Holy sh**!!! Comey: "If an FBI agent did what Hillary did they'd face 'severe consequences'!!??

in the 99 years since the espionage act was created, only 1 person was prosecuted for gross negligence and that person was careless and had intent to commit espionage....

It's you, who want to change the law and precedence on this issue....

exactly. just goes to show the typical gaping whole in their everyday attempts at logic.

newsflash: "the average American" is not acting as Secretary of State of the U.S.A. until maybe they are, in which case the end result of these same circumstances would be the very same non prosecution.

so sorry rabid hacks, the U.S.A. doesn't take prosecuting our SoS frivolously.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."
LOL! Well, did you hear the rabid judge that disagreed with the Director? He's on the panel and tried to school the Director that "INTENT" was not to be used in applying the law.


You just said the laws don't apply to the FBI head the same way they do to an FBI newbie. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

The law is the law.

And once again....we're seeing the left supporting a lawless society....a banana republic style government where the law is only there to throw at the people they want.

What we see here is that leftist morons like Timmy actually demand that laws be different for rulers than for the ruled.

In a way....I almost think I should applaud Comey instead of ripping him.

He's not trying to insult our intelligence by trying to sugar coat it.

He's flat out saying it. The law doesn't apply equally. Hillary is different. Yes...we changed the law to fit the outcome. Yes....if a peasant did what she did they'd be fucked. She's not.

He was brutally honest. She's above all this.
Anyone watching this shit???

Comey just got cornered and said if an FBI agent had done what Hillary did he would face "severe consequences"......then 2 minutes later said everyone would be treated equally of they committed this same crime.

He's also rewritten the law. House asked him "what does it take"???

He said that it requires 2 things: Mishandling of classified info (which he bluntly agreed Hillary did).....and INTENT.

No sir Mr. Comey. These laws do NOT require intent. Countless legal experts have declared this and the law does not say that.

Hell, if someone in the military did what Hitlery did they would be court marshaled.

Comeys hands were tied but he had no problem telling everyone how stupid, careless and damned incompetent Hitlery and her State Department were.

I'm sure Trump will have no problem reminding everyone of that fact via national news coverage.
in the 99 years since the espionage act was created, only 1 person was prosecuted for gross negligence and that person was careless and had intent to commit espionage....

It's you, who want to change the law and precedence on this issue....

exactly. just goes to show the typical gaping whole in their everyday attempts at logic.

newsflash: "the average American" is not acting as Secretary of State of the U.S.A. until maybe they are, in which case the end result of these same circumstances would be the very same non prosecution.

so sorry rabid hacks, the U.S.A. doesn't take prosecuting our SoS frivolously.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."
Openly admitting the elite 1% should be above the law. How Democrat of you.

you're openly admitting your inability to comprehend simple concepts?

here is what facing up to "the law" actually concluded:

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."
What the public heard:

The current prosecutor would not bring such a case after meeting with Bill Clinton.....

Bad day to be a fascist liberal like you....:lol:
So, unless Congress asked the fbi to investigate her lies about her handling of email and classified information to Congress and the public, they would not include that in their investigation.
She lied to Congress and the American public. And was not under oath when she was interviewed by the FBI, nor was it recorded, nor was Comey there.

Lying to the FBI is a felony. You don't need to be under oath. Hillary is documented to have lied on a dozen occasions and is hence guilty of a felony, or would be if the laws that govern other people were applied to her.

They are not, we are not a nation of laws bur a nation of rulers.
in the 99 years since the espionage act was created, only 1 person was prosecuted for gross negligence and that person was careless and had intent to commit espionage....

It's you, who want to change the law and precedence on this issue....

exactly. just goes to show the typical gaping whole in their everyday attempts at logic.

newsflash: "the average American" is not acting as Secretary of State of the U.S.A. until maybe they are, in which case the end result of these same circumstances would be the very same non prosecution.

so sorry rabid hacks, the U.S.A. doesn't take prosecuting our SoS frivolously.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."
Openly admitting the elite 1% should be above the law. How Democrat of you.

you're openly admitting your inability to comprehend simple concepts?

here is what facing up to "the law" actually concluded:

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

So, no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case, but reasonable voters would vote for a candidate who:








Anyone watching this shit???

Comey just got cornered and said if an FBI agent had done what Hillary did he would face "severe consequences"......then 2 minutes later said everyone would be treated equally of they committed this same crime.

He's also rewritten the law. House asked him "what does it take"???

He said that it requires 2 things: Mishandling of classified info (which he bluntly agreed Hillary did).....and INTENT.

No sir Mr. Comey. These laws do NOT require intent. Countless legal experts have declared this and the law does not say that.

Comey is a REPUBLICAN. His statements reflect what the FBI requires. Hillary Clinton is NOT an FBI agent.

Intent is everything. Did you INTEND to screw something up a work? Probably not, so you're not investigated and prosecuted for it. If we were, 99% of the citizens of this country would be investigated, prosecuted and thrown in jail for workplace BLUNDERS.

Furthermore, if they charged Hillary Clinton with anything, they would also have to do investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

It was a Senior IT staffer who worked at the State Department who set up Hillary Clinton's server. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the state department would know that it was wrong to set up a separate server for her. He obviously didn't know, probably because he had done others, and it was never an issue until now. Of course he pleaded the 5th to save his own arse.

Comey is not a Republican. To argue that because he was once appointed by Bush to a job is voided with the fact he is the FBI Director appointed by Obama.

If anything its shown George W. Bush was very fair in appointing a non-partisan FBI director. Too bad the left isn't capable of this type of integrity in their actions.

I think you meant to say the Right. 7 million taxpayer dollars were wasted on 8 Benghazi investigations. Trey Gowdy--a Republican and head of the Benghazi investigations had to clear Hillary Clinton of any negligence. Now Reich wingers are calling for Trey Gowdy to get impeached or replaced. Only because the 8th investigation didn't not confirm their conspiracy theories.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

Since the email didn't bring any charges, they're starting an investigation into the investigator. Both Trey Gowdy & Comey are REPUBLICANS.

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever."

Comey is a REPUBLICAN. His statements reflect what the FBI requires. Hillary Clinton is NOT an FBI agent.

Intent is everything. Did you INTEND to screw something up a work? Probably not, so you're not investigated and prosecuted for it. If we were, 99% of the citizens of this country would be investigated, prosecuted and thrown in jail for workplace BLUNDERS.

Furthermore, if they charged Hillary Clinton with anything, they would also have to do investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

It was a Senior IT staffer who worked at the State Department who set up Hillary Clinton's server. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the state department would know that it was wrong to set up a separate server for her. He obviously didn't know, probably because he had done others, and it was never an issue until now. Of course he pleaded the 5th to save his own arse.


These Reich wing dog & pony shows are backfiring on Republicans. They cost the taxpayers of this country millions of dollars to do, and if they don't stop--the Republican party will be destroyed over them.

The Bullshit that hacks use to cover for their rulers.

Judge: Did you INTEND to hit and kill that child while you were driving drunk?

Defendant: No your honor.

Judge: Well, then you are free to go, since there was no intent..

Now the Democrat from New Jersey has decided to use her time to grill Comey on how bad American police are treating blacks haha. Wow.
Saw that...sometimes people are their race before Americans... This is a not about blacks being shot. No one told her, evidently. She saw the tv cameras and had to go for an election speech.
Anyone watching this shit???

Comey just got cornered and said if an FBI agent had done what Hillary did he would face "severe consequences"......then 2 minutes later said everyone would be treated equally of they committed this same crime.

He's also rewritten the law. House asked him "what does it take"???

He said that it requires 2 things: Mishandling of classified info (which he bluntly agreed Hillary did).....and INTENT.

No sir Mr. Comey. These laws do NOT require intent. Countless legal experts have declared this and the law does not say that.

Comey is a REPUBLICAN. His statements reflect what the FBI requires. Hillary Clinton is NOT an FBI agent.

Intent is everything. Did you INTEND to screw something up a work? Probably not, so you're not investigated and prosecuted for it. If we were, 99% of the citizens of this country would be investigated, prosecuted and thrown in jail for workplace BLUNDERS.

Furthermore, if they charged Hillary Clinton with anything, they would also have to do investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

It was a Senior IT staffer who worked at the State Department who set up Hillary Clinton's server. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the state department would know that it was wrong to set up a separate server for her. He obviously didn't know, probably because he had done others, and it was never an issue until now. Of course he pleaded the 5th to save his own arse.

Comey is not a Republican. To argue that because he was once appointed by Bush to a job is voided with the fact he is the FBI Director appointed by Obama.

If anything its shown George W. Bush was very fair in appointing a non-partisan FBI director. Too bad the left isn't capable of this type of integrity in their actions.

I think you meant to say the Right. 7 million taxpayer dollars were wasted on 8 Benghazi investigations. Trey Gowdy--a Republican and head of the Benghazi investigations had to clear Hillary Clinton of any negligence. Now Reich wingers are calling for Trey Gowdy to get impeached or replaced. Only because the 8th investigation didn't not confirm their conspiracy theories.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

Since the email didn't bring any charges, they're starting an investigation into the investigator. Both Trey Gowdy & Comey are REPUBLICANS.

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever."

Hilarious watching the left pretending to be concerned about $7M being spent. That's a week of Obama golfing in Hawaii.

She's perjured herself...Congress is a sending referral to the FBI to begin the investigation.

The same FBI that just declared that she is not subject to the law? :eek:

Well yeah that does give me pause....but it's obvious she perjured herself. She tells so many lies she can't keep track of them
Lying runs in the family. Better she get sanction for it now that impeaching another Clinton!
Honey, look at this statute, and do remember she signed a statement acknowledging how to handle records upon taking office-

18 U.S.C. § 1924: Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Material
The same charge Sandy Berger was found guilty of


Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documentsor materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

So he admitted Hillary just got away with crimes becauae of who she is....got it.

No. More like her position as sec of state . The rules for the head of the FBI are not the same for some FBI agent .


You just said the laws don't apply to the FBI head the same way they do to an FBI newbie. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

The law is the law.

And once again....we're seeing the left supporting a lawless society....a banana republic style government where the law is only there to throw at the people they want.

Point out the part of the law she so dastardly violated ? Have u even looked at the elements of the law ?

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
She signed a statement claiming to know the difference is not voided by Comey saying she was too stupid to know...
Well yeah that does give me pause....but it's obvious she perjured herself. She tells so many lies she can't keep track of them

One thing that impressed me about Bill Clinton was that he could tell a thousand different lies to a thousand different people, and keep track of them all. THAT took some serious brain power. Clinton was easily the smartest president in my lifetime. Evil, but damned smart.

Hillary is not Bill, not by a country mile.


You just said the laws don't apply to the FBI head the same way they do to an FBI newbie. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

The law is the law.

And once again....we're seeing the left supporting a lawless society....a banana republic style government where the law is only there to throw at the people they want.

What we see here is that leftist morons like Timmy actually demand that laws be different for rulers than for the ruled.

No. It's because their jobs are different .

Can an FBI agent just call a press conf and talk of the details of Hilary's investigation ?
Anyone watching this shit???

Comey just got cornered and said if an FBI agent had done what Hillary did he would face "severe consequences"......then 2 minutes later said everyone would be treated equally of they committed this same crime.

He's also rewritten the law. House asked him "what does it take"???

He said that it requires 2 things: Mishandling of classified info (which he bluntly agreed Hillary did).....and INTENT.

No sir Mr. Comey. These laws do NOT require intent. Countless legal experts have declared this and the law does not say that.

Comey is a REPUBLICAN. His statements reflect what the FBI requires. Hillary Clinton is NOT an FBI agent.

Intent is everything. Did you INTEND to screw something up a work? Probably not, so you're not investigated and prosecuted for it. If we were, 99% of the citizens of this country would be investigated, prosecuted and thrown in jail for workplace BLUNDERS.

Furthermore, if they charged Hillary Clinton with anything, they would also have to do investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

It was a Senior IT staffer who worked at the State Department who set up Hillary Clinton's server. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the state department would know that it was wrong to set up a separate server for her. He obviously didn't know, probably because he had done others, and it was never an issue until now. Of course he pleaded the 5th to save his own arse.

Comey is not a Republican. To argue that because he was once appointed by Bush to a job is voided with the fact he is the FBI Director appointed by Obama.

If anything its shown George W. Bush was very fair in appointing a non-partisan FBI director. Too bad the left isn't capable of this type of integrity in their actions.

I think you meant to say the Right. 7 million taxpayer dollars were wasted on 8 Benghazi investigations. Trey Gowdy--a Republican and head of the Benghazi investigations had to clear Hillary Clinton of any negligence. Now Reich wingers are calling for Trey Gowdy to get impeached or replaced. Only because the 8th investigation didn't not confirm their conspiracy theories.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

Since the email didn't bring any charges, they're starting an investigation into the investigator. Both Trey Gowdy & Comey are REPUBLICANS.

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever."

Hilarious watching the left pretending to be concerned about $7M being spent. That's a week of Obama golfing in Hawaii.
Or them beingconcerned about $7 million when $6 BILLION vanished under Hillary & Obama stole $500 million to give to the UN.

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