Hispanics Protest Migrant Shelter


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Keep sending busloads to them until they realize voting for the Democrat party is the source of the third-world flood!!!

In Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, Hispanic residents gathered at a town hall meeting to protest the opening of a new shelter in an empty warehouse for illegal immigrants.

During the meeting, attendees criticized city officials for wasting their property taxes.

Even though migrants broke the law, they are provided free housing, healthcare, meals, vaccination, and fast-tracking work permits to the border crosser
Keep sending busloads to them until they realize voting for the Democrat party is the source of the third-world flood!!!

The Hispanics that protested, if they are in-fact tax paying citizens should band together and convince Chicago to reject its "Sanctuary City" status. That and support a referendum, that immigrant shelters be placed across the street from all private schools (using eminent domain if necessary) starting with any school the Mayor's kids go to.
What? They haven't begun to feel the full effect of their 'racial replacement' agenda yet. They need a couple million more to even begin to get the full effects of their own racist policies. No way should they be allowed to weasel out of it now.
The Hispanics that protested, if they are in-fact tax paying citizens should band together and convince Chicago to reject its "Sanctuary City" status.

And you vote Dem WHY?

What is your major malfunction?
And you vote Dem WHY?

What is your major malfunction?
I don't live in Chicago. That sanctuary city crap is against the law in Tennessee. Chicagoans, should have known what they voted for. Now they have an invited influx. If you are a sanctuary city, you are going to get that,...Duh.

Local politics in Chicago, IL or anywhere else where Sanctuary City status has been approved is a long term problem for that city, and they have no right to complain, as they put out the welcome matt, but were just too stupid to know if you invite them, they will come. These are Democrat run cities, but that is as I have said many time, you cannot pick local politics by party and have a positive consistent outcome, as neither of the two parties are worth a sh#t, so if you support the local party candidate, without knowing who you are voting, you are screwed.
Local politics in Chicago, IL or anywhere else where Sanctuary City status has been approved is a long term problem for that city, and they have no right to complain, as they put out the welcome matt, but were just too stupid to know if you invite them, they will come. These are Democrat run cities, but that is as I have said many time, you cannot pick local politics by party and have a positive consistent outcome, as neither of the two parties are worth a sh#t, so if you support the local party candidate, without knowing who you are voting, you are screwed.

So Democrats.

Thanks for your confirmation.
So Democrats.

Thanks for your confirmation.
Gee, I am glad I could help you out with that. I thought you knew. There are some shittily run large cities not historically run by Democrats, and being large cities, I would not want to live in them, but to my knowledge only large cities with historic Democrat leadership would declare themselves "Sanctuary City", refusing to assist or even cooperate with the US Government immigration, Homeland Defense and Federal law enforcement agencies on matter of illegal aliens, even criminal illegal aliens.
I'm a hardliner on this issue, thinking the leadership of those cities and a few states as criminally treasonous in nature. I see no reason for these cities to enjoy any Federal fund support, whatsoever, nor even be hooked to the national power grid or interstate fuel pipelines until they are willing to support and cooperate on Federal law and regulation of illegal aliens. If they do not wish to be an American city, supporting American laws, they should enjoy none of the benefits, but that's just me. I live in a state, where it is against state law for a town or city official of one to declare itself "Sanctuary City", and I view this as a good thing and wise leadership by our legislature and Governor.
The Hispanics that protested, if they are in-fact tax paying citizens should band together and convince Chicago to reject its "Sanctuary City" status. That and support a referendum, that immigrant shelters be placed across the street from all private schools (using eminent domain if necessary) starting with any school the Mayor's kids go to.
Idealogues such as the Chicago government including its Woke mayor, cannot be convinced by logic and facts. Indeed, they are often in denial of facts and logic so that their perverted agenda can be advanced.
Idealogues such as the Chicago government including its Woke mayor, cannot be convinced by logic and facts. Indeed, they are often in denial of facts and logic so that their perverted agenda can be advanced.
That is true, and I certainly don't really envision Chicago using eminent domain to put immigrant shelters in upper class neighborhood near private schools, as it would bring the problems home to the moneyed movers and shakers, instead of shuffling it off to the poorer neighborhoods without the financial and political power to stand against the whole "sanctuary city" thing that attracted the immigrants, in the first place. I totally understand the illegal alien point of view. If having no intention of complying with US immigration laws, including even show up for hearings, or of course being part of the actual hardcore criminal elements of the migrant population, there is no better place to be than in a large "sanctuary city" that does not recognize or cooperate with the Federal government (the only level of government authorized to make and enforce these laws. So, they basically become above the law. How 'bout that? Above the law and getting US government subsidy, the entity that is even sending them checks unable to enforce locally on the ground, without cooperation of local law enforcement.
That is true, and I certainly don't really envision Chicago using eminent domain to put immigrant shelters in upper class neighborhood near private schools, as it would bring the problems home to the moneyed movers and shakers, instead of shuffling it off to the poorer neighborhoods without the financial and political power to stand against the whole "sanctuary city" thing that attracted the immigrants, in the first place. I totally understand the illegal alien point of view. If having no intention of complying with US immigration laws, including even show up for hearings, or of course being part of the actual hardcore criminal elements of the migrant population, there is no better place to be than in a large "sanctuary city" that does not recognize or cooperate with the Federal government (the only level of government authorized to make and enforce these laws. So, they basically become above the law. How 'bout that? Above the law and getting US government subsidy, the entity that is even sending them checks unable to enforce locally on the ground, without cooperation of local law enforcement.

They also never have to worry about things like driver's licenses and auto insurance, so they run around drunk, ramming people, and running over pedestrians with no worries either, just to point out some of the excellent bennies of being an illegal alien here. One report a while back showed they could get fake Id's and SS cards at park in LA just a couple blocks away from the Courthouses. Here there is an entire street lined with 'immigration lawyers' in the barrio neighborhood.
They also never have to worry about things like driver's licenses and auto insurance, so they run around drunk, ramming people, and running over pedestrians with no worries either, just to point out some of the excellent bennies of being an illegal alien here. One report a while back showed they could get fake Id's and SS cards at park in LA just a couple blocks away from the Courthouses. Here there is an entire street lined with 'immigration lawyers' in the barrio neighborhood.
Sweet deal for the illegal immigrants, eh. You and I got to maintain licenses, insurance, pay taxes and support ourselves legally. All elected officials that vote for or support sanctuary cities, need an immigrant shelter placed within a block of their personal residence, church and their kid's school.
WEF/Democrats tell migrants to surge the border.

The WEF/Democrats are importing the world's poor to compete with poor Americans for resources meant for Americans

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