HNN Poll: 61% of Historians Rate the Bush Presidency Worst

So in addition to fairness, war on women, gay rights, racism, your adding Bushed sucked and this is all his fault to the campaign slogan and we need another 4 years to further screw up the country? Nothing has changed has it. Now as it regards academia and their interpretation as to Baby Bush's presidency, the key here is academia, and if you have ever attended college, or a union meeting, for that mater, you most likely understand the political leanings of these esteemed representatives. The book on Baby Bush has yet to be written, not enough time has passed, the documents remain sealed, same can be said the same about Billy Bob, but who cares, this country is like a boat floundering at sea without a rudder and competent captain at the helm of state.

A few final thoughts, how many times did FDR blame Hoover for the great depression, secondly, where did FDR get the blue print of his first recovery plan, and last but not least, did FDR blame his family and friends, the filthy rich?

Wall Street speculators were not usually very wealthy, they wanted to be wealthy. The 1920's over expansion led to the 1929 crash. Conservative policies exacerbated the collapse.

Tell that to Mr. Kennedy, FDR's Trustees, host of others, and the Banks they ran. FYI over 90% of the speculators were from wealthy backgrounds, they were the one's able to secure margin funding from the banks (crony capitalism). The last in, middle class, were the little guys. A great book to reference in the future is The History of US Monetary Policy 1867-1960 by Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz. The fall of the US financial markets in 1929, was driven by an international recession, trade imbalance, protective tariffs, and the key stone was banking and worthless bank notes floating between banks. What conservative policies do you speak of?
A Pew Research Center poll released last week found that the share of the American public that approves of President George W. Bush has dropped to a new low of 28 percent.

An unscientific poll of professional historians completed the same week produced results far worse for a president clinging to the hope that history will someday take a kinder view of his presidency than does contemporary public opinion.

In an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted over a three-week period through the History News Network, 98.2 percent assessed the presidency of Mr. Bush to be a failure while 1.8 percent classified it as a success.

Asked to rank the presidency of George W. Bush in comparison to those of the other 41 American presidents, more than 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history. Another 35 percent of the historians surveyed rated the Bush presidency in the 31st to 41st category, while only four of the 109 respondents ranked the current presidency as even among the top two-thirds of American administrations.

At least two of those who ranked the current president in the 31-41 ranking made it clear that they placed him next-to-last, with only James Buchanan, in their view, being worse. “He is easily one of the 10-worst of all time and—if the magnitude of the challenges and opportunities matter—then probably in the bottom five, alongside Buchanan, Johnson, Fillmore, and Pierce,” wrote another historian.

The reason for the hesitancy some historians had in categorizing the Bush presidency as the worst ever, which led them to place it instead in the “nearly the worst” group, was well expressed by another historian who said, “It is a bit too early to judge whether Bush's presidency is the worst ever, though it certainly has a shot to take the title. Without a doubt, it is among the worst.”

History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

Though it is too early for a long term assessment, the death toll speaks for itself.
So in addition to fairness, war on women, gay rights, racism, your adding Bushed sucked and this is all his fault to the campaign slogan and we need another 4 years to further screw up the country? Nothing has changed has it. Now as it regards academia and their interpretation as to Baby Bush's presidency, the key here is academia, and if you have ever attended college, or a union meeting, for that mater, you most likely understand the political leanings of these esteemed representatives. The book on Baby Bush has yet to be written, not enough time has passed, the documents remain sealed, same can be said the same about Billy Bob, but who cares, this country is like a boat floundering at sea without a rudder and competent captain at the helm of state.

A few final thoughts, how many times did FDR blame Hoover for the great depression, secondly, where did FDR get the blue print of his first recovery plan, and last but not least, did FDR blame his family and friends, the filthy rich?

Wall Street speculators were not usually very wealthy, they wanted to be wealthy. The 1920's over expansion led to the 1929 crash. Conservative policies exacerbated the collapse.

Tell that to Mr. Kennedy, FDR's Trustees, host of others, and the Banks they ran. FYI over 90% of the speculators were from wealthy backgrounds, they were the one's able to secure margin funding from the banks (crony capitalism). The last in, middle class, were the little guys. A great book to reference in the future is The History of US Monetary Policy 1867-1960 by Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz. The fall of the US financial markets in 1929, was driven by an international recession, trade imbalance, protective tariffs, and the key stone was banking and worthless bank notes floating between banks. What conservative policies do you speak of?

Incorrect. They owned companies that profited, INITIALLY, from speculation, but the individuals making commissions off of stock runs created the huge bubble that burst.
So in addition to fairness, war on women, gay rights, racism, your adding Bushed sucked and this is all his fault to the campaign slogan and we need another 4 years to further screw up the country? Nothing has changed has it. Now as it regards academia and their interpretation as to Baby Bush's presidency, the key here is academia, and if you have ever attended college, or a union meeting, for that mater, you most likely understand the political leanings of these esteemed representatives. The book on Baby Bush has yet to be written, not enough time has passed, the documents remain sealed, same can be said the same about Billy Bob, but who cares, this country is like a boat floundering at sea without a rudder and competent captain at the helm of state.

A few final thoughts, how many times did FDR blame Hoover for the great depression, secondly, where did FDR get the blue print of his first recovery plan, and last but not least, did FDR blame his family and friends, the filthy rich?

Wall Street speculators were not usually very wealthy, they wanted to be wealthy. The 1920's over expansion led to the 1929 crash. Conservative policies exacerbated the collapse.

Tell that to Mr. Kennedy, FDR's Trustees, host of others, and the Banks they ran. FYI over 90% of the speculators were from wealthy backgrounds, they were the one's able to secure margin funding from the banks (crony capitalism). The last in, middle class, were the little guys. A great book to reference in the future is The History of US Monetary Policy 1867-1960 by Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz. The fall of the US financial markets in 1929, was driven by an international recession, trade imbalance, protective tariffs, and the key stone was banking and worthless bank notes floating between banks. What conservative policies do you speak of?

Mr. Kennedy sold out his stocks the summer of 29, so ride your horsie elsewhere on that note.

Commercial and investment banking were allowed to work together to the detriment of good banking and good exchange policies. That was conservative policy. Glass-Steagall was the answer until 1999 when Congress (neo-econ dems and pubs) threw it out, and guess what: mortgage meltdown as the commercial and investment banking created sweetheart deals to their interests but not that of the country or the economy or the middle class.

Another Great Recession will happen again unless banking is carefully regulated.
I don't think so. Romney will try to push obamacare to state mandates with huge grant blocks, and I don't think he will mess with the banking regulations, on which the dems would filibuster until the next election anyway.
A Pew Research Center poll released last week found that the share of the American public that approves of President George W. Bush has dropped to a new low of 28 percent.

An unscientific poll of professional historians completed the same week produced results far worse for a president clinging to the hope that history will someday take a kinder view of his presidency than does contemporary public opinion.

In an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted over a three-week period through the History News Network, 98.2 percent assessed the presidency of Mr. Bush to be a failure while 1.8 percent classified it as a success.

Asked to rank the presidency of George W. Bush in comparison to those of the other 41 American presidents, more than 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history. Another 35 percent of the historians surveyed rated the Bush presidency in the 31st to 41st category, while only four of the 109 respondents ranked the current presidency as even among the top two-thirds of American administrations.

At least two of those who ranked the current president in the 31-41 ranking made it clear that they placed him next-to-last, with only James Buchanan, in their view, being worse. “He is easily one of the 10-worst of all time and—if the magnitude of the challenges and opportunities matter—then probably in the bottom five, alongside Buchanan, Johnson, Fillmore, and Pierce,” wrote another historian.

The reason for the hesitancy some historians had in categorizing the Bush presidency as the worst ever, which led them to place it instead in the “nearly the worst” group, was well expressed by another historian who said, “It is a bit too early to judge whether Bush's presidency is the worst ever, though it certainly has a shot to take the title. Without a doubt, it is among the worst.”

History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

I told Republicans this years ago but they scoffed it off. They loved pointing to Carter and saying he was the worst president ever and they never imagined in 2000 that 12 years later Bush would rightfully take the crown. Most collosal failure of a presidency, unless you are in the top 1% and then he was wonderful.
Buchanan was worse because he actually permitted the separation of the Union.

Bush is next to the traitor, though, as poorest president.
Don't understand why people are hung up on Bush. If not for Rumsfeld, most people would have loved him.

But the real deal is that he is one of the absolute best former presidents. He has gone home and doesn't stick his nose into the governments business....

Unlike others..........
One, he can't, because he is not permitted to, very wisely.

When Romney wins, he will isolate Bush as well.

Two, he can't travel overseas anymore, either.
Ollie, I am saying Bush can't travel at least not to Canada and certain parts of Europe. Neither can Rummy or the rest of the major leadership then.
A Pew Research Center poll released last week found that the share of the American public that approves of President George W. Bush has dropped to a new low of 28 percent.

An unscientific poll of professional historians completed the same week produced results far worse for a president clinging to the hope that history will someday take a kinder view of his presidency than does contemporary public opinion.

In an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted over a three-week period through the History News Network, 98.2 percent assessed the presidency of Mr. Bush to be a failure while 1.8 percent classified it as a success.

98% is the same percentage of historians that voted for Obama. Almost all historians are nothing more than professional paid propagandists working for the government. Their opinions are totally worthless.
I told Republicans this years ago but they scoffed it off. They loved pointing to Carter and saying he was the worst president ever and they never imagined in 2000 that 12 years later Bush would rightfully take the crown. Most collosal failure of a presidency, unless you are in the top 1% and then he was wonderful.

Obama will take the crown at the end of this year after he is booted from office.
Buchanan was worse because he actually permitted the separation of the Union.

Bush is next to the traitor, though, as poorest president.

How do you imagine Buchanan was supposed to stop the separation of the union? Lincoln was a despicable tyrant who wage an illegal war on his fellow Americans and wiped his ass on the Constitution.
Lincoln preserved the Union, and the majority of the North and the West would have willingly allowed Lincoln to use you to wipe his ass.

You faux-libertarians are outrageously stupid and immorally stubborn.

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