Hillary will run again


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
Hillary is on her last leg. She'll probably trip over her colostomy bag and fall down three flights of stairs before 2020.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
Hillary is on her last leg. She'll probably trip over her colostomy bag and fall down three flights of stairs before 2020.
Maybe she and Darth Vader Ginsburg can have a wine out, sharing their stories of their escapades during the time when dinosaurs roamed.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
How many people did she leave to die in Benghazi? How many classified emails did she have hacked in her unclassified computer?

I am sick and tired of you shit for brains and how you have a 2 tier justice system. If you were in her shoes, you would be facing life in prison for treason, she gets off because shithead Comey was incompetent.

Comey's Draft in Email Scandal Found Hillary Guilty of Gross Negligence - www.independentsentinel.com

Cant wait to hear this voice again, dont ya just "love" it?

The gift that keeps on giving....
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
How many people did she leave to die in Benghazi? How many classified emails did she have hacked in her unclassified computer?

I am sick and tired of you shit for brains and how you have a 2 tier justice system. If you were in her shoes, you would be facing life in prison for treason, she gets off because shithead Comey was incompetent.

Comey's Draft in Email Scandal Found Hillary Guilty of Gross Negligence - www.independentsentinel.com

Cant wait to hear this voice again, dont ya just "love" it?

The gift that keeps on giving....

Everything you know about Ben Ghazi is b*******, super dupe It was a tragedy, the mission was relieved within a half hour. Many thanks to the GOP for cutting security funding for embassies.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
How many people did she leave to die in Benghazi? How many classified emails did she have hacked in her unclassified computer?

I am sick and tired of you shit for brains and how you have a 2 tier justice system. If you were in her shoes, you would be facing life in prison for treason, she gets off because shithead Comey was incompetent.

Comey's Draft in Email Scandal Found Hillary Guilty of Gross Negligence - www.independentsentinel.com

Cant wait to hear this voice again, dont ya just "love" it?

The gift that keeps on giving....

Everything you know about Ben Ghazi is b*******, super dupe It was a tragedy, the mission was relieved within a half hour. Many thanks to the GOP for cutting security funding for embassies.

And for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, starting the stupidest Wars ever that have led to this, and Wrecking the world economy to boot. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
How many people did she leave to die in Benghazi? How many classified emails did she have hacked in her unclassified computer?

I am sick and tired of you shit for brains and how you have a 2 tier justice system. If you were in her shoes, you would be facing life in prison for treason, she gets off because shithead Comey was incompetent.

Comey's Draft in Email Scandal Found Hillary Guilty of Gross Negligence - www.independentsentinel.com

Cant wait to hear this voice again, dont ya just "love" it?

The gift that keeps on giving....

It would be nice if she finally calmed down LOL. It's not easy when 40 to 60% of the country hate you because of pure BS.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
How many people did she leave to die in Benghazi? How many classified emails did she have hacked in her unclassified computer?

I am sick and tired of you shit for brains and how you have a 2 tier justice system. If you were in her shoes, you would be facing life in prison for treason, she gets off because shithead Comey was incompetent.

Comey's Draft in Email Scandal Found Hillary Guilty of Gross Negligence - www.independentsentinel.com

Cant wait to hear this voice again, dont ya just "love" it?

The gift that keeps on giving....

There is no evidence her computer was hacked at all, the only computer that was hacked that mattered was the DNC which was used against Hillary, which was all b******* too.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.

You may get your wish and she may win. She is the biggest liar and full of corruption, filth, and other assorted vile transgressions. It'll be too late by then anyway, lol.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
How many people did she leave to die in Benghazi? How many classified emails did she have hacked in her unclassified computer?

I am sick and tired of you shit for brains and how you have a 2 tier justice system. If you were in her shoes, you would be facing life in prison for treason, she gets off because shithead Comey was incompetent.

Comey's Draft in Email Scandal Found Hillary Guilty of Gross Negligence - www.independentsentinel.com

Cant wait to hear this voice again, dont ya just "love" it?

The gift that keeps on giving....

There is no conspiracy protecting Hillary she is honest breaking news for hater doops... Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, shitstains?
I for one thinks she should run again, and again and again, she is so good for the Democratic Party, she is the symbol of the Democratic Party.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.

You may get your wish and she may win. She is the biggest liar and full of corruption, filth, and other assorted vile transgressions. It'll be too late by then anyway, lol.
Everything you know about her is garbage propagand d u h... Try innocent until proven guilty. Our law enforcement has investigated everything she has ever done and found nothing. Wake up.
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.

You may get your wish and she may win. She is the biggest liar and full of corruption, filth, and other assorted vile transgressions. It'll be too late by then anyway, lol.
Everything you know about her is garbage propagand d u h... Try innocent until proven guilty. Our law enforcement has investigated everything she has ever done and found nothing. Wake up.

You mean like how you believe Kavanaugh is innocent?
Opinion | Hillary Will Run Again

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

This will make Trump's win much easier lol. The tards are a little to uninformed in order to realize this of course but they are despised even by their own.
I am thankful for Hillary Rotten Clinton, the enable of her racist/sexist husband we all know and liberals love. The more she shows her ugly puss and falls down regularly, she keeps on reminding the spineless moderates how much of a bitch she really is. I guess she wants to be in the guinness book of world records right along side the Buffalo Bills, and attempting to win, but never can get across the finish line, even with the help of the whole lickspittle, lagdog, liberal, lame stream media, carry the water for her. She is the ever ready rabbit on steroids that keeps on giving the gift to the Republicans...
I wouldn't mind if she did run again get back to her roots and go after right-wing Liars and pundits on the garbage propaganda machine, all the phony scandals against her and other Democrats. Scariest thing ever in America, super dupes. I haven't seen anyone I would prefer, except perhaps the boy from Scranton. Screw your un American misinformation machine.
Screw you and the hag. Commie lib idiots.

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