holy water


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
what's the purpose of holy water?
it doesn't really heal anything/anyone
I was watching a special about an ancient Jewish place of worship deep under Jerusalem. There was a hollowed out spot at the entrance where everyone had to ritually wash their feet before entering. Baptists use full body immersion to symbolize cleansing the spirit when embracing Jesus Christ as their savior. It seems a lot of major religions have a relic of bathing before church. The holy water might be the remnant of something similar?
Just another imaginative invention to subjugate the superstitious masses.
The miracle is that so maaaany sheep continue to believe this magic BS.
"Holy water is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy or a religious figure. The use for cleansing prior to a baptism and spiritual cleansing is common in several religions, from Christianity to Sikhism. The use of holy water as a sacramental for protection against evil is common among Anglicans and Roman Catholics."

I'm sure the op was aware of this already, since this is just a troll thread.

But there it is.

Holy water - Wikipedia
"...atheistic Satanists regard Satan as merely a symbol of certain human traits.[2]

"Contemporary religious Satanism is predominantly an American phenomenon, the ideas spreading elsewhere with the effects of globalization and the Internet.[3] The Internet spreads awareness of other Satanists, and is also the main battleground for Satanist disputes."

harmonica = satanist.

Satanism - Wikipedia
"LaVey used Christianity as a negative mirror for his new faith,[173] with LaVeyan Satanism rejecting the basic principles and theology of Christian belief.[162] It views Christianity – alongside other major religions, and philosophies such as humanism and liberal democracy– as a largely negative force on humanity; LaVeyan Satanists perceive Christianity as a lie which promotes idealism, self-denigration, herd behavior, and irrationality.[174] LaVeyans view their religion as a force for redressing this balance by encouraging materialism, egoism, stratification, carnality, atheism, and social Darwinism.[174] LaVey's Satanism was particularly critical of what it understands as Christianity's denial of humanity's animal nature, and it instead calls for the celebration of, and indulgence in, these desires.[162] In doing so, it places an emphasis on the carnal rather than the spiritual.[175]"

Satanism - Wikipedia
well, I thought we were taught it was really holy
and then you have The Exorcist scene where the holy water ''hurts'' the demon
Just another imaginative invention to subjugate the superstitious masses.
The miracle is that so maaaany sheep continue to believe this magic BS.

I guess the satanists' lack the skills to convince Christians to walk away from God.

I thought y'all were superior in every way. If so, one wonders why it's impossible for you to change the minds of a few sheep.

Meanwhile, Christians continue to convert millions, especially in countries where people can be KILLED for admitting they are Christian.

I guess our argument is just a better argument.
what a coincidence!
I was giving a ride today to an old lady I used to live by and she needs her holy water bottle filled
she says she ''uses'' it before taking a shower.....
I guess it makes her feel ''better''??

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