nights.

-- Paravani
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And that's just in November and December of 2012.

The Obama Administration is the number one threat to the nation’s gun rights advocates.

In the four years since Barack Obama was first elected president in November 2008, an estimated 67 million firearms have been purchased in the United States. In November a record 2 million guns were sold in America.

This was followed up by another record in December. 2.7 million guns were sold in America in the last month of 2012.


To put this in perspective.
Chinese and Indian Standing Army Numbers:

- There are 2.29 active members in the Chinese Army.

- There are 1.13 active members in the Indian Army.

There were enough guns sold in the US in November and December to outfit each active member of the Chinese and Indian armies with a brand new gun.

Two months ago, one older, Democratic family I know owned only a single antique rifle with a ten-round magazine and perhaps 100 extra rounds.

They now own two semi-automatic AK47 rifles, four 30-round magazines, two 73-round drum-style magazines, two more 10-round magazines for the antique, and a total of over 3,000 rounds ammunition.


Well, because it's a good investment, of course! Rifles and ammunition are appreciating in value much faster than gold or silver. They are currently appreciating in value at a rate of 10-50% per WEEK.

Ammunition purchased two months ago is now selling for three times its former value. And although it will probably stop appreciating in value once the stores get new stock, most places are backordered until September 2013 -- that's eight months from now.

Moreover, ammunition has become so expensive that people who are buying it are not using it up again at firing ranges. In spite of the sudden growth in the number of new gun owners, firing ranges are seeing a sharp drop in their customer volume.

The bottom line is, the law-abiding American public is not only arming themselves heavily, they are also buying ammunition to feed their arms... and they're saving it. They're not running out and firing off their brand new guns "for fun" -- no, they're saving their guns and ammunition.

Which begs the question, "What are they saving them for?"

If I were a politician, that is a question that would keep me up nights.

-- Paravani

I'd say that, at the very least, it's an indirect vote of no confidence in the people in charge of the federal government...
Considering the current threat to our way of life and the Constitution that guarantees that way of life, are you surprised?

As a non-com in the US Army, this is the oath I swore each and every time I enlisted/re-enlisted:

"I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Is there anyone in the house who does not recognize the FACT that we are now faced with a domestic threat of unprecedented proportion? The tragedy is, some of the domestic enemies we face are just those named in that oath.

I'd only have been surprised if sensible individuals hadn't rushed to arm themselves. And despite all the silly liberal mockery on this forum and others, people aren't arming themselves out of fear.

They are "making ready".
Considering the current threat to our way of life and the Constitution that guarantees that way of life, are you surprised?

As a non-com in the US Army, this is the oath I swore each and every time I enlisted/re-enlisted:

"I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Is there anyone in the house who does not recognize the FACT that we are now faced with a domestic threat of unprecedented proportion? The tragedy is, some of the domestic enemies we face are just those named in that oath.

I'd only have been surprised if sensible individuals hadn't rushed to arm themselves. And despite all the silly liberal mockery on this forum and others, people aren't arming themselves out of fear.

They are "making ready".

Let me be "Devil's Advocate"...

Could it be that somebody has finally spooked the lemmings?

-- Paravani
Considering the current threat to our way of life and the Constitution that guarantees that way of life, are you surprised?

As a non-com in the US Army, this is the oath I swore each and every time I enlisted/re-enlisted:

"I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Is there anyone in the house who does not recognize the FACT that we are now faced with a domestic threat of unprecedented proportion? The tragedy is, some of the domestic enemies we face are just those named in that oath.

I'd only have been surprised if sensible individuals hadn't rushed to arm themselves. And despite all the silly liberal mockery on this forum and others, people aren't arming themselves out of fear.

They are "making ready".

Let me be "Devil's Advocate"...

Could it be that somebody has finally spooked the lemmings?

-- Paravani

I think it's more like folks are finally spooked by the lemmings... :)
The bottom line is, the law-abiding American public is not only arming themselves heavily, they are also buying ammunition to feed their arms... and they're saving it. They're not running out and firing off their brand new guns "for fun" -- no, they're saving their guns and ammunition.

Which begs the question, "What are they saving them for?"

If I were a politician, that is a question that would keep me up nights.
I'd say that, at the very least, it's an indirect vote of no confidence in the people in charge of the federal government...

I'd say that the American people are getting tired of phoning, writing, and emailing their elected servants. They are now voting with their dollars... and they are voting in favor of their Constitutional rights.

-- Paravani
Having a ****** in the White House has been great for the firearms industry.

Thank you, President Obama, for helping stimulate the American economy.
Having a ****** in the White House has been great for the firearms industry.

Thank you, President Obama, for helping stimulate the American economy.

Hush your mouth! Have a little respect, please! Just because you have freedom of speech, doesn't mean you need to abuse it to be an azzhat!

-- Paravani
Could someone who isn't brain dead explain why the people in this thread are so paranoid? I honestly don't get it.

Is it paranoid to simply state the facts? Or is it the facts that make you paranoid?

-- Paravani

What facts are being stated? In this thread the only facts are the number of gun sales and then a bunch of paranoia about an implied domestic boogeyman that's out to get everyone. There's not enough information here to understand why some of the people in this thread are terrified out of their minds.
Dear Paranoid Rednecks: Keep buying them guns!

The point of my post -- which you apparently missed -- is that liberal (liberty-loving) Democrats and sweet little old ladies are also buying guns.

You're always free to choose NOT to buy guns... but we who worry that we will lose the right through un-Constitutional legislation are exercising our rights as much as we can while we still can.

-- Paravani
Having a ****** in the White House has been great for the firearms industry.

Thank you, President Obama, for helping stimulate the American economy.

you disappoint me, Lakhota... I figured you to be a reasonable guy, even though you're on the "other side"...

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