Hispanic television's most influential racialist


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
People of color have a problem, to many devils talking B/S in your ears...
The tribal mentality of Jorge Ramos.
February 8, 2016
John Perazzo


Jorge Ramos, whomThe Wall Street Journal has described as “Hispanic TV’s No. 1 correspondent and key to a huge voting bloc,” recentlylamentedhow “sad” it is that “treacherous” Republican presidential candidates have fueled a “xenophobic discourse in the United States” by repeatedly launching “harsh attacks on immigrants.” These “attacks” include such transgressions as “label[ing] undocumented immigrants 'illegal',” “support[ing] the idea of building a wall along the southern border with Mexico,” and being opposed to “offering a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.” But “most incomprehensible for many Hispanics,” Ramos emphasized, “is that the two Latino candidates, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, have taken such a harsh stance against immigrants who are here simply because they’re doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.” He accused “both Rubio and Cruz” of “betrayal”; of “forgetting their own roots as children of immigrants”; and of having “broken a decades-long tradition in which Hispanic politicians, no matter their family origins or political affiliations, tended to defend the most vulnerable immigrants in this country.” Ramos cited Luis Gutierrezand Nydia Velazquez as laudable examples of such politicians. You may recall that Gutierrez and Velazquez once led the way in pressuring then-President Clinton to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization from Puerto Rico that had carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period.


But for now, racism is the theme that Ramos feels most comfortable talking about. On multiple occasions, he has cited“the killings” of Michael Brown,Eric Garner, andTrayvon Martin—three African Americans who died in highly publicized confrontations with non-blacks or police officers between 2012 and 2014—as “clear” evidence that “we don't … live in a post-racial society,” and that the U.S. is rife with “white privilege.”


Hispanic Television's Most Influential Racialist
When you insult any specific group, you're an idiot if you don't expect them to strike back. Why would you think Hispanics would be any different?

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