Home Ownership Under Biden Has Become Nearly Impossible For The Young


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
And below is the article that shows it.

I don't get it, people vote for what harms them. A mystery.

When Biden took Office, Homes were still affordable. Virtually no change between 4th Qtr 2019 and 4th Qtr 2020.

But since Biden took Office, the cost to buy a home has nearly doubled.

People like me are fine. We got our homes back before certain parties could totally SCREW the market. Not only has the cost of the Home itself spiraled up and out of control, Interest rates have made it even worse.

But take heart. Not everything has gone up. Biden has managed to LOWER your Income.

Highlights. Real median household income was $74,580 in 2022, a 2.3 percent decline from the 2021 estimate of $76,330 (Figure 1 and Table A-1).Sep 12, 2023
https://www.census.gov/library/publ...0-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).

Income in the United States: 2022 - Census Bureau

https://www.census.gov/library/publ...0-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).
And in 2019 the National Income average was $98k. Last year, in 2022 it was a whopping $106k

Keep voting dem, people. Before you know it, you'll be living in barracks and only the privileged few (which does NOT include you) will own homes.

But the one (1) thing that gives me solace is --

You deserve it.
And below is the article that shows it.

I don't get it, people vote for what harms them. A mystery.

When Biden took Office, Homes were still affordable. Virtually no change between 4th Qtr 2019 and 4th Qtr 2020.

But since Biden took Office, the cost to buy a home has nearly doubled.

People like me are fine. We got our homes back before certain parties could totally SCREW the market. Not only has the cost of the Home itself spiraled up and out of control, Interest rates have made it even worse.

But take heart. Not everything has gone up. Biden has managed to LOWER your Income.

Highlights. Real median household income was $74,580 in 2022, a 2.3 percent decline from the 2021 estimate of $76,330 (Figure 1 and Table A-1).Sep 12, 2023
https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).

Income in the United States: 2022 - Census Bureau

https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).
And in 2019 the National Income average was $98k. Last year, in 2022 it was a whopping $106k

Keep voting dem, people. Before you know it, you'll be living in barracks and only the privileged few (which does NOT include you) will own homes.

But the one (1) thing that gives me solace is --

You deserve it.

There's another thread going about this, and it seems most of the Biden supporters here are fine with this, happy even.

I guess they don't really care much about young working people, after all...important information for voters, don't you think?
There's another thread going about this, and it seems most of the Biden supporters here are fine with this, happy even.

I guess they don't really care much about young working people, after all...important information for voters, don't you think?
I think there's a lot less 'biden supporters' in here then what might be apparent at first glance.

I think there's a lot of 'bots and a lot of 'paid programming'.

So why would they care? They just want to get their propaganda out there. And they're not programmed to deal with real-world problems and solutions

Just to put this in context.
Just checked our bank's rate. 6.5% Which just happens to be the rate we paid in the late 90's for our first house.

That and the rate is still lower than in the Reagan years.

Just say'n.
But I'm glad we refinanced the balance of our current home at 2.7% for 30 years. Our Mortgage P&I is just under $400. (No I didn't forget a zero.)

And below is the article that shows it.

I don't get it, people vote for what harms them. A mystery.

When Biden took Office, Homes were still affordable. Virtually no change between 4th Qtr 2019 and 4th Qtr 2020.

But since Biden took Office, the cost to buy a home has nearly doubled.

People like me are fine. We got our homes back before certain parties could totally SCREW the market. Not only has the cost of the Home itself spiraled up and out of control, Interest rates have made it even worse.

But take heart. Not everything has gone up. Biden has managed to LOWER your Income.

Highlights. Real median household income was $74,580 in 2022, a 2.3 percent decline from the 2021 estimate of $76,330 (Figure 1 and Table A-1).Sep 12, 2023
https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).

Income in the United States: 2022 - Census Bureau

https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).
And in 2019 the National Income average was $98k. Last year, in 2022 it was a whopping $106k

Keep voting dem, people. Before you know it, you'll be living in barracks and only the privileged few (which does NOT include you) will own homes.

But the one (1) thing that gives me solace is --

You deserve it.
Myself and others have made tons of threads on this issue. But unsurprisingly the Biden porters try and blow it off. It’s astonishing one of the most important issues in this country. The cost of living means apparently nothing to these people.

Democrats fault historically. It’s the fault of Republicans and Democrats for printing trillions of dollars and giving us the lockdowns.

Left-wing Democrat policies, including anti-American ism, the belief that the white man is evil, the belief that Christian European history is evil also doesn’t help and leads to weakness, and makes things more more difficult to get back to a solid economy
View attachment 871536

Just to put this in context.
Just checked our bank's rate. 6.5% Which just happens to be the rate we paid in the late 90's for our first house.

That and the rate is still lower than in the Reagan years.

Just say'n.
But I'm glad we refinanced the balance of our current home at 2.7% for 30 years. Our Mortgage P&I is just under $400. (No I didn't forget a zero.)

It took 20 years to recover from the idiocy of the last dimocrap scumbag to FUCK the American Economy.

And 2.7% was really good for a Doublewide.

When my Wife and I bought our first house in '81, Carter had FUCKED the economy so bad that the best we could find was 15%. So we had to work a deal where the seller carried a big part of the note for 5 years and we over-paid for the house in order to get that deal. Had to hustle to find a decent rate in '86.

Things aren't as bad as they were back then but.... They're still bad. For no reason other than dimocrap scum wanted to steal an election and they were willing to destroy our economy to do it.

But most people are too stupid to see that.
View attachment 871536

Just to put this in context.
Just checked our bank's rate. 6.5% Which just happens to be the rate we paid in the late 90's for our first house.

That and the rate is still lower than in the Reagan years.

Just say'n.
But I'm glad we refinanced the balance of our current home at 2.7% for 30 years. Our Mortgage P&I is just under $400. (No I didn't forget a zero.)

Difference nowadays, we have record inflation. A 50 year high inflation. … the price of homes is astronomically lower compared to all the other time. Your graph talks about.

We had the printing of trillions of dollars and so-called stimulus money in 2020. We didn’t have that type of situation in anytime Your graph talks about.

We also have the rise of BLM, anti-Americanism, the idea from the rich elite people that western European history is somehow “evil and colonialist” …. We have a low level of patriotism among the youth. The lowest it’s ever been at in American history according to the Wall Street Journal.
Between the rise in housing and the increase in mortgage rates (which hasn't been seen this high in decades), it has
taken a bite out of those who can still afford a home. I personally think it's all part of the grand plan of the globalists.
They aren't that smart.

But they ARE that opportunistic. They WILL take a problem that already exists and make it worse to suit their nefarious goals.
It took 20 years to recover from the idiocy of the last dimocrap scumbag to FUCK the American Economy.

And 2.7% was really good for a Doublewide.

When my Wife and I bought our first house in '81, Carter had FUCKED the economy so bad that the best we could find was 15%. So we had to work a deal where the seller carried a big part of the note for 5 years and we over-paid for the house in order to get that deal. Had to hustle to find a decent rate in '86.

Things aren't as bad as they were back then but.... They're still bad. For no reason other than dimocrap scum wanted to steal an election and they were willing to destroy our economy to do it.

But most people are too stupid to see that.
I believe that was the last time we could extrude bad debt out of the economy. We lost control of the Fiat Currency in 1971 with all of the Social Programs and legislation of the 1960's kicking in. The Social Programs started to grow and grow in huge ways along with Social Security and Medicare. Deficits became huge for the time and not have abated except when they used smoke and mirrors in the 1990's. People suffered during the time you typed. I do not believe seeing 15% home mortgages today would be a prudent thing as a lot of things may cascade downward with all of the debts.
There's another thread going about this, and it seems most of the Biden supporters here are fine with this, happy even.

I guess they don't really care much about young working people

Or anyone else for that matter.

Kind of hard to care about someone else, when you loathe yourself.
Between the rise in housing and the increase in mortgage rates (which hasn't been seen this high in decades), it has
taken a bite out of those who can still afford a home. I personally think it's all part of the grand plan of the globalists.

You will own nothing and be happy.

Now get in zee pod, and eat zee bugz!
And below is the article that shows it.

I don't get it, people vote for what harms them. A mystery.

When Biden took Office, Homes were still affordable. Virtually no change between 4th Qtr 2019 and 4th Qtr 2020.

But since Biden took Office, the cost to buy a home has nearly doubled.

People like me are fine. We got our homes back before certain parties could totally SCREW the market. Not only has the cost of the Home itself spiraled up and out of control, Interest rates have made it even worse.

But take heart. Not everything has gone up. Biden has managed to LOWER your Income.

Highlights. Real median household income was $74,580 in 2022, a 2.3 percent decline from the 2021 estimate of $76,330 (Figure 1 and Table A-1).Sep 12, 2023
https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).

Income in the United States: 2022 - Census Bureau

https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html#:~:text=Highlights,and Table A-1).
And in 2019 the National Income average was $98k. Last year, in 2022 it was a whopping $106k

Keep voting dem, people. Before you know it, you'll be living in barracks and only the privileged few (which does NOT include you) will own homes.

But the one (1) thing that gives me solace is --

You deserve it.

The biggest culprit is Airbnb. What do you want Biden to do about that? Outlaw Airbnb?
Between the rise in housing and the increase in mortgage rates (which hasn't been seen this high in decades), it has
taken a bite out of those who can still afford a home. I personally think it's all part of the grand plan of the globalists.

No. Seriously, the housing market issues we're seeing are almost entirely due to Airbnb. The number of houses that have been removed from the housing market in recent years is becoming astronomical. Owners are turning their houses into hotels, which has significantly shrunk the available supply of rental properties. This has been a major driver in rental prices going through the roof, in turn causing house sale prices to go through the roof.

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