Home demolitions on the increase

They are lower than whale shit.

No, they aren't.

Most Israelis I have met (and I have met a lot) have been wonderful, educated, intelligent people. I know several who have voluntarily studied Arabic, and I'd say most I know believe in a free and independent Palestine.

Do not blame a people for what their government does, anymore than you would take responsibility for what George Bush did.

He kinda does it all the time.
They are lower than whale shit.

No, they aren't.

Most Israelis I have met (and I have met a lot) have been wonderful, educated, intelligent people. I know several who have voluntarily studied Arabic, and I'd say most I know believe in a free and independent Palestine.

Do not blame a people for what their government does, anymore than you would take responsibility for what George Bush did.

It is true that most Israeli are normal people except when it come to the Palestinians. They don't believe that Palestinians deserve rights or justice. Very few refuse to do Israel's dirty work against the Palestinians.

They just want the Palestinians herded off someplace where they will not have to deal with them.

That's pure bullcrap.

What we want is people like Hamas, painting themselves as "freedom fighters" while being no more then brutal killers, to GET LOST. If possible, to the ocean.

We want the people who brainwash the Palestinians to hate Jews since BIRTH to get lost, as well.

We don't believe that the Palestinians worth less of justice, it's what YOU think we believe; Anti Zionists think they know all about us, while in field they know CRAP.

I bet niether of you haters were ever in a life risking situation, or a war, that you know what "we think"

It's funny that you say we don't believe any palestinian deserves justice, while you said out in the open for quoting, that the Palestinians do what they do (firing rockets) at last resort, that they only option they have left is to fire rockets at children.

That is the silliest thing I have ever heard. That being said by you, proved that you don't think ISRAELIS in south deserve justice.

In name of what morale you preach us tolerance and justice?
It is true that most Israeli are normal people except when it come to the Palestinians. They don't believe that Palestinians deserve rights or justice. Very few refuse to do Israel's dirty work against the Palestinians.

They just want the Palestinians herded of someplace where they will not have to deal with them.

I can only say that this isn't my experience.

I can imagine that perhaps 1/3 of Israelis genuinely hate Palestinians and would happily steal their land.

Another third a neutral, and might look the other way, but would prefer a more just settlement.

And another third respect Palestinian rights, and want to see a Palestinian state.

I don't think we can see "Israelis want..." any more than we can say "Americans want..."...there is just too much diversity of thought.

How many Israelis believe that the Palestinians have the right to return to their own land, homes, and farms?

There are so many ways to answer that question.

Actually, few.

In case the world, and Israel, will recognize a state called "Palestine" in the future, that will exist SIDE BY SIDE with Israel, I believe most Israelis will support it, because that is the main idea. The fanatic religious will object, but they are minority, and the government proved it can deal with those when it wants.

In that case, Palestinians will return to Palestine, And Be'ezrat HaShem, Jews to Israel.

That is the only option that will do justice with both sides.

Another option, which we will strongly reject, is a Palestine that creates a situation when the Palestinian country is clean from Jews, but the Israeli country has Arabs in it. It's very possible that this is what they would want. Normal sane Israelis will reject that. If Palestine is to be created, Arabs will go there and Jews will go to Israel. There will be no solution where there are two "Palestines" That will be a death sentence to the Jews.

And of course, the third hilarious solution is a one "Palestine" which involves both Arabs and Jews, as a "one state solution".


Or the better yet one, all Jews in the ocean and Arabs in their fictional "Palestine".

This is me laughing hysterically.
In name of what morale you preach us tolerance and justice?
In the name of the many international laws you are in violation of and the 45 year belligerent occupation of Palestinian land in violation of over 100 UN resolutions asking that you respect the Palestinian human rights.

After what Israel has done to them, don't even go there!
In name of what morale you preach us tolerance and justice?
In the name of the many international laws you are in violation of and the 45 year belligerent occupation of Palestinian land in violation of over 100 UN resolutions asking that you respect the Palestinian human rights.

After what Israel has done to them, don't even go there!

I kind of did.

That's the whole point of the discussion.

And what about why they did to us? why don't you ever bring THAT up?
In name of what morale you preach us tolerance and justice?
In the name of the many international laws you are in violation of and the 45 year belligerent occupation of Palestinian land in violation of over 100 UN resolutions asking that you respect the Palestinian human rights.

After what Israel has done to them, don't even go there!

Interesting though, is that THIS is all you've taken from my post.
If taking to mind that house demolishing is "illegal" and "immoral", what is your suggestion to the way we should deal with those who committe terrorism against innocent Israelis?

Terrorism is an Israeli, bullshit, propaganda term.

Israel destroys homes because they are assholes and they want to steal the land.

They are lower than whale shit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDAb2Gm6VCI]ISRAELI HOME DEMOLITION POLICY - YouTube[/ame]

Is this your way of avoiding my question?

Are you a terrorist sympathaizer?

Lately you seem to be unable to answer to the point.

You should do some self checking, btw, while we're at it. You use incorrect propagandic terms all the time. I learned to overlook that. Yet when I post FACTS who are not convinient for your biased views, you put the point on those instead of the point I'm trying to make.

It kinda grows old.

And btw, thanks for finally admitting you hate Israel. I kinda of got tired of the going around the bushes here. I am glad all cards are on the table.

You use incorrect propagandic terms all the time.


And what question did I miss?
Interesting though, is that THIS is all you've taken from my post.
No it wasn't, it was just the one thing that jumped out at me.

But if you insist...

That's pure bullcrap.
Some of it is, some of it isn't.

What we want is people like Hamas, painting themselves as "freedom fighters" while being no more then brutal killers, to GET LOST. If possible, to the ocean.
Like it or not, Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. It's none of your god-damn business who the Pals choose to represent them. For the record, I don't like Hamas as well, but it's none of my god-damn business, either.

We want the people who brainwash the Palestinians to hate Jews since BIRTH to get lost, as well.
Is it really brainwashing? You have an entire generation of Palestinian's growing up seeing nothing but Israeli atrocities against their people. Ongoing occupation, restricted movement, indescriminant shootings, air strikes, hospitals bombed, rock throwing kids shot, etc. Is it really brainwashing? Or is it you not being responsible for your own actions?

We don't believe that the Palestinians worth less of justice, it's what YOU think we believe; Anti Zionists think they know all about us, while in field they know CRAP.
Why do you treat every criticism as "anti-_______ "(fill in the blank)? Some of the criticism is from jewish civil rights groups. Are they anti-zionist? Are they anti-semitic jews?.

I bet niether of you haters were ever in a life risking situation, or a war, that you know what "we think"
That does not justify treating the Palestinian's like garbage or punishing those that have committed no crime.

It's funny that you say we don't believe any palestinian deserves justice, while you said out in the open for quoting, that the Palestinians do what they do (firing rockets) at last resort, that they only option they have left is to fire rockets at children.
They can't fire rockets at anyone specifically. They have no ability to target the rocket. That's why they're war crimes (indescriminant weapons). If they could and only targeted the IDF, they'd be legal.

That is the silliest thing I have ever heard. That being said by you, proved that you don't think ISRAELIS in south deserve justice.
Israeli citizens deserve justice; Israeli insurgents (settlers), do not.
Arte -

I respect your opinions, but haven't changed my thinking about any of this.

There is a de facto Palestinian state - just not a nation state. But there is a government, and many of the institutions which characterise a state. There are police, a parliament and so forth.

Both Nagorno Karabakh and Transnistria are also de facto states - but not nation states.

Try visting Tiraspol or Stepanakert and you'll see what I mean!

I'm sorry but this is nonsense. There is no Palestinian state at this moment. Not de jure and not de facto. The de facto sovereign control over the West Bank is exercised by Israel. This is a fact, which is observable and which is demonstrated. Try gaining access to the west Bank without autorization of israel and you will see what i mean.
I honestly don't believe that is true - I don't believe it has any legal right to do anything at all in the West Bank.
Believing isn't a legal wrong that prevents Israel from doing anything in Judea & Samaria, of course. Quite keanean.
Most Israelis I have met (and I have met a lot) have been wonderful, educated, intelligent people. I know several who have voluntarily studied Arabic, and I'd say most I know believe in a free and independent Palestine. Do not blame a people for what their government does, anymore than you would take responsibility for what George Bush did.
Our certified RIP bullshitter Alexa used to make simialr "free & independent" statements in between "skinny-dipping" in the Tiberias, indeed.
I can only say that this isn't my experience.

I can imagine that perhaps 1/3 of Israelis genuinely hate Palestinians and would happily steal their land.

Another third a neutral, and might look the other way, but would prefer a more just settlement.

And another third respect Palestinian rights, and want to see a Palestinian state.

I don't think we can see "Israelis want..." any more than we can say "Americans want..."...there is just too much diversity of thought.

How many Israelis believe that the Palestinians have the right to return to their own land, homes, and farms?

There are so many ways to answer that question.

Actually, few.

In case the world, and Israel, will recognize a state called "Palestine" in the future, that will exist SIDE BY SIDE with Israel, I believe most Israelis will support it, because that is the main idea. The fanatic religious will object, but they are minority, and the government proved it can deal with those when it wants.

In that case, Palestinians will return to Palestine, And Be'ezrat HaShem, Jews to Israel.

That is the only option that will do justice with both sides.

Another option, which we will strongly reject, is a Palestine that creates a situation when the Palestinian country is clean from Jews, but the Israeli country has Arabs in it. It's very possible that this is what they would want. Normal sane Israelis will reject that. If Palestine is to be created, Arabs will go there and Jews will go to Israel. There will be no solution where there are two "Palestines" That will be a death sentence to the Jews.

And of course, the third hilarious solution is a one "Palestine" which involves both Arabs and Jews, as a "one state solution".


Or the better yet one, all Jews in the ocean and Arabs in their fictional "Palestine".

This is me laughing hysterically.

So, are you saying that Palestinians who owned farms, orange or olive groves, houses, factories or commercial real estate in...say...Jaffa should be allowed to "return" to an apartment in Ramallah?

That is the only option that will do justice with both sides.
Terrorism is an Israeli, bullshit, propaganda term.

Israel destroys homes because they are assholes and they want to steal the land.

They are lower than whale shit.


Is this your way of avoiding my question?

Are you a terrorist sympathaizer?

Lately you seem to be unable to answer to the point.

You should do some self checking, btw, while we're at it. You use incorrect propagandic terms all the time. I learned to overlook that. Yet when I post FACTS who are not convinient for your biased views, you put the point on those instead of the point I'm trying to make.

It kinda grows old.

And btw, thanks for finally admitting you hate Israel. I kinda of got tired of the going around the bushes here. I am glad all cards are on the table.

You use incorrect propagandic terms all the time.


Like the use of the term IOF instead of IDF.

the IDF is the name of our army, the terminology in which you use doesn't exist.
How many Israelis believe that the Palestinians have the right to return to their own land, homes, and farms?

There are so many ways to answer that question.

Actually, few.

In case the world, and Israel, will recognize a state called "Palestine" in the future, that will exist SIDE BY SIDE with Israel, I believe most Israelis will support it, because that is the main idea. The fanatic religious will object, but they are minority, and the government proved it can deal with those when it wants.

In that case, Palestinians will return to Palestine, And Be'ezrat HaShem, Jews to Israel.

That is the only option that will do justice with both sides.

Another option, which we will strongly reject, is a Palestine that creates a situation when the Palestinian country is clean from Jews, but the Israeli country has Arabs in it. It's very possible that this is what they would want. Normal sane Israelis will reject that. If Palestine is to be created, Arabs will go there and Jews will go to Israel. There will be no solution where there are two "Palestines" That will be a death sentence to the Jews.

And of course, the third hilarious solution is a one "Palestine" which involves both Arabs and Jews, as a "one state solution".


Or the better yet one, all Jews in the ocean and Arabs in their fictional "Palestine".

This is me laughing hysterically.

So, are you saying that Palestinians who owned farms, orange or olive groves, houses, factories or commercial real estate in...say...Jaffa should be allowed to "return" to an apartment in Ramallah?

That is the only option that will do justice with both sides.

I guess that is the solution.

Just like the solution in which Jews that owned farms and houses in Yamit, Gush Katif or Atzmona are to "return" to Tel Aviv.

Life sucks, man. But we need to find a compromise. Is bloodshed a better solution, by any chance?
So, are you saying that Palestinians who owned farms, orange or olive groves, houses, factories or commercial real estate in...say...Jaffa should be allowed to "return" to an apartment in Ramallah?

It may mean that for some, but they should prefer that to Amman or Beirut.

Both sides will have to make tough choices and concessions, otherwise they will just have to keep fighting.
Doc - It really isn't possible to respond to illiterate gibberish. Your posts simply make no sense.
It's so disheartening to see my faithul readers revert to same old lame bullshit excuses for not willing to get an appointment with an opthalmologist, or something, provided education is there, which is controversial too, of course.
Bth/. how's mr/mrs Alexa doing? Still "dipping skinny" in the Tiberias after reading Keane in the kibutz Ginosar?
Interesting though, is that THIS is all you've taken from my post.
No it wasn't, it was just the one thing that jumped out at me.

But if you insist...

That's pure bullcrap.
Some of it is, some of it isn't.

What we want is people like Hamas, painting themselves as "freedom fighters" while being no more then brutal killers, to GET LOST. If possible, to the ocean.
Like it or not, Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. It's none of your god-damn business who the Pals choose to represent them. For the record, I don't like Hamas as well, but it's none of my god-damn business, either.

We want the people who brainwash the Palestinians to hate Jews since BIRTH to get lost, as well.
Is it really brainwashing? You have an entire generation of Palestinian's growing up seeing nothing but Israeli atrocities against their people. Ongoing occupation, restricted movement, indescriminant shootings, air strikes, hospitals bombed, rock throwing kids shot, etc. Is it really brainwashing? Or is it you not being responsible for your own actions?

We don't believe that the Palestinians worth less of justice, it's what YOU think we believe; Anti Zionists think they know all about us, while in field they know CRAP.
Why do you treat every criticism as "anti-_______ "(fill in the blank)? Some of the criticism is from jewish civil rights groups. Are they anti-zionist? Are they anti-semitic jews?.

I bet niether of you haters were ever in a life risking situation, or a war, that you know what "we think"
That does not justify treating the Palestinian's like garbage or punishing those that have committed no crime.

It's funny that you say we don't believe any palestinian deserves justice, while you said out in the open for quoting, that the Palestinians do what they do (firing rockets) at last resort, that they only option they have left is to fire rockets at children.
They can't fire rockets at anyone specifically. They have no ability to target the rocket. That's why they're war crimes (indescriminant weapons). If they could and only targeted the IDF, they'd be legal.

That is the silliest thing I have ever heard. That being said by you, proved that you don't think ISRAELIS in south deserve justice.
Israeli citizens deserve justice; Israeli insurgents (settlers), do not.

1. It is not our business who the Palestinians choose as their government?

Well, they surely make it our business, when Hamas shoot rockets into our cities. If the Mexican people would have chosen a government which fires missiles at San Diego, it would have been an American business, too.

2. You ask if it's brainwashing?

Is it not?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSwpAX1xvrc&feature=related]Palestinian children are taught: Genocide is God's will - YouTube[/ame]

How do you describe THAT, then?

Weeks ago Muslims killed children in France, in the name of the Palestinian children who have died. What was their crime? What was the crime of Illan Halimi? Also died in the name of the same war? It is not about Israel, it is about Islam going against our people wherever they live. We have seen in in Mumbai, France, USA, Argentina, and too many places to mention. If it was only Palestine, then their would have been no war outside Israel. But when they teach to "slay all Jews" and that even the "tree and stone" will tell them to kill us, it is brainwashing. Not air force or soldiers can make and excuse to call to slay an entire nation simple because their Hadith says we brings out Allah's wrath.

3. The term "Jewish right groups" is incorrect. Those are "Arab rights groups" Those groups never called for human rights for the Jews. You can check for yourself see that I'm right. many Israeli children are being used by society for labor, many children are abused, but those groups takes no side to them, only the Palestinian cause.
Interesting though, is that THIS is all you've taken from my post.
No it wasn't, it was just the one thing that jumped out at me.

But if you insist...

That's pure bullcrap.
Some of it is, some of it isn't.

What we want is people like Hamas, painting themselves as "freedom fighters" while being no more then brutal killers, to GET LOST. If possible, to the ocean.
Like it or not, Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. It's none of your god-damn business who the Pals choose to represent them. For the record, I don't like Hamas as well, but it's none of my god-damn business, either.

We want the people who brainwash the Palestinians to hate Jews since BIRTH to get lost, as well.
Is it really brainwashing? You have an entire generation of Palestinian's growing up seeing nothing but Israeli atrocities against their people. Ongoing occupation, restricted movement, indescriminant shootings, air strikes, hospitals bombed, rock throwing kids shot, etc. Is it really brainwashing? Or is it you not being responsible for your own actions?

We don't believe that the Palestinians worth less of justice, it's what YOU think we believe; Anti Zionists think they know all about us, while in field they know CRAP.
Why do you treat every criticism as "anti-_______ "(fill in the blank)? Some of the criticism is from jewish civil rights groups. Are they anti-zionist? Are they anti-semitic jews?.

I bet niether of you haters were ever in a life risking situation, or a war, that you know what "we think"
That does not justify treating the Palestinian's like garbage or punishing those that have committed no crime.

It's funny that you say we don't believe any palestinian deserves justice, while you said out in the open for quoting, that the Palestinians do what they do (firing rockets) at last resort, that they only option they have left is to fire rockets at children.
They can't fire rockets at anyone specifically. They have no ability to target the rocket. That's why they're war crimes (indescriminant weapons). If they could and only targeted the IDF, they'd be legal.

That is the silliest thing I have ever heard. That being said by you, proved that you don't think ISRAELIS in south deserve justice.
Israeli citizens deserve justice; Israeli insurgents (settlers), do not.

1. At least you recognize Rockets at civilians as a war crime. Good. Now we're getting somewhere. Now explain that reasoning to Mr. Tinmore as well, and let me say "Halleluja".

2. "Settlers do not deserve Justice".

Let me put out some names for you.

Yo'av Fogel (11 years old)

El'ad Fogel (4 years old)

Hadas Fogel (3 months old)

Naria Shabo (14 years old)

Tzvi Shabo (12 years old)

Avishai Shabo (4 year old)

Shalhevet Pass (10 months old)

All of them Settler children. All of them stabbed, shot and abused by Palestinian "freedom fighters".

And apperently, by new world order, not deserving any justice, for simply being "settlers".

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