Hitler/China Destroys Another Synagogue/Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews/Christians


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Introduction - added Jan 2018
Hitler/China Destroys Another Synagogue/Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews/Christians
Imagine these headlines in the "free world" in 1936, just before the Berlin Olympics:
Hitler Torches Another Synagogue, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews.
They become reality in the IV Reich, led by Hitler's great nephew Alexander Adolph. An illustration:
Jan 11, 2018 - China Demolishes Another Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Christianity

Reminder of Last Prophet's words from July 2014:

What China's puppet goverment does:
nothing but to execute orders from the Illuminati Grand Master.
- keeping millions of slaves prisioners in factories to produce in the range from Apple's smartphones to the coming "vaccines" for the global kill shot;
- carrying out the genocide (more than 100 million in this millenium alone so far, keyword: China's ghost cities);
- harvesting organs (in the range from Falun Gong, a sect created by the illuminati specially for this purpose, to slaves who are murdered as soon as their productivity decreases).
- razing christian churches to the ground

China: not only churches but also crosses razed to the ground
From illuminati media, July 16, 2014:
Chinese police remove church's cross amid apparent crackdown on religion
Hundreds of police took down a church's cross Monday in a city known as "China's Jerusalem" for its many houses of worship amid a crackdown on church buildings in a coastal region where thousands of people are embracing Christianity.
Evangelist Qu Linuo said he and about 200 others had rushed to the Longgang Huai En Church in the eastern city of Wenzhou to protect the building but peacefully made way for the police, who used a crane to remove the 10-foot-tall red cross from its steeple.
Photo: A man stands near the razed remains of a Catholic church in a village in Pingyang county of Wenzhou
Chinese police remove church's cross amid apparent crackdown on religion

29 Apr 2014
Sanjiang church in Wenzhou, a wealthy coastal city in Zhejiang province with one of China's largest Christian populations
China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is razed
Mega-church demolished in China; Government says building was illegal (Photo)

Dec 25, 2014: ... worshippers in Wenzhou, like many Christians in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang, will worship this Christmas under a cross-less roof. Provincial authorities have toppled crosses from more than 400 churches, and even razed some worship halls in a province-wide crackdown on building code violations.
Many Christians say their faith has been singled out because authorities, wary of its rapid growth, are seeking to curb its spread in a campaign that has targeted China's most thriving Christian communities.
Estimates for the number of Christians in China range from the conservative official figure of 23 million to as many as 100 million by independent scholars, raising the possibility that Christians may rival in size the 85 million members of the ruling Communist Party.
International News: Latest Headlines, Video and Photographs from Around the World -- People, Places, Crisis, Conflict, Culture, Change, Analysis and Trends

Jan 11, 2018 - China Demolishes Another Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Christianity
Golden Lampstand Church has had a long history of tension with the communist government dating back to when it was built in 2009.
Congregation members were beaten by 400 officials during an incident in September 2009, which resulted in church leaders receiving lengthy prison sentences on nonsense charges such as assembling a crowd to disrupt traffic and illegally occupying agricultural land, according to the statement.
“I think this might be a new pattern against any independent house churches with an existing building or intention to build one,” Bob Fu, founder of China Aid told The Guardian.
This is the second time in the past month that a church has been demolished in the area. Last December, the only Catholic Church in Zhifang, a village near Shaanxi, was destroyed for no apparent reason, 20 years after it opened,
At the time, Catholics in the area took to social media to post pictures of the demolition alongside papers proving the church’s permanent permits to occupy the land.
Although freedom of religion is an established right in China, local authorities use rigid laws and legal loopholes to attack smaller congregations.
Under rigid laws in China, any religious groups must be registered with local authorities. The Golden Lampstand was an unregistered independent church opened by an evangelist couple who served a congregation of over 50,000 people.
China Demolishes Another Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Christianity

Jonathan Pryce alias "Pope Fracis" roles include the marketing of the genocide carried out by the chinese puppet gov
"Pope Francis" and ALL "cardinals" vs "red China" leadership: main difference is who has main and secondary roles in agendas "razing churches to the ground" and "Global Slavery"
Illuminati Agenda, illustrated with key acts of illuminati theater: Razing Churches vs Global Slavery: "Pope Francis" and ALL "cardinals" vs "red China"

More torched churches by another illuminazi agent, this time dressed as president of the world's largest country:
Satanic celebrations: Ides of March and Moscow: from 1917 to 1939 and 2015: fake Putin torches Novodevichy monastery next to the Kremlin.
From simply destroying yet another historical church to passing truth in plain sight about "Putin" setting the Kremlin on fire since Putin was murdered.
Satanic Celebrations: Ides of March: "Putin" torches Novodevichy monastery - Moscow 1917, 1939, 2015

Destruction of churches agenda and a good page for a crash course about the illuminati:
Waterloo 1815 = bombing of Dresden 1945 = illuminati theater AFTER their DEFEAT 1812 and 1943.
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati: Waterloo 1815 = bombing of Dresden 1945: cover-up of defeat

All in Blog
Christian Genocide: China: not only churches but also crosses razed to the ground
Last edited:
Introduction - added Jan 2018
Hitler/China Destroys Another Synagogue/Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews/Christians
Imagine these headlines in the "free world" in 1936, just before the Berlin Olympics:
Hitler Torches Another Synagogue, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews.
They become reality in the IV Reich, led by Hitler's great nephew Alexander Adolph. An illustration:
Jan 11, 2018 - China Demolishes Another Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Christianity

Reminder of Last Prophet's words from July 2014:

What China's puppet goverment does:
nothing but to execute orders from the Illuminati Grand Master.
- keeping millions of slaves prisioners in factories to produce in the range from Apple's smartphones to the coming "vaccines" for the global kill shot;
- carrying out the genocide (more than 100 million in this millenium alone so far, keyword: China's ghost cities);
- harvesting organs (in the range from Falun Gong, a sect created by the illuminati specially for this purpose, to slaves who are murdered as soon as their productivity decreases).
- razing christian churches to the ground

China: not only churches but also crosses razed to the ground
From illuminati media, July 16, 2014:
Chinese police remove church's cross amid apparent crackdown on religion
Hundreds of police took down a church's cross Monday in a city known as "China's Jerusalem" for its many houses of worship amid a crackdown on church buildings in a coastal region where thousands of people are embracing Christianity.
Evangelist Qu Linuo said he and about 200 others had rushed to the Longgang Huai En Church in the eastern city of Wenzhou to protect the building but peacefully made way for the police, who used a crane to remove the 10-foot-tall red cross from its steeple.
Photo: A man stands near the razed remains of a Catholic church in a village in Pingyang county of Wenzhou
Chinese police remove church's cross amid apparent crackdown on religion

29 Apr 2014
Sanjiang church in Wenzhou, a wealthy coastal city in Zhejiang province with one of China's largest Christian populations
China denies declaring war on Christians after mega-church is razed
Mega-church demolished in China; Government says building was illegal (Photo)

Dec 25, 2014: ... worshippers in Wenzhou, like many Christians in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang, will worship this Christmas under a cross-less roof. Provincial authorities have toppled crosses from more than 400 churches, and even razed some worship halls in a province-wide crackdown on building code violations.
Many Christians say their faith has been singled out because authorities, wary of its rapid growth, are seeking to curb its spread in a campaign that has targeted China's most thriving Christian communities.
Estimates for the number of Christians in China range from the conservative official figure of 23 million to as many as 100 million by independent scholars, raising the possibility that Christians may rival in size the 85 million members of the ruling Communist Party.
International News: Latest Headlines, Video and Photographs from Around the World -- People, Places, Crisis, Conflict, Culture, Change, Analysis and Trends

Jan 11, 2018 - China Demolishes Another Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Christianity
Golden Lampstand Church has had a long history of tension with the communist government dating back to when it was built in 2009.
Congregation members were beaten by 400 officials during an incident in September 2009, which resulted in church leaders receiving lengthy prison sentences on nonsense charges such as assembling a crowd to disrupt traffic and illegally occupying agricultural land, according to the statement.
“I think this might be a new pattern against any independent house churches with an existing building or intention to build one,” Bob Fu, founder of China Aid told The Guardian.
This is the second time in the past month that a church has been demolished in the area. Last December, the only Catholic Church in Zhifang, a village near Shaanxi, was destroyed for no apparent reason, 20 years after it opened,
At the time, Catholics in the area took to social media to post pictures of the demolition alongside papers proving the church’s permanent permits to occupy the land.
Although freedom of religion is an established right in China, local authorities use rigid laws and legal loopholes to attack smaller congregations.
Under rigid laws in China, any religious groups must be registered with local authorities. The Golden Lampstand was an unregistered independent church opened by an evangelist couple who served a congregation of over 50,000 people.
China Demolishes Another Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Christianity

Jonathan Pryce alias "Pope Fracis" roles include the marketing of the genocide carried out by the chinese puppet gov
"Pope Francis" and ALL "cardinals" vs "red China" leadership: main difference is who has main and secondary roles in agendas "razing churches to the ground" and "Global Slavery"
Illuminati Agenda, illustrated with key acts of illuminati theater: Razing Churches vs Global Slavery: "Pope Francis" and ALL "cardinals" vs "red China"

More torched churches by another illuminazi agent, this time dressed as president of the world's largest country:
Satanic celebrations: Ides of March and Moscow: from 1917 to 1939 and 2015: fake Putin torches Novodevichy monastery next to the Kremlin.
From simply destroying yet another historical church to passing truth in plain sight about "Putin" setting the Kremlin on fire since Putin was murdered.
Satanic Celebrations: Ides of March: "Putin" torches Novodevichy monastery - Moscow 1917, 1939, 2015

Destruction of churches agenda and a good page for a crash course about the illuminati:
Waterloo 1815 = bombing of Dresden 1945 = illuminati theater AFTER their DEFEAT 1812 and 1943.
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati: Waterloo 1815 = bombing of Dresden 1945: cover-up of defeat

All in Blog
Christian Genocide: China: not only churches but also crosses razed to the ground

So, the New World Order is anti-Jewish, hahahhhahahah OMG good joke.

Oh my goodness, the Hololololcaust, a synagogue was demolished.
Baloney! China is now full of Christian churches. Especially in rich rural areas. The number of christians is even higher than the number of communist party members in China.

They have actually forced churches to take their crosses down and things like that. However Christians were also allowed two children under the one child policy. There is a sort of targeting of religious groups, they're expected to follow the rules, and the rules say the CCP is in charge, and churches and other groups, like Fulan Gong have decided that their religion is more important than the CCP and the CCP has decided they're more important, and as such there has been a sort of proxy war over who will have the power. The religions don't stand a chance.

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