Homeless FL mom with 15 kids


You aren't interpreting the G2 accurately. Mo kids = Mo gubmint handouts. That's how it works.


some form of eugenics or forced sterilization should to people with no personal responsibility or usefulness is life. it is impossible to sustain any society with so many useless leeches producing more of them rapidly, while responsible people generally produce 1 or 2 people in a lifetime. the math just doesn't work
NO! The state should not forcibly sterilize anyone.

The solution is to stop providing taxpayer funded handouts to such mothers as rewards for having more children they cannot afford to raise.
NO! The state should not forcibly sterilize anyone.

The solution is to stop providing taxpayer funded handouts to such mothers as rewards for having more children they cannot afford to raise.

then the kids will die or be forced into prostituion, drugs, etc in order to make up the lack of money. sterilize the parents and send the kids to orphanages / responsible family members
They just gave her a 6 bedroom house. Not too shabby

The kids have been taken away before and I suspect they will again. They were not in school while they lived at the motel.

Abusing children should be grounds for sterilization. Voluntary of course - with a cash incentive. She hasn't been accused of that. Yet.
NO! The state should not forcibly sterilize anyone.

The solution is to stop providing taxpayer funded handouts to such mothers as rewards for having more children they cannot afford to raise.

then the kids will die or be forced into prostituion, drugs, etc in order to make up the lack of money. sterilize the parents and send the kids to orphanages / responsible family members

No. That is not the only alternative. We can stop enabling the mothers by ceasing to treat unwed motherhood as taxpayer funded career.

If any parent cannot afford to raise a child, the child should be put up for adoption or into some other caregiver situation. There are plenty of people (including singles, and gay or lesbian couples) who would love to be parents. Wasting the life of a child be condemning him to poverty and neglect is not the only answer.
Doesn't this just make you want to make forced sterilization legal?

No Arichie, here in america we don't do that. We read the Miranda rights to prisoners, we dont forcefully sterilize anyone, we dont forcefully abort women either.

THIS IS AMERICA in case you forgot again.

we don't anymore. nazi eugenics was based directly off our programs and we helped them start it. the people we prosected for war crimes after WWII used it as their main defense
They just gave her a 6 bedroom house. Not too shabby

The kids have been taken away before and I suspect they will again. They were not in school while they lived at the motel.

Abusing children should be grounds for sterilization. Voluntary of course - with a cash incentive. She hasn't been accused of that. Yet.

why be paid? be responsible or be sterilized. get the trash out of the gene pool
NO! The state should not forcibly sterilize anyone.

The solution is to stop providing taxpayer funded handouts to such mothers as rewards for having more children they cannot afford to raise.

then the kids will die or be forced into prostituion, drugs, etc in order to make up the lack of money. sterilize the parents and send the kids to orphanages / responsible family members

No. That is not the only alternative. We can stop enabling the mothers by ceasing to treat unwed motherhood as taxpayer funded career.

If any parent cannot afford to raise a child, the child should be put up for adoption or into some other caregiver situation. There are plenty of people (including singles, and gay or lesbian couples) who would love to be parents. Wasting the life of a child be condemning him to poverty and neglect is not the only answer.

umm. if we take the kids away after the mom has them whats to stop her from having more? it doesn't fix anything
Keep taking them away until she realizes she isn't going to profit off of them.
Keep taking them away until she realizes she isn't going to profit off of them.

some do it for profit and some are just whores with no goals, education, or anything else to do. I don't see how taking them away would stop the profit ones either since they would be getting stuff for free still
A good deal of the problem will go away once we stop treating unwed, unemployed motherhood as a career choice.
A good deal of the problem will go away once we stop treating unwed, unemployed motherhood as a career choice.

yea I am also for tests and approval before being allowed to have kids, but that is a different thread I guess

You aren't interpreting the G2 accurately. Mo kids = Mo gubmint handouts. That's how it works.



I'm interpreting perfectly. You've found an equation that QUALIFIES someone for WIC. You have no evidence to support your repeated assertation other than to say, "Mo kids = Mo gubment handouts?"
It isn't money this woman needs, it's help. She is obviously mentally ill.

No. She has simply been lied to all her life and told that someone else owes her and that she has no self worth.

I wonder who has been telling her that she cant survive without a handout...
NO! The state should not forcibly sterilize anyone.

The solution is to stop providing taxpayer funded handouts to such mothers as rewards for having more children they cannot afford to raise.

then the kids will die or be forced into prostituion, drugs, etc in order to make up the lack of money. sterilize the parents and send the kids to orphanages / responsible family members

Or he may shock you, learn about the real world and determine to raise himself out of poverty to be the President of the United States.
NO! The state should not forcibly sterilize anyone.

The solution is to stop providing taxpayer funded handouts to such mothers as rewards for having more children they cannot afford to raise.

the only exception I would accept;

TEMPORARY welfare/workfare
to ASSIST a person (m or f) with education/training/shelter until that person can take care of him/herself and his/her family.

I strongly oppose lifetime welfare for irresponsible people.
Most rational people would agree, but until we stop celebrating single motherhood and bashing marriage, it will become the norm.

Whenever one of my students or former students says "Hey Ms. C - I'm havin a baby!' My standard response is always the same, "Congratulations! When did you get married?". They have no clue how saddened and repulsed I get every single time I hear those words.

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