Hillary's Plea Deal: When Will It Happen?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Democrats are furiously calculating whether Hillary is still their best chance of keeping control of the White House. If she fails to win in Iowa or New Hampshire, she may claim illness and drop out of the race in exchange for a pardon after the election.

If she wins Iowa and South Carolina, she will agree to a plea deal wherein she admits no wrongdoing but pays a hefty fine for the unauthorized use of her private server for government business. The remaining question will be when?

She has to put the email issue behind her well before the election, but the timing may be tricky. The FBI investigation will have to be completed first, and it may or may not contain a criminal referral. Perhaps the entire production will be announced late at night on July 1, thereby allowing it to minimize publicity over the three day July 4th weekend. Coinciding it with other manufactured crises would be an added bonus.

Any other suggestions?
Never did get good answers about that phony fall. She is surrounded by Huma, other dykes and SS 24 hours a day. Yet the claim is while walking on cement fell down and busted head? HUH? no Adult does that? none surrounded by paid staff? Come on. it has to be a scam. Media lets it go of course.
ooops. I got off topic. You are correct. They release any and all bad on Fri before long weekends. They put off bad news "until after the election" constantly the last 7 years. Disgraceful. most transparent.
I don't see how they can explain away the fact, many are locked up or big trouble for way less crime? They will have to completely cover it all up if she is to get "a pass". We found nothing after all......
Democrats are furiously calculating whether Hillary is still their best chance of keeping control of the White House. If she fails to win in Iowa or New Hampshire, she may claim illness and drop out of the race in exchange for a pardon after the election.

If she wins Iowa and South Carolina, she will agree to a plea deal wherein she admits no wrongdoing but pays a hefty fine for the unauthorized use of her private server for government business. The remaining question will be when?

She has to put the email issue behind her well before the election, but the timing may be tricky. The FBI investigation will have to be completed first, and it may or may not contain a criminal referral. Perhaps the entire production will be announced late at night on July 1, thereby allowing it to minimize publicity over the three day July 4th weekend. Coinciding it with other manufactured crises would be an added bonus.

Any other suggestions?

You really believe all your imaginary scenarios, don;t you?
Never did get good answers about that phony fall.

There are answers about the actual fall, if you're interested. Not anything that's going to feed into your Schadenfreude, so of course you didn't look very far.
I'm hoping it all comes down to Barry. He's nothing if not a vindictive bastard and I'd bet when Willie Clinton played the boy card about him to Teddy it really pissed off the old community agitator.

He'll be the gatekeeper as to whether fatso gets indicted or not so the ball's in his court. Hillary, you bow out of the race after indicted and I make the trouble go away via a pardon or whatever. Or, if you refuse to bow out you're indicted and on your own. Your call, Sweet Checks.
Democrats are furiously calculating whether Hillary is still their best chance of keeping control of the White House. If she fails to win in Iowa or New Hampshire, she may claim illness and drop out of the race in exchange for a pardon after the election.

If she wins Iowa and South Carolina, she will agree to a plea deal wherein she admits no wrongdoing but pays a hefty fine for the unauthorized use of her private server for government business. The remaining question will be when?

She has to put the email issue behind her well before the election, but the timing may be tricky. The FBI investigation will have to be completed first, and it may or may not contain a criminal referral. Perhaps the entire production will be announced late at night on July 1, thereby allowing it to minimize publicity over the three day July 4th weekend. Coinciding it with other manufactured crises would be an added bonus.

Any other suggestions?
I believe it is really heating up. Not only did Obama come out and say "Yes, there are VERY TOP SECRET material on Hillary's server, she can't deny it any longer. After looking at the emails, the president should know, right?

To make things even worse, they are so very sensitive and the possibility her server was hacked, that these emails cannot be taken to court and released with redacted sensitive information, They explained, the countries that now have these sensitive documents would just compare the redacted forms to their copies and know certainly these were the highest sensitive documents the US has. Lives and missions would be in danger and the result possibly "catastrophic." This is not a matter of a misdemeanor.

So, the president has come out and damned her while having Josh Earnest say otherwise. Obama doesn't know how to handle it, but he doesn't trust Hillary either. She can't go to the Oval Office with the incompetency she has demonstrated throughout her term as SoS.

Obama I'm sure is still pissed about Sidney Bloomenthal as well. I think he's going to drop her like a lead balloon. How more damaging could the news be to Clinton? I think Obama has set the stage for either an indictment or permanently pulling her clearance for sensitive material. Which means she could not be president. Obama can just shrug his shoulders and say, "We can't take a chance that her incompetency will affect us in the future even more than it has.

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