Hillary in Afghanistan


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
This was forwarded to me in an e-mail (from a trusted source). I have not checked NewsMax (the cited source) as to its accuracy. But I would not doubt that this story, if not 100% accurate, is at least grounded in truth.
BTW - it is unwritten military law that soliders eat first, and officers (i.e. the high-ranking people) eat last. Apparently, in her eight years of being co-President, Hillary didn't learn that part.

Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2003 12:44 a.m. EST

Bagram GI: Troops Waited While Hillary Chowed Down

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton forced U.S. troops stationed at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to wait for their Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday while she and her entourage arrived late, gave an interview to reporters and then cut in line and were served first.

A Green Beret (reservist) who witnessed the scene tells NewsMax:

"Thanksgiving Dinner started at 3 p.m. that day, so the line was forming around 2:30 p.m. She didn't show up until around 3:30 p.m.

"Once she got there," our source maintains, "Clinton decided to talk to and pose for photos for reporters who accompanied her and then she and her entourage bumped everyone in line, forcing them to wait almost an extra hour."

The brass at Bagram apparently had a hard time rounding up New Yorkers who wanted to have dinner with Clinton (D-NY). Only six GIs responded to an e-mail sent out last week that stated, "Looking for military members from New York and Rhode Island interested in meeting their Senator/Congressman."

During the meal, Clinton remarked that "Many American people do not support this war, but I support the troops." One GI, a combat veteran from Rochester, asked her why she came if that was how she felt, got up and left the table. An aide tried to bring him back but was told to "butt out" by the GI, who did not return.

People magazine and the NY Times were on hand to cover the event and wanted to interview the troops for reaction to Clinton's visit.

"But they were getting declined left and right," our source said. "Soldiers were actually telling the reporters, 'You don't want to print what I think about her and her visit.'"

After Clinton and her entourage departed, the only topics GIs wanted to talk about were "how great the food was and how fantastic they thought George Bush's visit to Iraq was." The reporters didn't even bother to write their comments down and left shortly thereafter.

Source: NewsMax (an on-line military newsletter in Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq)
The only reason she went to Afghanistan in the first place was for political reasons... she cares little to nothing about our troops and their cause. This was nothing more than a staged media event. She is not looking to support our troops, only to further her political cause.

I'm sure many people, when reading my post, will compare Billary's Afghanistan visit to Bush's visit to Iraq. The only comparison is that two political figures visited our soldiers stationed overseas. One did not stage photo ops; one did not make the soldiers wait to eat; one was welcomed whole heartedly by the troops. One was not.

They should have taken their turkey and shoved it up her ass.

Bush in Iraq v Hillary in Afghanistan
I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but I am. I don't care why Hillary went. I applaud her for going. At least she, out of a cast of hundreds, had the balls to go there and eat with the troops. You have got to respect that kind of action- she could just as easily have gotten press here in the US or somewhere else and goodness knows she's certainly garnered her share.

I may be in the minority here but I give her props for that one.
I'll give her props too, just not as much. Credit where credit is due, although I think her intentions were misguided.

Besides, any time she is away from NY is a good thing!
No disrespect intended what-so-ever, but I'll have to disagree with you guys on this one. I think her going over there makes her even a bigger ass than she already is (if thats possible). IMHO, she is using the troops as a prop. Sure she could have staged other media events for exposure throughout the US, but none would have the impact than this visit to the troops. Not only is she using our troops for her own political advancement, but being disrespectful to them at the same time.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
No disrespect intended what-so-ever, but I'll have to disagree with you guys on this one. I think her going over there makes her even a bigger ass than she already is (if thats possible). IMHO, she is using the troops as a prop. Sure she could have staged other media events for exposure throughout the US, but none would have the impact than this visit to the troops. Not only is she using our troops for her own political advancement, but being disrespectful to them at the same time.

With all due respect, I agree with Jim. Bush and her were doing the exact same thing, supporting their troops. I mean she does hold a military function in your senate if i remember correctly. I figure it was probably both politically motivated, but hey, they are politicians. At least they are both sending the right message.
I'm with Lil Countrie here.

Simply political maneuverings for her 2008 bid. She's trying to find a more 'centered' stance as Bubba did to garner the moderate votes, hence the real reason behind the trip.

The Clintons have expressed their loathing for the military, it's no secret. She's trying to remake herself & it's sickening.
With all due respect, I agree with Jim. Bush and her were doing the exact same thing, supporting their troops. I mean she does hold a military function in your senate if i remember correctly. I figure it was probably both politically motivated, but hey, they are politicians. At least they are both sending the right message.

The only similarities between the two visits that I see are 1) both Dubya and Billary are politicians; and 2) they took time out of their own holidays to spend with our troops.

After that, its beyond comparison. Clinton staged photo ops (which pretty much proved her agenda), held up troops eating their holiday meal ~ they were away from family, that was the only holiday meal they ate ~ by being an hour late, jumped line and made those actually fighting for the country wait. The troops pretty much didnt even want/care about her visit. Bush, on the other hand, staged no photo ops (other than the one picture of him holding the entire turkey). He stepped from behind a screen to the surprise and cheering of the soldiers. Bush had a hard time holding his emotions in as he thanked our soldiers for everything they are doing, even as he fought back tears. Instead of holding the soldiers up from eating, he served them their dinner. That, to me, shows incredible honor. Can you imagine being served your Thanksgiving dinner by the President of the United States? So as they were both politicians enjoying dinner with our troops.... they were carried out in a completely different manner.

This is one of those issues that is so miniscule that even people of the same political party will differ (obviously) which is fine. I cant stand either of the Clintons, and I probably would find a gripe even if she took up Sainthood. In this instance, I think I have a point, even if it is a little one.

After reading all these thoughtful comments I can only add that only one of these individuals had something to prove. President Bush has crediability, Hillary does not. She needs this type of exposer to sell herself as that caring American Senator supporting our troops. As it turned out she got the exposure but not necassarely the most positive (in fact it was described as "aiding and abetting") response. However, for her, I think the critical point was she got "air" time. Also, as a guest, the military would have been invited her to dine first (that aside) but based on the video I saw she only spoke to the female sitting to her left. The male on the right seemed to not pay any attention to her presence. I don't know, maybe she had made her Un-American comment to the Germans' by that time. All-in-all, I think Hillary made a proper gesture (she did however miss a constituent's family funeral for there soldier son, in New York) with minor social redeaming value. She's great at teach me how to love to hate her!
I will give the senator from NY some credit, she did fly into a war zone. thats it. her whole deal was one big photo-op and opps it did not work. she showed total disrespect to the troops, hell they couldnt hardy fill one table with her supporters..
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
*sigh*. Just WHERE are those surface to air missles when you need 'em.

:eek: :p:
Hey, she's my senator so I can say nothing would make me happier than if she were no longer here on earth to muck up my life. But, as much as I hate her, besides George Bush, what other political figure had the stones to visit the troops?

I can't be so quick to bash her because she got something out of it. I don't like that agrument when people say that we shouldn't have entered the war with Iraq because we'll benefit (you know, the oil and haliburten stuff) and I don't think it dilutes the overall benefit of having a member of our country's senate visit the troops.

As for the being late and eating first, you'll have to forgive me here too, but people are late all the time (I do work in NYC) and sometimes it's not their fault. I have to think that jetting over to Afghanistan takes some rigamarol. Just being late doesn't prove she didn't care about the visit. And whomever said it was quite right, as a member of the Senate and a visitor, she was probably told she should eat first. I've met her and I never got the impression that she was just rude. Misguided, liberal, utopian-loving, pathetically opportunistic, gee I could go on, but I don't honestly see her as being just plain rude.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
The only similarities between the two visits that I see are 1) both Dubya and Billary are politicians; and 2) they took time out of their own holidays to spend with our troops.

After that, its beyond comparison. Clinton staged photo ops (which pretty much proved her agenda), held up troops eating their holiday meal ~ they were away from family, that was the only holiday meal they ate ~ by being an hour late, jumped line and made those actually fighting for the country wait. The troops pretty much didnt even want/care about her visit. Bush, on the other hand, staged no photo ops (other than the one picture of him holding the entire turkey). He stepped from behind a screen to the surprise and cheering of the soldiers. Bush had a hard time holding his emotions in as he thanked our soldiers for everything they are doing, even as he fought back tears. Instead of holding the soldiers up from eating, he served them their dinner. That, to me, shows incredible honor. Can you imagine being served your Thanksgiving dinner by the President of the United States? So as they were both politicians enjoying dinner with our troops.... they were carried out in a completely different manner.

This is one of those issues that is so miniscule that even people of the same political party will differ (obviously) which is fine. I cant stand either of the Clintons, and I probably would find a gripe even if she took up Sainthood. In this instance, I think I have a point, even if it is a little one.


Maybe it's because i'm neither american nor partisan, but I think your opinion is based on partisan bias in this case. The main reasons you give why Bush is a saint for doing this and Clinton a jerk is what? He came in secret? Hell I would too with all the terrorists gunning for him. That's just very good common sense! The method in which they served turkey? I think that might be a little weak. Photo ops? They both had them.

With both Bush and Clinton, it is political manoeuvring as well as representing the government. Let's face it, if Hilary didn't go to Afghanistan, no one in government would have showed respect for the troops fighting there. That's probably much more scandalous that her (or another member of government) not being there.

I mean you can dissect this turkey as much as you want (sorry couldn't help myself :D), but the goals and the messages are the same.
I think your opinion is based on partisan bias in this case.

I do agree.. to a point. I dont consider myself a "Democrat hater", a "Clinton hater" yes, the whole party, no. I dont consider Bush a saint at all for going to Iraq and my justification over his trip to Iraq versus Hillary's trip to Afghanistan has nothing at all to do with secrecy (I'd go secret too... I'm not sure if Hillary's trip was was secret or not, but that really has absolutely nothing to do with my argument).

Like I said, I severely dislike the Clintons and I could and would find fault with the way she brushes her teeth. But the point I was trying to bring across was Bush's motivation seemed to be from the heart, to thank the troops; while Hillarys trip seemed to be more of a "what can *I* get out of this" or "how will this trip advance my political career". The turkey is really not a factor... just a point I brought to strengthen my argument. After arriving over an hour late, Hillary made the troops wait even longer until her photo op was finished, at which time they waited for her to get her meal. Bush did not have a photo op... other than one picture taken with a turkey. And he served the troops their meal instead of eating with/before them.

I agree with about everything Jim and Moi post. I rarely have a difference of opinion, but this is one, even if it is such a small and trivial issue. Whereas you have a point that at least someone traveled to Afghanistan to visit the troops, I just wish she or someone else would have went for unselfish reasons other than personal gain.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
I do agree.. to a point. I dont consider myself a "Democrat hater", a "Clinton hater" yes, the whole party, no. I dont consider Bush a saint at all for going to Iraq and my justification over his trip to Iraq versus Hillary's trip to Afghanistan has nothing at all to do with secrecy (I'd go secret too... I'm not sure if Hillary's trip was was secret or not, but that really has absolutely nothing to do with my argument).

Like I said, I severely dislike the Clintons and I could and would find fault with the way she brushes her teeth. But the point I was trying to bring across was Bush's motivation seemed to be from the heart, to thank the troops; while Hillarys trip seemed to be more of a "what can *I* get out of this" or "how will this trip advance my political career". The turkey is really not a factor... just a point I brought to strengthen my argument. After arriving over an hour late, Hillary made the troops wait even longer until her photo op was finished, at which time they waited for her to get her meal. Bush did not have a photo op... other than one picture taken with a turkey. And he served the troops their meal instead of eating with/before them.

I agree with about everything Jim and Moi post. I rarely have a difference of opinion, but this is one, even if it is such a small and trivial issue. Whereas you have a point that at least someone traveled to Afghanistan to visit the troops, I just wish she or someone else would have went for unselfish reasons other than personal gain.

Well, I'm afraid I just don't see you on this one so we'll have to agree to disagree! :)
I could and would find fault with the way she brushes her teeth.

Did you know the bitch brushes up and down??? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Seriously, though, Dubya didn't hold up a decent meal for the troops and actually served some of them dinner.

Hillary made them wait an hour or more and then ate first, after her photographers were done.

It's called RESPECT FOR THE SOLDIERS!!!!!!!!!

They all eat crappy food over there, and Thanksgiving is really looked forward to! It's not what you get at home, but it's a damn sight better than what you get normally. She knew what was up but couldn't care less about it - she wanted some friggin pictures of her in a war zone on Thanksgiving. Everyone knew what was up, that's why SIX people signed up to eat with her. pfffft!

To hell with Hillary, I say!

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