Hollywood/Sharia = WTF


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Hollywood Offers Sharia Compliant Movies

Posted by Daniel Greenfield
Oct 1st, 2012

You know those courageous folks in Hollywood who are always fearlessly being creative artists and challenging taboos, so long as those taboos belong to any and every religion except Islam.

At least one fearful studio has asked an Islamic cleric to vet its script. Senior executives at another studio have entered into intense briefing sessions with US State Department officials to minimise or expunge any content which otherwise might be viewed as offensive.

Filmmakers are worried that fundamentalists could target cinemas where the films are playing, with one admitting: “We are even asking if we dare release anything on this subject.”

Hollywood Offers Sharia Compliant Movies | FrontPage Magazine
The Sharia-zation of Hollywood

by Susan Swift


Let's all acknowledge that "Innocence of Muslims" has rapidly become the most reviled movie that virtually no one has ever seen in recent memory. Let's also acknowledge that radical Islamists have exploited the film as a pretense to launch 9/11 anniversary violence against the Great Satan, America. To pretend otherwise dignifies the film above the artistic trash heap on which it rests.

Should enlightened Hollywood be alarmed at the persecution of this man? Should it be shocked to find that censorship is going on? At the DOJ investigating the filmmaker? At the White House pressuring YouTube to “review” (read: censor) the movie trailer? At the unprecedented action of the nation’s highest ranking military officer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, personally telephoning an American citizen, Terry Jones, to question his support of the film?

Is this episode a sign of Sharia-zation in Hollywood? In 2005, even the mighty Steven Spielberg self-censored marketing for "Munich," not remotely an anti-Mohammed film, in apparent obeisance to the new reality that LA Weekly noted: “Hollywood has long been loath to portray any Arabs as villains, much less Muslim extremists.”

The Sharia-zation of Hollywood
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Hollywood Awards Gala

May 1, 2013 By Mark Tapson


The Hollywood Bureau of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) had its 22nd Annual Media Awards Gala last Saturday at the Hilton in Long Beach, California, bringing together “American Muslims, TV and film studio executives, public officials, interfaith leaders, and media professionals to celebrate our honorees’ achievements in using the arts to foster positive social change.” “Positive social change” in this context is Muslim Brotherhood-speak for “the fundamental transformation of American culture.”

MPAC’s busy Hollywood Bureau, established shortly after 9/11 and sharing the Brotherhood’s subversive ideology, claims to serve as a professional resource to the entertainment industry by providing accurate information on Islam and Muslims. It has consulted with the producers of such TV shows as 24, Bones, Lie to Me, 7th Heaven, The Good Wife, and Homeland. It offers script consultation (read: approval) for filmmakers who want to get Islam “right,” and helps Hollywood professionals connect with Muslim filmmakers, writers and actors.


Oscar-winner Dustin Hoffman was scheduled to attend the gala and present the Media Award to 5 Broken Cameras, but apparently he was too ill to attend. Instead, he sent an audio statement in which he praised the filmmaker for his courage and conscience: “Courage and conscience. These are virtues so greatly needed for this troubled and confusing time.” Indeed they are. And if the West doesn’t find the courage and conscience to rally to defend its culture, the future will be a very troubled and confusing time indeed.

The Muslim Brotherhood?s Hollywood Awards Gala | FrontPage Magazine
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It seems the more vicious and hateful others are to us, the more liberals cater to them.

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