Hitler and the right

Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...

I dont think socialism is a right wing thing.....So the OP as normal is ignorant of the facts.

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki

“Auschwitz meant that six million Jews were killed, and thrown on the waste--heap of Europe, for what they were considered: money-Jews. Finance capital and the banks, the hard core of the system of imperialism and capitalism, had turned the hatred of men against money and exploitation, and against the Jews.... Anti-Semitism is really a hatred of capitalism.“- Ulrike Meinhof, left-wing German terrorist of the 1970s. 1

Capitalism and the market economy encourage racial, ethnic, and religious tolerance, while supporting a plurality of diverse lifestyles and customs. Heavily regulated or socialist economies, in contrast, tend to breed intolerance and ethnic persecution. Socialism leads to low or negative rates of economic growth, disputes over resource use, and concentrated political power-all conditions which encourage conflict rather than cooperation. Ethnic and religious minorities usually do poorly when political coercion is prevalent. Economic collapses - usually associated with interventionism-worsen the problem by unleashing the destructive psychological forces of envy and resentment, which feed prejudice and persecution.

While discrimination is present in societies of all kinds, discriminators must pay pecuniary costs for indulging their prejudices in a market setting. Even the prejudiced usually will trade with minorities; bigots attempt to oppress minorities by socializing the costs through government action, but bigots usually are less willing to bear these costs themselves. Repeated commercial interactions also increase the social familiarity of customs or lifestyles that otherwise might be found unusual or alien. Sustained economic growth alleviates political and social tensions by creating more for everybody.

The history of the Jewish people illustrates the relatively favorable position of minorities in a market setting. Hostility toward trade and commerce has often fueled hostility toward Jews, and vice versa. The societies most congenial to commercial life for their time - Renaissance Italy, the growing capitalist economies of England and the Netherlands in the seventeenth century, and the United States - typically have shown the most toleration for Jews. Ellis Rivkin, in his neglected masterpiece, The Shaping of Jewish History.- A Radical New Interpretation, wrote:

Since World War II Jews and Judaism have been liberated in every country and territory where capitalism has been restored to vigorous growth-and this includes Germany. By contrast, wherever anti-capitalism or pre-capitalism has prevailed the status of Jews and Judaism has either undergone deterioration or is highly precarious. Thus at this very moment the country where developing global capitalism is most advanced, the United States, accords Jews and Judaism a freedom that is known nowhere else in the world and that was never known in the past. It is a freedom that is not matched even in Israel... By contrast, in the Soviet Union, the citadel of anti-capitalism, the Jews are cowed by anti-Semitism, threatened by extinction, and barred from access to their God.2

FrontPage Magazine - The Socialist Roots of Anti-Semitism

yeah, edward longshanks and queen isabella were noted socialists. :lol:

None of that makes any sense.

Try that in a high school or college class, and you will fail.

You simply make no sense.

Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it
Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...


And I've seen what progressives are fighting for: The USSR circa 1958.

That's "progress", Comrade!
None of that makes any sense.

Try that in a high school or college class, and you will fail.

You simply make no sense.

Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

Which is why most universities are useless brainwashing machines for clueless college boys such as yourself?

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki

“Auschwitz meant that six million Jews were killed, and thrown on the waste--heap of Europe, for what they were considered: money-Jews. Finance capital and the banks, the hard core of the system of imperialism and capitalism, had turned the hatred of men against money and exploitation, and against the Jews.... Anti-Semitism is really a hatred of capitalism.“- Ulrike Meinhof, left-wing German terrorist of the 1970s. 1

Capitalism and the market economy encourage racial, ethnic, and religious tolerance, while supporting a plurality of diverse lifestyles and customs. Heavily regulated or socialist economies, in contrast, tend to breed intolerance and ethnic persecution. Socialism leads to low or negative rates of economic growth, disputes over resource use, and concentrated political power-all conditions which encourage conflict rather than cooperation. Ethnic and religious minorities usually do poorly when political coercion is prevalent. Economic collapses - usually associated with interventionism-worsen the problem by unleashing the destructive psychological forces of envy and resentment, which feed prejudice and persecution.

While discrimination is present in societies of all kinds, discriminators must pay pecuniary costs for indulging their prejudices in a market setting. Even the prejudiced usually will trade with minorities; bigots attempt to oppress minorities by socializing the costs through government action, but bigots usually are less willing to bear these costs themselves. Repeated commercial interactions also increase the social familiarity of customs or lifestyles that otherwise might be found unusual or alien. Sustained economic growth alleviates political and social tensions by creating more for everybody.

The history of the Jewish people illustrates the relatively favorable position of minorities in a market setting. Hostility toward trade and commerce has often fueled hostility toward Jews, and vice versa. The societies most congenial to commercial life for their time - Renaissance Italy, the growing capitalist economies of England and the Netherlands in the seventeenth century, and the United States - typically have shown the most toleration for Jews. Ellis Rivkin, in his neglected masterpiece, The Shaping of Jewish History.- A Radical New Interpretation, wrote:

Since World War II Jews and Judaism have been liberated in every country and territory where capitalism has been restored to vigorous growth-and this includes Germany. By contrast, wherever anti-capitalism or pre-capitalism has prevailed the status of Jews and Judaism has either undergone deterioration or is highly precarious. Thus at this very moment the country where developing global capitalism is most advanced, the United States, accords Jews and Judaism a freedom that is known nowhere else in the world and that was never known in the past. It is a freedom that is not matched even in Israel... By contrast, in the Soviet Union, the citadel of anti-capitalism, the Jews are cowed by anti-Semitism, threatened by extinction, and barred from access to their God.2

FrontPage Magazine - The Socialist Roots of Anti-Semitism

yeah, edward longshanks and queen isabella were noted socialists. :lol:

What a half ass post. Hey dumbass do you think cause your dictators are socialists it makes them different?
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Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...


And I've seen what progressives are fighting for: The USSR circa 1958.

That's "progress", Comrade!

American liberals have never fought for anything but a better America, for everyone, not just your beloved plutocrats.

But there is no doubt that the USSR circa 1958 was a vast improvement over the previous years.

The Khrushchev Era

The end of the Stalin era brought immediate liberalization in several aspects of Soviet life. Party leader Nikita S. Khrushchev denounced Stalin's tyrannical reign in 1956, signaling a sharp break with the past. Because Khrushchev lacked the all-encompassing power of Stalin, his time in office was marked by continuous maneuvering against political enemies much more real than Stalin's had been. Party control of cultural activity became much less restrictive with the onset of the first "thaw" in the mid-1950s.

Soviet relations with the West, especially the United States, seesawed between moments of relative relaxation and periods of tension and crisis. For his part, Khrushchev wanted peaceful coexistence with the West, not only to avoid nuclear war but also to permit the Soviet Union to develop its economy. Khrushchev's meetings with President Eisenhower in 1955 and President John F. Kennedy in 1961 and his tour of the United States in 1959 demonstrated the Soviet leader's desire for fundamentally smooth relations between the West and the Soviet Union and its allies. Yet Khrushchev also needed to demonstrate to Soviet conservatives and the militant Chinese that the Soviet Union was a firm defender of the socialist camp.
Indeed any word conservative equates to conservative in the US
Is your command of English this poor"

Soviet Conservative equates to any of the wacko left in the US congress

Goat Cheese & Brie Flatbread Dessert Recipe

Top the prebaked flatbread with this apple mixture then add liberally 1/4 cup diced brie cheese and 1/4 cup goat cheese

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Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...


Oh, that's such a cute cartoon! Did you pull that from your refrigerator?
The major brainwashing occurs in the extremist right. You all listen to Savage, Rush, Sean, Glenn, etc., and run around with your eyes rolling around in your heads.

Truly, you cannot critically think and you clearly do not understand the American narrative.

Thank heavens folks like Brown, Cruz, and others are playing you for fools.

Oh, watch, NeoSimpleton, post some silly videos below. So predictable, my little troll.

None of that makes any sense.

Try that in a high school or college class, and you will fail.

You simply make no sense.

Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

Which is why most universities are useless brainwashing machines for clueless college boys such as yourself?
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I dont think socialism is a right wing thing.....So the OP as normal is ignorant of the facts.

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki

"Socialism is a liberal thing." Yeah, that's what we've been trying to tell you! So are Communism and Fascism!
Speaking of brainwashing

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAlrSRVdKZY]Children singing to Obama! - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBoBc-ifDmk]Lenin's Little Potatoes - YouTube[/ame]


Here boy
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Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...


Just the same stupid old slogans.
Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...


Just the same stupid old slogans.

It couldn't be more right on. It is who and what you folks are. You get down on your knees and worship the opulent every single day.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

These ideas are not new. Indeed they were common sense until recently. Nowadays, though, most of the people who call themselves "conservatives" have little notion of what conservatism even is. They have been deceived by one of the great public relations campaigns of human history. Only by analyzing this deception will it become possible to revive democracy in the United States.

The Main Arguments of Conservatism

From the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to the self-regarding thugs of ancient Rome to the glorified warlords of medieval and absolutist Europe, in nearly every urbanized society throughout human history, there have been people who have tried to constitute themselves as an aristocracy. These people and their allies are the conservatives.

The tactics of conservatism vary widely by place and time. But the most central feature of conservatism is deference: a psychologically internalized attitude on the part of the common people that the aristocracy are better people than they are. Modern-day liberals often theorize that conservatives use "social issues" as a way to mask economic objectives, but this is almost backward: the true goal of conservatism is to establish an aristocracy, which is a social and psychological condition of inequality. Economic inequality and regressive taxation, while certainly welcomed by the aristocracy, are best understood as a means to their actual goal, which is simply to be aristocrats. More generally, it is crucial to conservatism that the people must literally love the order that dominates them.
Phil Agre?
the radical leftist who suffers from mental illness
Is that the best you have

An opinion piece by a nut
Wait, it is someone you can identity with,,,

That explains why the writings are so, so
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Peasants and their MASTERS tend to be reactionary.

Hitler was reactionary.

Peasants and their MASTERS supported Hitler.

Rather typical, really.

We saw the same thing happen in the USA and the French revolutions.
Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...


Perfect image of the radical right wing idiots. A bunch of dumb hicks that worship at their master's feet. :clap2:

Being a right winger must be one the most serious forms of mental illness.
Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

I've seen and heard the 'liberty' conservatives are fighting for. It represents the lowest form of life. The subservient...


Perfect image of the radical right wing idiots. A bunch of dumb hicks that worship at their master's feet. :clap2:

Being a right winger must be one the most serious forms of mental illness.

It is crucial to conservatism that the people must literally love the order that dominates them.

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