Homosexual marriage very unethical.

jesus crist, that looks like the result of some bad mushroom tea with acid sugar cubes, which of course leads to fun unless your filled with negitivity and homophobia like Mr. Bass here.

Yep, the bass is full of negativity and homophobia simply because he rejects the idea of two males and or two females shagging each other, sounds great, :rolleyes:
I'm going to divorce my wife and leave my family if gays are allowed to marry because we all know that homosexuals tying the knot means the end of families as we know it.

And that will prove your point how?

I'm sure your wife and children will be thrilled, eh?
Marriage is a special union between a Man and a Woman,that results in the creation of a family, with children, eventually being added to expand the family.

Thank God that you do not have to believe in God to be an American. Would you deny marriage to heterosexual couples that can’t conceive or choose to not have children?
oh i finally see how gay marrige will ruin your familys! see people llike toro are what we call 'closet cases' and if gay marrige is aloud he needs to leave his faamily and go hook up with someone like bass ASAP!
oh i finally see how gay marrige will ruin your familys! see people llike toro are what we call 'closet cases' and if gay marrige is aloud he needs to leave his faamily and go hook up with someone like bass ASAP!

The Bass isn't a homo nor does he defend them, better use Shogun's name instead of the Bass'.
On a worldwide scale whitey is the minority and if the majority nonwhites every united and stuck it to whitey[the racist white man is whitey] he wouldn't be in the position he's in today, but thats a different story. I don't care particularly care for dating white women, try asking OJ that question. The fact still remains that interracial marriage is not sexually deviant, nor deviant in any manner, unlike same sex butt sex.
But it was at one time in our society...and that is the point. We now know that inter-racial marriages do not contribute to the decline of a society...economics do that.

Homosexuality is/was acceptable in other cultures. Just because you find it repulsive does not make it wrong. Just because some misogynist man a few thousand years ago decided it was and made it part of the Bible, does not make it wrong.

I am heterosexual and I enjoy having sex with women. Homosexuality is not for me. But I will not demonize it because of some dead book or because I personally do not care for it. We cannot allow one group to determine what is best for the entire group.

If homosexuals want to marry, it has nothing to do with you. So live and let live.
something about protesting too much....

Step off sodomite, you are the one protesting too much in favor of two men butt shagging each other. You've already been smacked up, Bass-whipped and refuted, how long will you continue this nonsense?
Oh yeah, you too like and support the behavior of two men butt shagging and by doing so you support the deteriorating of morals in society which means supporting the collapse of society and morals itself, what a disgrace.

I think that gay couples should be able to as easily acquire the same benefits as do heterosexual couples. I also think that gay marriage would encourage commitment and monogamy to at least a small degree. Therefore, I support “gay marriage”.

With respect to “butt shagging”, anal sex is legal as I believe that it should be. Even heterosexual couples (married and non-married) engage in anal sex. This does not correspond to deterioration in morals. I may think that it is immoral to prohibit people the freedom to engage in such behavior. Gay marriage has not resulted in the collapse of society in Netherlands or England and, if allowed, I doubt that it will result in the collapse of American society.
I think that gay couples should be able to as easily acquire the same benefits as do heterosexual couples. I also think that gay marriage would encourage commitment and monogamy to at least a small degree. Therefore, I support “gay marriage”.

With respect to “butt shagging”, anal sex is legal as I believe that it should be. Even heterosexual couples (married and non-married) engage in anal sex. This does not correspond to deterioration in morals. I may think that it is immoral to prohibit people the freedom to engage in such behavior. Gay marriage has not resulted in the collapse of society in Netherlands or England and, if allowed, I doubt that it will result in the collapse of American society.

Untitled Document

The article that you link to has many logical fallacies.

There is the argument that homosexual behavior spreads AIDS. Yet, many legal behaviors are dangerous. Simply be careful and monogamous. Simply put, if you and your partner are clean and monogamous, and don’t use contaminated needles, then you won’t get STD. Let’s allow them to get married. Marriage may very well encourage commitment as it does with heterosexual couples.

Then there is the argument that homosexual marriage is unpopular. Just because something is popular or unpopular does not make it right or wrong. Clinton won the popular vote twice. Did that make him the right president for our time?

Then there is the argument that homosexual marriage is not natural. Just because something is natural or unnatural does not make it right or wrong. Is it natural to roll up dried leaves into a tube, put a match to them until they smolder, and stick the tube between your lips? Cancer is natural. If you live long enough, you will get it. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy is not natural but it helps.

Then there is the argument that we have a tradition of heterosexual marriage – not gay marriage. Well, even though something has a history does not make it right or wrong. We have a history of slavery and of prohibiting women from voting. Should we bring those traditions back again?

Then there is the argument that sex organs were only made to be used a certain way. Well, I guess that we should prohibit oral and anal sex. We should also outlaw contraception. I used a dictionary as a booster seat at a dinner table once when I could not find an actual booster seat. Did I commit a crime? Who is to say that we must limit ourselves to with our bodies? There are many body parts that serve no purpose – such as the fifth toe.

There are probably other arguments that can be as easily chopped down. I’d like to hear them from someone courageous enough to engage in an actual discussion.
Stop comparing Homosexuality, with Racial existence, or interracial marriage.which are
two very different acts.There is no comparison. Homosexuality is a sexual deviation from
the norm.Interracial marriage is racial deviance.Two totally different acts.Why are homos
always trying to compare their struggle,with the Black struggle?two totally different struggles.This many blacks find offensive.
Stop comparing Homosexuality, with Racial existence, or interracial marriage.which are
two very different acts.There is no comparison. Homosexuality is a sexual deviation from
the norm.Interracial marriage is racial deviance.Two totally different acts.Why are homos
always trying to compare their struggle,with the Black struggle?two totally different struggles.This many blacks find offensive.

Did I do so? No.
Stop comparing Homosexuality, with Racial existence, or interracial marriage.which are
two very different acts.There is no comparison. Homosexuality is a sexual deviation from
the norm.Interracial marriage is racial deviance.Two totally different acts.Why are homos
always trying to compare their struggle,with the Black struggle?two totally different struggles.This many blacks find offensive.

It is offensive for homos to compare their sexually deviant struggle for universal sodomy to the black civil rights movement, there is no real comparison as homos don't have anything comparable to the history of struggles that African Americans have. They can simply chose to stop taking it in the anus and or kep their homosexuality to themselves, blacks cannot stop being black and or keep their blackness to themselves.
It is offensive for homos to compare their sexually deviant struggle for universal sodomy to the black civil rights movement, there is no real comparison as homos don't have anything comparable to the history of struggles that African Americans have. They can simply chose to stop taking it in the anus and or kep their homosexuality to themselves, blacks cannot stop being black and or keep their blackness to themselves.

They can choose not to engage in interracial relationships, though. So it's not really that big of a difference.
Step off sodomite, you are the one protesting too much in favor of two men butt shagging each other. You've already been smacked up, Bass-whipped and refuted, how long will you continue this nonsense?

of course.. becaue I know that allowing gays to be married won't make me run out and suck a cock... Which, again, leads me to ponder why YOU are so scared of such, uhhh, temptation running around. I'd have figured that you have been banned from mens restrooms and the YMCA by now.


yea, dude.. that doesn't sound like a GAY EUPHEMISM AT ALL.

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