Hola, Howdy, Hello, Shalom Aleichem, Namaste, Bonjour....

Meet the unofficial mascot!


What the heck is that ??? LOL

He runs the joint
….to all, but namely my CONSERVATIVE brothers and sisters. As part of my introduction, I just want to say three things:

Build that wall, Mr. President.

Drain the swamp, Mr. President

Keep the momentum going against the liberal cons, Mr. President.


Just don't get a big head when talking to Left wingers on this site. After all, debating them will make you feel smarter than you actually are.

& you suck.
Flacaltenn is gonna lecture you, yannow.
You got one also? I've had at least a hundred...FlatCan is his real name..
NO! FCT never lectures me, but I've seen him lecture EVERYONE on intro threads who get rude with the newbie or get into food fights with each other.
We're supposed to be nice and hide the fact that we will rip and tear the newbie to shreds as soon as we get him/her down into the Zones.
Drain the swamp, Mr. President

Trump called out about 25 dead beat Republicans in the house that vote no to everything just to keep their job. If you don't do anything, you can't blamed for anything. Trump could have endorsed their opponents in the Republican primaries but didn't. I live in a district affected by a filthy swamp dweller. Walter Jones and Mo Brooks are two of the scum bags that Trump called out by name.

Shalom alecheim Hebrew brethren.
….to all, but namely my CONSERVATIVE brothers and sisters. As part of my introduction, I just want to say three things:

Build that wall, Mr. President.

Drain the swamp, Mr. President

Keep the momentum going against the liberal cons, Mr. President.
Welcome aboard.

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