Hillary The Disease


Sep 23, 2010
Ted Cruz was my choice long before this:

“2016 is going to be the last year before Hillary retires permanently to Chappaqua.”​

Cruz Predicts Hillary’s Permanent Retirement, End of ObamaCare and Defeat of ISIS for 2016
by Jeff Poor
1 Jan 2016

Cruz Predicts Hillary's Permanent Retirement, End of ObamaCare and Defeat of ISIS for 2016 - Breitbart

Ted C. is right about Obamacare. He is wrong about Hillary. She cannot retire any more than a disease can retire. Everything Hillary Clinton represents is a disease. Her political disease will remain virulent among her faithful who are drug addicts who will continue to ingest more of the disease looking for a cure.

The fear is that a diseased Hillary will return in 2020 ushering in a deadlier infection.

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