Hillary's Claim As Only Candidate to Not Raise Middle-Class Taxes Is a Joke


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It has often been said that Trump supporters are blind to political facts, and will support Trump no matter what he says. This same characteristic though seems to fit Hillary supporters to a T. One example is Hillary's ludicrous claim that she is the ONLY candidate in either party who would not raise middle-class taxes. And what do Hillary's faithful supporters say about this ? They agree with it. Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle)

In reality, ALL the Republican candidates have said the same thing. Trump said it in his website, which lists a 0-10-20-25% tax plan which lowers taxes on the middle class. Many other (previous) Republican candidates have gone on record as not going to raise middle class taxes (or any taxes. Just about every Republican running for president has signed the famous pledge promoted by Americans for Tax Reform that promises to oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal tax rates for individuals and/or businesses.

Here's a list of Republican candidates who have signed the pledge Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina.

The Washington Post fact checker gives Hillary 4 Pinocchios for this. So, we have yet another example of Hillary's lying and untrustworthiness. This blatant LIE should be a key point for Trump to hammer on during the campaign all summer long, and into the fall.

Hillary Clintons the only candidate in either party who would not raise middle-class taxes (and promises to raise incomes) - The Washington Post

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