Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul

Wow...hyperbole much? A fucking hobby shop CHAIN STORE is the "soul" of America? What reality do ya'll exist in?

The one where we selectively follow a book of 3000 year old superstitions....

Here's a reality check. Only two people should be involved in a woman's decision to use contraception.

The woman and her doctor.

Not employers, insurance companies, churches or governments.

So why are ya'll involving the employer and the insurance company?
Yes it does...now. It wasn't always the case.

Which was accomplished through a Constitutional Amendment, a far cry from the ObamaCare debacle that suppresses people's freedom.

There was no civil rights ‘amendment,’ civil rights were realized by Congress and the courts. And civil rights legislation was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court, the same as the ACA.

It's called the 14th Amendment. For someone who pretends to be such a Constitutional and legal "scholar" I'm surprised you wouldn't know that. The Civil Rights Acts of 1965 came later because states were not abiding by it, but that's a totally different matter.

And don't even get me started on the "validity" of the ACA. That was the most scandalous kangaroo court decision in recent history and you know that as well as I. Roberts turned himself in so many different directions to justify that piece of crap he actually ran into himself.
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You’ve got to be kidding – the vast majority of workers can not afford to pay for medical expenses out of pocket.


They would if the government would get the hell out of the health care industry and stop fucking it up.

People paid for it just fine prior to the government intruding with Medicare. Doctors used to make house calls. My grandparents wrote checks to the doctors for delivering my parents when they were born and they were not wealthy people.

It is government meddling, supported by people like yourself, that has distorted the American health care market and caused the problems we currently have today with affordability.
Medical insurance is a benefit provided by many companies. Each company gets to decide the extent of this benefit. If they had just said, 'our policy doesn't cover .....' without adding the religious aspect there would be no way for anyone to argue.

That is false. The Marxist ACA now requires they pay for it.
Since Hobby Lobby owner and WBC have so many views in common...


You have many views in common with Josef Stalin, Karl Marx, and Fidel Castro.

Wait, how are you all different again?
You can't make the argument that Romney was too liberal or too moderate. He did everything the far right asked of him. And you guys pretended to believe him.... until he lost, and then he became a RINO.

Romney lost because he stood for nothing, but that's not the topic of this thread now, is it.
Wow...hyperbole much? A fucking hobby shop CHAIN STORE is the "soul" of America? What reality do ya'll exist in?

The one where we selectively follow a book of 3000 year old superstitions....

Here's a reality check. Only two people should be involved in a woman's decision to use contraception.

The woman and her doctor.

Not employers, insurance companies, churches or governments.

So why are ya'll involving the employer and the insurance company?

Traditional health care is an insurance covered by employers. Are you really this fucking stupid?
If you think "America's Soul" is a company's ability to deny their employees birth control coverage, I really don't know what to tell you.

If you can't recognize the importance of the individual having the freedom to choose as part of "America's Soul" then I really don't know what to tell you.
That isn't what I asked, guy.

I asked what made Romney "not a real conservative", and you have YET to provide one substansive example of how he strayed from the Orthodoxy of Conservative Batshittery.

If only he stood up to Limbaugh and the Teabaggers, he might have gotten some moderate votes.

He wouldn't have gotten mine because I hate Mormons, but hey, he might have stood a chance.

Blaming the "Obama Phone" lady for your inability to connect with voters is kind of a cop-out.

If you can't sell your message in this environment, when would it sell?

You seem to be doing a fine job of replying to yourself and still making no sense. :clap2:

And you STILL never answered the question of what made Mittens a RINO during this election.

I'm guessing that's cuz you can't.
The one where we selectively follow a book of 3000 year old superstitions....

Here's a reality check. Only two people should be involved in a woman's decision to use contraception.

The woman and her doctor.

Not employers, insurance companies, churches or governments.

So why are ya'll involving the employer and the insurance company?

Traditional health care is an insurance covered by employers. Are you really this fucking stupid?

went right over yer head didn't it bubba?
You seem to be doing a fine job of replying to yourself and still making no sense. :clap2:

Well, you keep avoiding the question, probably because of your low reading comprehension ability.

Tell you what, I'll let you have the floor.

How was Romney NOT a conservative?

WRONG again. I'm not about to rehash the whole fucking campaign because you say so. You said it yourself. If he was so good...he would have won. You want to get into it...by all means do so.

I don't need to argue with a libshit to know he was no Conservative. You may need links...I don't.

"Conservative values" got bitch-slapped in November and that's why you got nothin'.

Medical insurance is a benefit provided by many companies. Each company gets to decide the extent of this benefit. If they had just said, 'our policy doesn't cover .....' without adding the religious aspect there would be no way for anyone to argue.

That is false. The Marxist ACA now requires they pay for it.
There are many preventative measures that must be covered by insurance. Why are you only upset about this one?
Unlike me he felt compassion to explain to an imbecile like you...what's obvious. Now you know and you're still an idiot.

And keep mocking people's religion and beliefs...Mr. Inclusion.

Where did I say I was "inclusive"...

If you believe there's a magic man in the sky telling you to act like a douchebag, I really don't want to include you in any important decisions because you'll just fuck them up.

Now how was Romney not a real conservative?

I have a better idea since you are the consumate expert on all issues. You tell us how he was a Conservative. You're arguing he is...prove it.

He's arguing that he kowtowed to all the supposed "conservative values" wingnuts like you cherish and you STILL haven't been able to show what postions he took this year that made him a RINO.
Why should the owner of Hobby Lobby have a right to impose his/her religious convictions on every employee?

If they want to "stick to their guns" then that's OK. Just pay the fine. The fact that you may face adverse consequences is what makes "taking a stand" a courageous act.
The one where we selectively follow a book of 3000 year old superstitions....

Here's a reality check. Only two people should be involved in a woman's decision to use contraception.

The woman and her doctor.

Not employers, insurance companies, churches or governments.

So why are ya'll involving the employer and the insurance company?

Traditional health care is an insurance covered by employers. Are you really this fucking stupid?

No, it isn't.

Health care is the maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease. It is not an insurance.

Insurance is a practice by which a company provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment.

You do not have health insurance. What you and most people have is a health care plan that over the past 40 years has become a common fringe benefit offered by employers which came about back in the 1940s due to Marxist politicians (FDR) fucking with the free market.

So before you ask someone how stupid they are, perhaps you should be a little less ignorant yourself.
Medical insurance is a benefit provided by many companies. Each company gets to decide the extent of this benefit. If they had just said, 'our policy doesn't cover .....' without adding the religious aspect there would be no way for anyone to argue.

That is false. The Marxist ACA now requires they pay for it.
There are many preventative measures that must be covered by insurance. Why are you only upset about this one?

Care to quote me saying that?

If you took two seconds to actually think about the words coming out of your brain before you typed them you would have realized that the contraceptive mandate is specifically what this entire thread is about.
That is false. The Marxist ACA now requires they pay for it.
There are many preventative measures that must be covered by insurance. Why are you only upset about this one?

Care to quote me saying that?

If you took two seconds to actually think about the words coming out of your brain before you typed them you would have realized that the contraceptive mandate is specifically what this entire thread is about.

And yet this is the only mandate you've expressed unhappiness with.
You’ve got to be kidding – the vast majority of workers can not afford to pay for medical expenses out of pocket.


They would if the government would get the hell out of the health care industry and stop fucking it up.

People paid for it just fine prior to the government intruding with Medicare. Doctors used to make house calls. My grandparents wrote checks to the doctors for delivering my parents when they were born and they were not wealthy people.

It is government meddling, supported by people like yourself, that has distorted the American health care market and caused the problems we currently have today with affordability.

You sure those "good old days" were really all that good?

We're not going back there regardless.
Why should the owner of Hobby Lobby have a right to impose his/her religious convictions on every employee?

If they want to "stick to their guns" then that's OK. Just pay the fine. The fact that you may face adverse consequences is what makes "taking a stand" a courageous act.

This is exactly right. If they want to become a church they can be excused. Otherwise, they don't get an exemption that every other company in the US doesn't qualify for....Jesus isn't a tool yet they are using him as one.

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