Hillary Hypocritically Criticizes GOP Lack of Empathy after NY Attack


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Despite the fact that Hillary and other Democrats did not even wait 24-hrs after the Vegas shooting to launched a Gun Legislation political onslaught, Hypocritical Hillary steps out into the spotlight to criticize GOP for 'Lack of Empathy'.

Hillary Clinton said Trump’s reaction to NYC truck rampage lacked ‘empathy’

"Clinton, who was plugging her book “What Happened” on Wednesday’s show, told host Trevor Noah that Trump lacked “empathy” when he publicly responded to the horrific attack."

('Lack of Empathy'
- remember, this is the woman who told the family members of those killed in Benghazi that their loved ones had died as a result of a 'protest' and who declared about the 4 dead in Congress, 'What difference does it make'?!)

Part of President Trump's reaction to the attack was to condemn the DUMB AS HELL “Diversity Visa Lottery Program.” that allowed this terrorist to enter the country.

You can bet, however, if the terrorist had used a semi-automatic with a Bump Stock or an automatic weapon to kill his victims Hillary, Schumer, and the other Libtards would have beaten Trump to Twitter to push more anti-gun legislation.

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