Homegrown Debit-Scientology


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Caltech's Bioengineering department explores all the modernism relevant aspects of bio-imaging, bio-medial devices, cell and tissue engineering, and synthetic biology.

These sorts of academic inquiries reflect a modernism fascination with engineering-related society-customs related 'marketing' (e.g., Human Genome Project, A.I., silicon chemistry, etc.), which arguably draws the interest of our commerce-focused 'TrumpUSA.'

After all, isn't capitalism about materials and resources?

This vignette was inspired by the marketing-paranoia film "Homegrown" (Billy Bob Thornton)!


"Amanda was a newly-designed A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) robotic 'woman' who exhibited all the sensitivity-paradigms and features of a 'normal' organic (human) woman, but Amanda possessed incredibly efficient/fast processing circuits in her central nervous system, rendering her as an incredibly 'fast' woman. Amanda was a proud 'trophy' for Caltech's bioengineering department which sought lucrative military contracts with the U.S. government. Amanda (and her robo-replicas) would serve as vital espionage 'warriors' in the new 'crusade' against anti-capitalism terrorism!"


"Of course, Americans already were curious about synthetics and non-organics related engineering, and American pedestrian art such as the fictional semi-cyborg superhuman Cyborg-Superman (DC Comics) were already cult-favorite avatars/totems of new age engineering developments. Commerce-focused U.S. President Donald Trump praised Cyborg-Superman as the penultimate modernism avatar of sci-tech ambitions. Would Amanda become the new Statue of Liberty?"


"How would Amanda be compared to the English folkloric mystic woman known as the 'Lady of the Lake' (an enigmatic woman residing in the waters of England and fabled to wield the authority to gift the magical sword of Excalibur to a worthy king or knight)? Amanda was not a mystic, but she understood (very well) the magic-symbolism associated with the immortality-centric Lady of the Lake and her special/spiritual connection to the awesome kingdom of 'Camelot.' Amanda was to the Lady of the Lake what the Statue of Liberty was to old world developments regarding democracy-iconic immigration controversies! However, critics of A.I. and synthetics-engineering cited Amanda (and DC Comics' Cyborg-Superman) as 'modernism abominations'."


GOD: Americans are fascinated by engineering ambitions.
SATAN: Isn't that what Facebook and the Human Genome Project are all about?
GOD: I think Americans have become obsessed with 'toys.'
SATAN: Wall Street/NASDAQ do not spell 'juvenile daydreams.'
GOD: Even if sci-tech 'toys' are 'complex,' consumers still respect imagination!
SATAN: Do they appreciate what TrumpUSA gifts them (regarding Toys 'R Us)?
GOD: There's a difference between consumerism frivolity and mercantile-philosophy!
SATAN: Is there really a difference between Burger King and the FDA?
GOD: The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is responsible for consumption temperance.
SATAN: The FDA monitors Salmonella statistics in fast-food chains (e.g., McDonald's).
GOD: We'll see if Wall Street can be compatible with 'consumerism hygiene.'
SATAN: Hollywood (USA) makes movies about Wall Street, since Americans like evangelism.
GOD: We have to separate commerce from propaganda!
SATAN: Really? Isn't Napster sort of like propaganda?
GOD: No. Napster is about commerce-policework.
SATAN: I don't think there's any feasible 'policework' regarding consumerism highways.
GOD: I disagree; eBay seller-ratings represent market supervision.
SATAN: Perhaps eBay can be 'regulated/monitored,' but President Trump likes Black Friday.
GOD: Black Friday (the annual liberal shopping-holiday following Thanksgiving) is ideological.
SATAN: Mankind needs to distinguish ideology from arrogance...




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