Holocaust deniers

I find it humorous when people post about Islam/muslims involvement in the so called holocaust and act like it was a significant event in WWll.

When in reality it was about 0.01% of the holocaust narrative. .. :cool:

It's humorous to consider Muslims as having any significant role in the Second World War.
Finally you have said something that I agree with.

WWll was a European and Asian war that had very little to do with the Middle East and muslims. ... :cool:

You realize North Africa, Libya, Rommel, and Patton all had a little bit to do with WWII right? :)
Does someone care to offer a precise description of "Holocaust denier"? And which Holocaust are we talking about?

That is an excellent quest? What holocaust are we talking about? Lets see we have the Holodomor, Katyn Forest Massacre, The atomic bomb, Churchill withholding food from many in India. Should we discuss the Japanese Pow Camps, or the French, Britian Pows camps, or worst

The Gulage death camps.

There was mass starvation everywhere, food was not produced, imported or exported, Mass deaths due to Typhus , lice infestation of which the Cyclone B was used for , and yes some brutal and unnecessary deaths on innocent people.

Lets get into the transfer agreement with Hitler and Ben Guerin, how about the Geman ship with about the 1000 Jewish on which the US would not let port, Germany nor France nor anyone would take in Jews, more mouths to feed and take care of.

Read about Typhus even in WIKI, has a pic of work camp death, no gas chamber involved there.

And the worst part is to be called names and told we can't discuss it, its beyond discussion. the Knesset (is that it) In Israel wants to pass a bill to make it illegal globally to debate the holocaust or deny it.

Shall we just stop and think about this for a moment? The poster has apparently convinced itself that one nation can pass a bill in its legislature that will somehow affect the rights of people GLOBALLY to 'debate' a topic.

Just how idiotic and 'ill-informed' and devoid of logic is that?

Hint: if some don't wish to be 'called names' and laughed at - they shouldn't make such "statements" as the garbage bolded above.

Nobody's been telling the Nazi apologists that they 'shouldn't' discuss the details of the Holocaust: what people here have been telling them is that the individuals attempting to 'justify' and EXCUSE the Nazi mass murders of groups all over Europe are incapable and incompetent in their attempts. And that happens for the reason that their 'basis' - the lack of murderous intent of Nazi policies - is entirely baseless, without merit, and is contradicted by mountains of documented evidence from the entire period of Nazi rule.

Yes mainly Russian and Jewish, British and American Zionist writings. Nazi apologist? No we just think the truth should be told. The 6mil Jews who died in Gas chambers is a lie from the pit of hell, and then Putin just makes it a crime to deny the jewish holocaust. So if one denies the lie , they commit a crime. Unreal.
That is an excellent quest? What holocaust are we talking about? Lets see we have the Holodomor, Katyn Forest Massacre, The atomic bomb, Churchill withholding food from many in India. Should we discuss the Japanese Pow Camps, or the French, Britian Pows camps, or worst

The Gulage death camps.

There was mass starvation everywhere, food was not produced, imported or exported, Mass deaths due to Typhus , lice infestation of which the Cyclone B was used for , and yes some brutal and unnecessary deaths on innocent people.

Lets get into the transfer agreement with Hitler and Ben Guerin, how about the Geman ship with about the 1000 Jewish on which the US would not let port, Germany nor France nor anyone would take in Jews, more mouths to feed and take care of.

Read about Typhus even in WIKI, has a pic of work camp death, no gas chamber involved there.

And the worst part is to be called names and told we can't discuss it, its beyond discussion. the Knesset (is that it) In Israel wants to pass a bill to make it illegal globally to debate the holocaust or deny it.

Shall we just stop and think about this for a moment? The poster has apparently convinced itself that one nation can pass a bill in its legislature that will somehow affect the rights of people GLOBALLY to 'debate' a topic.

Just how idiotic and 'ill-informed' and devoid of logic is that?

Hint: if some don't wish to be 'called names' and laughed at - they shouldn't make such "statements" as the garbage bolded above.

Nobody's been telling the Nazi apologists that they 'shouldn't' discuss the details of the Holocaust: what people here have been telling them is that the individuals attempting to 'justify' and EXCUSE the Nazi mass murders of groups all over Europe are incapable and incompetent in their attempts. And that happens for the reason that their 'basis' - the lack of murderous intent of Nazi policies - is entirely baseless, without merit, and is contradicted by mountains of documented evidence from the entire period of Nazi rule.

Yes mainly Russian and Jewish, British and American Zionist writings. Nazi apologist? No we just think the truth should be told. The 6mil Jews who died in Gas chambers is a lie from the pit of hell, and then Putin just makes it a crime to deny the jewish holocaust. So if one denies the lie , they commit a crime. Unreal.

You have so many interesting anecdotes to share. I can hardly wait for you to present the compelling historical evidence that supports your hair brained theories.
It's humorous to consider Muslims as having any significant role in the Second World War.
Finally you have said something that I agree with.

WWll was a European and Asian war that had very little to do with the Middle East and muslims. ... :cool:

You realize North Africa, Libya, Rommel, and Patton all had a little bit to do with WWII right? :)
That was just a side show to compared to the war taking place in in Europe.

And really didn't involve the arab citizens as fighters to any large degree. ... :cool:
Hilarious! So you consider Wiki 'suspect' because of...... ???? You've not included any source nor citation for your assertion about IDC Herzliya. So we should question a well-known source because some random anonymous wanker on a chat board makes accusations of people trying to introduce bias there?

Exactly how do you purport to 'know' this is so?

Holocaust deniers never present anything even remotely like actual evidence to support their half wit theories. They apparently believe that all they have to do is entertain a doubt to overturn history.

Lol, I question the holocaust because of what holocaust promoters themselves admit.

Hilberg agreed there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers.

Van Pelt agreed he had been to Birkenau many times and had NEVER seen the holes in the roof through which the Zyklon-B was supposedly dropped.

Here's a stark example of just how stupid Holocaust deniers really are. The one's that know about books at all refer to Hilberg; they make that reference evidently without the benefit of having read "The Destruction of European Jews". Had any of them actually read anything they would know that Hilberg's book claims that at least 5.1 million Jews were exterminated during the Second World War.
Apparently one author quibbling about 5.1 million verses six million somehow overturns history and shows the Holocaust to be a hoax conspiracy.
If you people were just a little smarter you might try actually reading the authors you like to talk about.
That is an excellent quest? What holocaust are we talking about? Lets see we have the Holodomor, Katyn Forest Massacre, The atomic bomb, Churchill withholding food from many in India. Should we discuss the Japanese Pow Camps, or the French, Britian Pows camps, or worst

The Gulage death camps.

There was mass starvation everywhere, food was not produced, imported or exported, Mass deaths due to Typhus , lice infestation of which the Cyclone B was used for , and yes some brutal and unnecessary deaths on innocent people.

Lets get into the transfer agreement with Hitler and Ben Guerin, how about the Geman ship with about the 1000 Jewish on which the US would not let port, Germany nor France nor anyone would take in Jews, more mouths to feed and take care of.

Read about Typhus even in WIKI, has a pic of work camp death, no gas chamber involved there.

And the worst part is to be called names and told we can't discuss it, its beyond discussion. the Knesset (is that it) In Israel wants to pass a bill to make it illegal globally to debate the holocaust or deny it.

Shall we just stop and think about this for a moment? The poster has apparently convinced itself that one nation can pass a bill in its legislature that will somehow affect the rights of people GLOBALLY to 'debate' a topic.

Just how idiotic and 'ill-informed' and devoid of logic is that?

Hint: if some don't wish to be 'called names' and laughed at - they shouldn't make such "statements" as the garbage bolded above.

Nobody's been telling the Nazi apologists that they 'shouldn't' discuss the details of the Holocaust: what people here have been telling them is that the individuals attempting to 'justify' and EXCUSE the Nazi mass murders of groups all over Europe are incapable and incompetent in their attempts. And that happens for the reason that their 'basis' - the lack of murderous intent of Nazi policies - is entirely baseless, without merit, and is contradicted by mountains of documented evidence from the entire period of Nazi rule.

Yes mainly Russian and Jewish, British and American Zionist writings. Nazi apologist? No we just think the truth should be told. The 6mil Jews who died in Gas chambers is a lie from the pit of hell, and then Putin just makes it a crime to deny the jewish holocaust. So if one denies the lie , they commit a crime. Unreal.

Stop trying to deflect attention from your idiocy, and explain to all of us just how any legislation passed by the Knesset would be authoritative OUTside of Israel? Just cover that one example of logical impossibility which you claimed, please.

As to your attempt to slander the sources: the ORIGINAL sources, still preserved, are the internal memos of the Nazi regime - millions of pieces of paper and film which recorded those atrocities you would deny or explain away.

To be an 'apologist' is to be one who sets forth the 'doctrine' of a group or establishment: thus we have a branch of religious studies known as 'apologetics' - this can range from explaining and illustrating complicated doctrine, to 'defending' the doctrine with regard to different views on the topic from different religions.

What the 'revisionists' are engaged in is remarkably similar: they are 'defending' the actions of the Nazi regime. They are not 'searching for truth' - they are 'telling the Nazi side' and seeking to either evade the genocidal intentions of the Nazi regime and/or to "justify" those genocidal intentions.

Regardless of their pious crocodile tears over Nazi victims - the 'revisionists' all share the Nazi world-view to some extent or other. ALL of them.
The number of juden who lost their lives during the so called holocaust was around 100 thousand.....200 thousand at the most. ... :cool:

How do you presume to decide that the census figures from all across Europe were falsified?
That the Nazis' own accounts regarding Jews murdered in the camps were also falsified? Remember, the original documentation was preserved and recorded immediately after the war by the team of researchers for the Nuremberg prosecutors. And those individuals were some of the very best legal researchers in the world, dedicated 'officers of the court', and many of them not even military.

In order to even begin to attack the mountain of evidence - one has to posit a huge international conspiracy by half the nations of Europe to malign Nazi Germany. That 'conspiracy' would have to include most of the Nazis on trial at Nuremberg as well - at which point the 'conspiracy' idea becomes unsustainable except as a delusion.
Shall we just stop and think about this for a moment? The poster has apparently convinced itself that one nation can pass a bill in its legislature that will somehow affect the rights of people GLOBALLY to 'debate' a topic.

Just how idiotic and 'ill-informed' and devoid of logic is that?

Hint: if some don't wish to be 'called names' and laughed at - they shouldn't make such "statements" as the garbage bolded above.

Nobody's been telling the Nazi apologists that they 'shouldn't' discuss the details of the Holocaust: what people here have been telling them is that the individuals attempting to 'justify' and EXCUSE the Nazi mass murders of groups all over Europe are incapable and incompetent in their attempts. And that happens for the reason that their 'basis' - the lack of murderous intent of Nazi policies - is entirely baseless, without merit, and is contradicted by mountains of documented evidence from the entire period of Nazi rule.

Yes mainly Russian and Jewish, British and American Zionist writings. Nazi apologist? No we just think the truth should be told. The 6mil Jews who died in Gas chambers is a lie from the pit of hell, and then Putin just makes it a crime to deny the jewish holocaust. So if one denies the lie , they commit a crime. Unreal.

Stop trying to deflect attention from your idiocy, and explain to all of us just how any legislation passed by the Knesset would be authoritative OUTside of Israel? Just cover that one example of logical impossibility which you claimed, please.

As to your attempt to slander the sources: the ORIGINAL sources, still preserved, are the internal memos of the Nazi regime - millions of pieces of paper and film which recorded those atrocities you would deny or explain away.

To be an 'apologist' is to be one who sets forth the 'doctrine' of a group or establishment: thus we have a branch of religious studies known as 'apologetics' - this can range from explaining and illustrating complicated doctrine, to 'defending' the doctrine with regard to different views on the topic from different religions.

What the 'revisionists' are engaged in is remarkably similar: they are 'defending' the actions of the Nazi regime. They are not 'searching for truth' - they are 'telling the Nazi side' and seeking to either evade the genocidal intentions of the Nazi regime and/or to "justify" those genocidal intentions.

Regardless of their pious crocodile tears over Nazi victims - the 'revisionists' all share the Nazi world-view to some extent or other. ALL of them.

Point is, we are searching for truth as your story is a fable. They were whining in 1918, The final solution was a Zionist thing, and the final solution was to go to Palestine.
See we do not believe the unreal story, even some kids don't. The more the truth comes out, the better. Churchill was a evil man too, but we only hear but how great he was.

I think the worst part, is how the Jewish use it for everything every article, mentions the holocaust. Gets old, real old.
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Yes mainly Russian and Jewish, British and American Zionist writings. Nazi apologist? No we just think the truth should be told. The 6mil Jews who died in Gas chambers is a lie from the pit of hell, and then Putin just makes it a crime to deny the jewish holocaust. So if one denies the lie , they commit a crime. Unreal.

Stop trying to deflect attention from your idiocy, and explain to all of us just how any legislation passed by the Knesset would be authoritative OUTside of Israel? Just cover that one example of logical impossibility which you claimed, please.

As to your attempt to slander the sources: the ORIGINAL sources, still preserved, are the internal memos of the Nazi regime - millions of pieces of paper and film which recorded those atrocities you would deny or explain away.

To be an 'apologist' is to be one who sets forth the 'doctrine' of a group or establishment: thus we have a branch of religious studies known as 'apologetics' - this can range from explaining and illustrating complicated doctrine, to 'defending' the doctrine with regard to different views on the topic from different religions.

What the 'revisionists' are engaged in is remarkably similar: they are 'defending' the actions of the Nazi regime. They are not 'searching for truth' - they are 'telling the Nazi side' and seeking to either evade the genocidal intentions of the Nazi regime and/or to "justify" those genocidal intentions.

Regardless of their pious crocodile tears over Nazi victims - the 'revisionists' all share the Nazi world-view to some extent or other. ALL of them.

Point is, we are searching for truth as your story is a fable. They were whining in 1918, The final solution was a Zionist thing, and the final solution was to go to Palestine.
See we do not believe the unreal story, even some kids don't. The more the truth comes out, the better. Churchill was a evil man too, but we only hear but how great he was.

I think the worst part, is how the Jewish use it for everything every article, mentions the holocaust. Gets old, real old.

You're searching for the truth......that is just about the funniest fucking thing I've ever heard. You couldn't possibly care less about the truth.
Holocaust deniers never present anything even remotely like actual evidence to support their half wit theories. They apparently believe that all they have to do is entertain a doubt to overturn history.

Lol, I question the holocaust because of what holocaust promoters themselves admit.

Hilberg agreed there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers.

Van Pelt agreed he had been to Birkenau many times and had NEVER seen the holes in the roof through which the Zyklon-B was supposedly dropped.

That might even be remotely interesting if Holocaust deniers could ever present any actual evidence to support their half wit claims. But they never do.

http://news.google.com/newspapers?i...KUFAAAAIBAJ&dq=zundel hilberg&pg=4039,3484482


Under cross-examination by David Irving on January 28, 2000, van Pelt admitted that he had "frequently visited the roof of the alleged factory of death," but had not seen the requisite holes there:

Irving: You have not seen any holes in the roof, have you, in the -- when you went there? You have not found any holes?

Van Pelt: I have not seen the holes for the columns, no.

Irving: Not for the introduction of the cyanide?

Van Pelt: No.

In the High Court of Justice 1996 I. No. 113 Queen's Bench Division, Royal Courts of Justice, London. January 28, 2000. P-129, P-130. Hereinafter: Transcript.
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Lol, I question the holocaust because of what holocaust promoters themselves admit.

Hilberg agreed there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers.

Van Pelt agreed he had been to Birkenau many times and had NEVER seen the holes in the roof through which the Zyklon-B was supposedly dropped.

That might even be remotely interesting if Holocaust deniers could ever present any actual evidence to support their half wit claims. But they never do.


You didn't post anything......probably your most compelling rebuttal yet.
Holocaust deniers never present anything even remotely like actual evidence to support their half wit theories. They apparently believe that all they have to do is entertain a doubt to overturn history.

Lol, I question the holocaust because of what holocaust promoters themselves admit.

Hilberg agreed there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers.

Van Pelt agreed he had been to Birkenau many times and had NEVER seen the holes in the roof through which the Zyklon-B was supposedly dropped.

Here's a stark example of just how stupid Holocaust deniers really are. The one's that know about books at all refer to Hilberg; they make that reference evidently without the benefit of having read "The Destruction of European Jews". Had any of them actually read anything they would know that Hilberg's book claims that at least 5.1 million Jews were exterminated during the Second World War.
Apparently one author quibbling about 5.1 million verses six million somehow overturns history and shows the Holocaust to be a hoax conspiracy.
If you people were just a little smarter you might try actually reading the authors you like to talk about.

Hilberg admitted there were no scientific evidence for gas chambers, nothing else he said can gain say that.
The number of juden who lost their lives during the so called holocaust was around 100 thousand.....200 thousand at the most. ... :cool:

In one sense Hitler saved the Jews, he took them out of the German cities that were carpet bombed by the Allies.

OK many died of typhus and starvation because food and disinfectant ran out but many more would have been incinerated in the cities.
Shall we just stop and think about this for a moment? The poster has apparently convinced itself that one nation can pass a bill in its legislature that will somehow affect the rights of people GLOBALLY to 'debate' a topic.

Just how idiotic and 'ill-informed' and devoid of logic is that?

Hint: if some don't wish to be 'called names' and laughed at - they shouldn't make such "statements" as the garbage bolded above.

Nobody's been telling the Nazi apologists that they 'shouldn't' discuss the details of the Holocaust: what people here have been telling them is that the individuals attempting to 'justify' and EXCUSE the Nazi mass murders of groups all over Europe are incapable and incompetent in their attempts. And that happens for the reason that their 'basis' - the lack of murderous intent of Nazi policies - is entirely baseless, without merit, and is contradicted by mountains of documented evidence from the entire period of Nazi rule.

Yes mainly Russian and Jewish, British and American Zionist writings. Nazi apologist? No we just think the truth should be told. The 6mil Jews who died in Gas chambers is a lie from the pit of hell, and then Putin just makes it a crime to deny the jewish holocaust. So if one denies the lie , they commit a crime. Unreal.

Stop trying to deflect attention from your idiocy, and explain to all of us just how any legislation passed by the Knesset would be authoritative OUTside of Israel? Just cover that one example of logical impossibility which you claimed, please.

As to your attempt to slander the sources: the ORIGINAL sources, still preserved, are the internal memos of the Nazi regime - millions of pieces of paper and film which recorded those atrocities you would deny or explain away.

To be an 'apologist' is to be one who sets forth the 'doctrine' of a group or establishment: thus we have a branch of religious studies known as 'apologetics' - this can range from explaining and illustrating complicated doctrine, to 'defending' the doctrine with regard to different views on the topic from different religions.

What the 'revisionists' are engaged in is remarkably similar: they are 'defending' the actions of the Nazi regime. They are not 'searching for truth' - they are 'telling the Nazi side' and seeking to either evade the genocidal intentions of the Nazi regime and/or to "justify" those genocidal intentions.

Regardless of their pious crocodile tears over Nazi victims - the 'revisionists' all share the Nazi world-view to some extent or other. ALL of them.

Thats rubbish, most of them would be less right wing than the British Tories or US republicans.
The number of juden who lost their lives during the so called holocaust was around 100 thousand.....200 thousand at the most. ... :cool:

How do you presume to decide that the census figures from all across Europe were falsified?
That the Nazis' own accounts regarding Jews murdered in the camps were also falsified? Remember, the original documentation was preserved and recorded immediately after the war by the team of researchers for the Nuremberg prosecutors. And those individuals were some of the very best legal researchers in the world, dedicated 'officers of the court', and many of them not even military.

In order to even begin to attack the mountain of evidence - one has to posit a huge international conspiracy by half the nations of Europe to malign Nazi Germany. That 'conspiracy' would have to include most of the Nazis on trial at Nuremberg as well - at which point the 'conspiracy' idea becomes unsustainable except as a delusion.

Nuremberg was a show trial, much of the evidence was nonsense.
That might even be remotely interesting if Holocaust deniers could ever present any actual evidence to support their half wit claims. But they never do.


You didn't post anything......probably your most compelling rebuttal yet.


Yad Vashem: Nazi soap stories `invention'

Under cross-examination by David Irving on January 28, 2000, van Pelt admitted that he had "frequently visited the roof of the alleged factory of death," but had not seen the requisite holes there:

Irving: You have not seen any holes in the roof, have you, in the -- when you went there? You have not found any holes?

Van Pelt: I have not seen the holes for the columns, no.

Irving: Not for the introduction of the cyanide?

Van Pelt: No.

In the High Court of Justice 1996 I. No. 113 Queen's Bench Division, Royal Courts of Justice, London. January 28, 2000. P-129, P-130. Hereinafter: Transcript.
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The number of juden who lost their lives during the so called holocaust was around 100 thousand.....200 thousand at the most. ... :cool:

In one sense Hitler saved the Jews, he took them out of the German cities that were carpet bombed by the Allies.

OK many died of typhus and starvation because food and disinfectant ran out but many more would have been incinerated in the cities.

I am so relieved to hear this was all just a big misunderstanding.

Hitler really was a stand up guy.

(note sarcasm)
Lol, I question the holocaust because of what holocaust promoters themselves admit.

Hilberg agreed there is no scientific evidence for gas chambers.

Van Pelt agreed he had been to Birkenau many times and had NEVER seen the holes in the roof through which the Zyklon-B was supposedly dropped.

Here's a stark example of just how stupid Holocaust deniers really are. The one's that know about books at all refer to Hilberg; they make that reference evidently without the benefit of having read "The Destruction of European Jews". Had any of them actually read anything they would know that Hilberg's book claims that at least 5.1 million Jews were exterminated during the Second World War.
Apparently one author quibbling about 5.1 million verses six million somehow overturns history and shows the Holocaust to be a hoax conspiracy.
If you people were just a little smarter you might try actually reading the authors you like to talk about.

Hilberg admitted there were no scientific evidence for gas chambers, nothing else he said can gain say that.

You even cherry pick from your own sources. Hilarious.
The number of juden who lost their lives during the so called holocaust was around 100 thousand.....200 thousand at the most. ... :cool:

In one sense Hitler saved the Jews, he took them out of the German cities that were carpet bombed by the Allies.

OK many died of typhus and starvation because food and disinfectant ran out but many more would have been incinerated in the cities.

I am so relieved to hear this was all just a big misunderstanding.

Hitler really was a stand up guy.

(note sarcasm)
Hitler was just misunderstood. ... :cool:

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