Hillary was awarded 3 delegates by coin toss!

The FACT is there were SIX coin tosses and Cankles won each won.
The FACT is that there was no proof of that contention in the article cited.

There are many other articles which show that Clinton won all of SIX coin tosses. Here is one of the links:

Lucky? Hillary Clinton Wins All 6 Coin Tosses In Iowa, Taking Narrow Delegate Lead - Breitbart

If you don't like the link I provided you can always Google "Hillary wins 6 coin tosses" for more reports.
:lol: heads i win, tails you lose...

the Trump butt smoochers had their lips removed from their Liberal buddy's butt crack and can't find anything else to whine about



carry on Ladies.
As the DNC breathes a sigh of relief. Their paper tigress lives to pretend a while longer-)

Hillary definitely LOST even though she " technically " won by one vote ( I think that is the current count this morning ). She was expected to win by a large margin and didn't come even close to that.

Bernie will do well in the next couple of states in the Northeast but when it goes to the South there are millions of blacks who WORSHIP the Clintons and Bernie has no chance there.

That is just a realistic view. I wish Bernie could win it all but that is very unlikely unless Hillary was to be indicted.

I want Bernie to continue all the way whether he can win or not because it forces the other candidates to address the issues he raises.

I intend to write him in no matter what ( unless he miraculously gets the nomination ).

And I just heard she won 3 votes by coin flip. Looks like some funny business going on that she would win all 3. A 12.5% chance of that I believe.
The FACT is there were SIX coin tosses and Cankles won each won.
The FACT is that there was no proof of that contention in the article cited.
I guess that's the last we have seen from you cock sucker! You've got something brown on your chin.
Go to Google and read the fucking FACTS! The Clintons back to their old criminal tricks.
One day this pair are going to prison.
on the History channel 40 years from now

the presidency that was won because of a potato sack race

Why is a state that treats a presidential race like a gradeschool extra curricular activity still given this much attention?

Coin tosses
Negotiating for votes
Giving delegates for any reason they see fit
Not staffing 90 pricincts

That is the way shitholes elect leaders