Hillary IS Losing It All


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Sanders is pulling up tight in Iowa and leading her in New Hampshire.
He's only six points behind in Iowa, just six. Now granted Obama has lost a LOT of things. Trust and respect just to name a few but he never lost the party.

Hillary on the other hand is losing the DNC to socialists. That COULD spell a HUGE loss to democrats in the future. Here they invited groups into their party and now one of those groups is poised to take control of that party.

The DNC did a back pedal on the debate times and places to help her and it's even proving to hurt her INSIDE the party. So while democrats laugh at the GOP for Trump you don't hear a peep about Hillary LOSING the DNC to socialists.

Now Obama DID lead the DNC to the worst ever off year defeats and that record may well be his for decades to come. But what IF the Democrats National Committee becomes the Socialists Democrats National Committee?

You know in truth that would be worse then Trump beating Hillary? Because it would be the first time in how many years NO real democrat was on the ballot.
And make no mistake that IS what it would be. A DNC free presidential election.

Oh they can wave their banners and talk their crap but at the end of the day Bernie has been and always will be a SOCIALIST. If Hillary loses to Trump it was just an election. If Hillary loses to Sanders the DNC loses the party.

The democrats can laugh all they want but Sanders IS real and IS honest.
He has a PROVEN track record for standing behind what he thinks. I do hope Bernie gets the nod. Bernie's power comes from HONEST democrats NOT the smoke and mirrors type.

Hillary Clinton’s support in a key, early state is suddenly crumbling
Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.
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Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.
I hope Bernie gets the nod. That way you can be either a
1, Socialist

MY pick of course.
Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.
Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.
You understand that a 6 point lead is nothing, right? With a margin of error probably close to that it means Sanders could easily win. It's not supposed to go like that. The script is for Hillary to step into the role of nominee and electee since she was ordained for this office. It's hers, dammit.
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Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.
Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.
You understand that a 6 point lead is nothing, right? With a margin of error probably close to that it means Sanders could easily win. It's not supposed to go like that. The script is for Hillary to step into the role of nominee and electee since she was ordained for this office. It's hers, dammit.
Sanders is looking good and doing fine. He can make more then six points in a year. The fact she is behind in New Hampshire should bother her though.

That is a liberal strong hold and would be equal to the GOP falling behind in Arizona or Texas. That's not good news.

1992. Paul Tsongas wins NH, dooming Bill Clinton.
2008, Clinton edges out Obama.

The point would be that NH, being tiny, white and relatively wealthy, means very little. Hillary will easily romp over Sanders in the states that give significant delegates. She doesn't have to win overwhelmingly. She just has to win, without alienating Sanders voters, so that means not attacking him.
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Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.

how do you sleep at night ignoring the fact that Hillary is doing poorly enough to allow Joe biden to consider running?
How do you sleep at night ignoring the fact that Hillary is doing poorly enough to allow Joe biden to consider running?

So how do you feel, knowing you've been bamboozled by the spin of a media that desperately wants a horse race to report on?

Oh wait. You didn't realize you had fallen for stupid media spin. So sorry I burst your bubble there. Just pretend you didn't read this, and stay safely in your fantasy world.

Hillary is still well ahead in head-to-head matchups with any Republican. Over the last month, her numbers haven't changed, despite your constant pronouncements of doom. That has to sting. Your masters told you she was crashing, and again, the crushing disappointment for you when it doesn't happen. You'd think you'd learn to stop running back to the same sources that misinform you again and again.
How do you sleep at night ignoring the fact that Hillary is doing poorly enough to allow Joe biden to consider running?

So how do you feel, knowing you've been bamboozled by the spin of a media that desperately wants a horse race to report on?

Oh wait. You didn't realize you had fallen for stupid media spin. So sorry I burst your bubble there. Just pretend you didn't read this, and stay safely in your fantasy world.

Hillary is still well ahead in head-to-head matchups with any Republican. Over the last month, her numbers haven't changed, despite your constant pronouncements of doom. That has to sting. Your masters told you she was crashing, and again, the crushing disappointment for you when it doesn't happen. You'd think you'd learn to stop running back to the same sources that misinform you again and again.


are you losers even capable of making an arguemnt without ridiculously trying to place yourselves above others? you look like a thin-skinned moron.

"i didnt realize......................."???

she isnt well ahead in every head to head match-up; and part of the reason she is ahead at all is she is in HER OWN "FANTASY WORLD" LEFTARD, TO THE POINT SHE'S EVEN ROPING OFF THE PRESS, and only speaks in pre-rehearsed venues
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who is "the media" anyway leftard?

i mean are the monolithic?
nice bunker mentality though!

How do you sleep at night ignoring the fact that Hillary is doing poorly enough to allow Joe biden to consider running?

So how do you feel, knowing you've been bamboozled by the spin of a media that desperately wants a horse race to report on?

Oh wait. You didn't realize you had fallen for stupid media spin. So sorry I burst your bubble there. Just pretend you didn't read this, and stay safely in your fantasy world.

Hillary is still well ahead in head-to-head matchups with any Republican. Over the last month, her numbers haven't changed, despite your constant pronouncements of doom. That has to sting. Your masters told you she was crashing, and again, the crushing disappointment for you when it doesn't happen. You'd think you'd learn to stop running back to the same sources that misinform you again and again.


are you losers even capable of making an arguemnt without ridiculously trying to place yourselves above others? you look like a thin-skinned moron.

"i didnt realize......................."???

she isnt well ahead in every head to head match-up; and part of the reason she is ahead at all is she is in HER OWN "FANTASY WORLD" LEFTARD, TO THE POINT SHE'S EVE ROPING OFF THE PRESS, and only speaks in pre-rehearesed venues

What these moon bats can't (or won't) grasp is the Hildabeast's numbers are shrinking with each new poll, yet they sit there screaming "all is well!!!:, it's not
Anyone who thinks Hildebeast and her crew aren't scared shitless about her sinking poll numbers, her three top word associations of liar, deceitful, untrustworthy, and threatening poll numbers for an avowed socialist, is living in la la land.

Racist Joey Biden was content running out the clock on his political career as Barry's go-to state funerals guy, but now fearing deja vu all over again for Hillary they've sent the old boy to the bullpen for warming up. Sounds like a confident party to me, no?

Anyway, I'm for that which stings Mrs. slick Willie Clinton the most. Whether it's having the dimocrat nomination slip through her fingers again or getting it and losing the presidential election, whichever hurts the worst.
Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.

Uhhh, loosing that much ground in such a short time would send any candidate into a panic. And lets be clear, she's loosing this much ground to pretty much the only other person running who has about 1 billionth the "war chest" she has and a trillionth the name recognition. You can expect to lose some of the lead but to actually be loosing in polls you once dominated and soon to be loosing in polls you are just hardly;y holding on too is bad news bears.

Seriously, where do you people come from and do you really think you're intelligent?
Yes, Hillary being ahead and staying ahead in the polls is somehow "losing it all".

I bet all the other candidates wish they could "lose it all" like that.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.

Her decline against Sanders is worse than her decline against Obama at this same time in the '08 election cycle.

But hey, whatever allows you to sleep at night.
The Dems are simply whistling past the graveyard. We've seen lots of promising campaigns blow up unexpectedly. Hillary's for one.

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