Hillary Clinton’s Vulgarity Makes Trump Look Like Shakespeare!


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I sometimes wonder how the media can be so angry about the way Trump talks. After listening to them call him every name in the book I wonder how they feel they have the right to be critical of him. Especially since they actively supported a candidate who had one of the foulest mouths in Washington:
Hillary Clinton’s Vulgarity Makes Trump Look Like Shakespeare!

  • “F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.”
This quote is taken from Christopher Andersen’s 2004 book, American Evita:

[Hillary] also resented [the state troopers’] constant presence and the loss of privacy that entailed. At times, a simple “Good morning, Mrs. Clinton” could provoke an attack. “Fuck off!” she would bark. “It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day. I’m not going to talk to you, too. Just do your goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.”

The endnotes for the corresponding chapter reference a number of conversations and print articles but don’t indicate which might have been the source for this putative quote.

  • “If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king ass over here and grab those bags!”
This quote appears in Joyce Milton’s 1999 book, The First Partner, but no source is provided for it — the statement is simply reported (without detail) as a comment the First Lady purportedly made to an unnamed “agent”:

One [Secret Service] agent, who politely explained to Mrs. Clinton that his duties did not include toting suitcases from their airplane to their limo, was shocked when she replied, “If you want to remain on this detail,” get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags.”

  • “Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!”
This statement is taken from the 2003 book Hillary’s Scheme, where it is quoted from a February 2000 article published in the supermarket tabloid Star and attributed to an unidentified “informed source”:

Star has learned that on nearly a dozen occasions in the last three months, Hillary has viciously lashed out at numerous Secret Service agents for getting in her way — or for simply doing their jobs … A young Secret Service officer stationed at the South Portico says he did nothing more than smile and say, ‘Good morning, Mrs. Clinton.’ Mrs. Clinton brushed by him, actually shoving him out of her way, an informed source tells Star. As she did, she snapped at him and cursed, ‘Get f____d!’

That officer made a report of Mrs. Clinton’s behavior to his superiors and Star has learned that about 10 other similarly ugly incidents have also been reported in recent months. In other cases she is reported to have said such things as: ‘Get the f___ out of my way!’ Or, ‘Get out of my face!’

  • “Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?”
This quote is taken from (the 1998 edition of) former FBI agent Gary Aldrich’s 1996 book, Unlimited Access. The passage in which it appears is part of a section detailing President Clinton’s supposed habit of sneaking out of the White House to evade his Secret Service detail while on his way to trysts at a nearby hotel and is attributed to an unnamed source identified as “a senior law enforcement officer with more than twenty years’ service in a federal agency”:

My source used the term “the first family” rather than simply “the president” because he says Hillary Clinton is as bad as the president. She has told her Secret Service Protective Detail agents in public to “Stay the f–k back, stay the f–k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else!” When the agents have tried to explain to the first lady that they cannot effectively guard her if they must remain so far away, her reply is, “Just f–king do as I say, okay?”

In 1997, David Brock, author of the American SpectatorTroopergate” article cited above, wrote of Aldrich’s book:

In his best-selling exposé on the Clinton White House, Aldrich reported as fact a wild rumor about Bill Clinton sneaking out of the White House to a Marriott hotel to meet women for trysts. Because Aldrich had been assigned to the White House during the first two years of the Clinton presidency, I had asked him about this piece of gossip, which I’d heard while I was digging for damaging material for my own book. He told me then that he knew nothing about the rumor. [After Unlimited Access was published,] I called Aldrich, who verified that I, in fact, was the sole source for his supposed scoop.

My public comments, other glaring holes in the book, and Aldrich’s loopy tales of X-rated ornaments on the White House Christmas tree led the mainstream press to deep-six Unlimited Access. But as someone who tries hard to practice credible journalism from a conservative perspective, I was outraged when conservative outlets … let Aldrich brazen it out and perpetrated a hoax on the public by celebrating Unlimited Access as legitimate and well-researched.


I was astonished that Hillary Clinton wept as she decried bullying, after Donald Trump’s used of the word “schlong”.

A woman who is seeking the office of “Commander-in-Chief” should really show a little more intestinal fortitude.

The act is laughable, because her own use of profanity is so notorious that there are whole books on the subject!

A California friend, Bill Monroe, offers this example.

Hillary’s vulgar and nasty language is well documented. To directly quote her: ‘F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.’

(From the book American Evita by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.”)

That is not the only tome that documents Clinton’s legendary temper. Another book, Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton, recounts an episode with Obama as the target of one of her grand tirades.

Clinton requested a meeting with Obama, against the advice of hubby Bill Clinton, believing “she was being persecuted for minor, meaningless violations,” author Edward Klein writes.

Clinton initially took a friendly approach during the meeting and Obama reacted as if he didn’t know what she was talking about, the book claims.

“He was almost being deliberately dense,” a Clinton source said. “It really angered her.”

Clinton lost her temper and called the president by his first name in an emotionally driven break with White House decorum, according to the book.

“What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama, according to Klein’s account, which cited sources close to Clinton and Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.

Obama got off lightly compared to her husband, according to an episode described in a third book, The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House.

[Author Kate Andersen] Brower gave an interview with CNN in which she is laughing and smiling while telling the story of Hillary Clinton’s violent, bloody attack on her husband the President of the United States.

Apparently, spousal abuse is funny if committed by a feminist icon running for president.

An example of how the political press is playing this comes from Politico, which published a lengthy book excerpt that left out Hillary’s alleged bloody attack on Bill.

Politico did lead with the ‘lamp throwing’ incident which as the Clinton defenders might say, is ‘old news’. But Politico left out the damning alleged criminal attack.


The HildaBeast
‘Deplorable’ Hillary Clinton Maligns Nearly 50 Million Americans
Last edited:
Killary is sick in her mind....a Luciferian a piece of crap

to think that's what the rats wanted as a President,

beyond funny!
Killary is sick in her mind....a Luciferian a piece of crap

to think that's what the rats wanted as a President,

beyond funny!
well lets just all be happy that there wasnt a small dog or cat in that room right after she lost to Trump and started throwing lamps violently at people
The words "k*ke" and "nig*er" are part of her and Willy's private conversation too.....but other democRATS don't have a problem with it....both are interest-groups they get jobs in exchange for votes. The Clintons make white trash look like royalty.

Hillary lost.

Trump is president.


So you admit that the orange is a low life prick. Good!!!
We all knew this is how she behaves. She is a complete narcissist. She truly gives not one single fuck about anybody on Earth but her shit-bag toting self.
We all knew this is how she behaves. She is a complete narcissist. She truly gives not one single fuck about anybody on Earth but her shit-bag toting self.

That Hillary Clinton woman should be behind bars.....if there is any justice left on this earth!
I sometimes wonder how the media can be so angry about the way Trump talks. After listening to them call him every name in the book I wonder how they feel they have the right to be critical of him. Especially since they actively supported a candidate who had one of the foulest mouths in Washington:
Hillary Clinton’s Vulgarity Makes Trump Look Like Shakespeare!

  • “F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.”
This quote is taken from Christopher Andersen’s 2004 book, American Evita:

[Hillary] also resented [the state troopers’] constant presence and the loss of privacy that entailed. At times, a simple “Good morning, Mrs. Clinton” could provoke an attack. “Fuck off!” she would bark. “It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day. I’m not going to talk to you, too. Just do your goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.”

The endnotes for the corresponding chapter reference a number of conversations and print articles but don’t indicate which might have been the source for this putative quote.

  • “If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king ass over here and grab those bags!”
This quote appears in Joyce Milton’s 1999 book, The First Partner, but no source is provided for it — the statement is simply reported (without detail) as a comment the First Lady purportedly made to an unnamed “agent”:

One [Secret Service] agent, who politely explained to Mrs. Clinton that his duties did not include toting suitcases from their airplane to their limo, was shocked when she replied, “If you want to remain on this detail,” get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags.”

  • “Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!”
This statement is taken from the 2003 book Hillary’s Scheme, where it is quoted from a February 2000 article published in the supermarket tabloid Star and attributed to an unidentified “informed source”:

Star has learned that on nearly a dozen occasions in the last three months, Hillary has viciously lashed out at numerous Secret Service agents for getting in her way — or for simply doing their jobs … A young Secret Service officer stationed at the South Portico says he did nothing more than smile and say, ‘Good morning, Mrs. Clinton.’ Mrs. Clinton brushed by him, actually shoving him out of her way, an informed source tells Star. As she did, she snapped at him and cursed, ‘Get f____d!’

That officer made a report of Mrs. Clinton’s behavior to his superiors and Star has learned that about 10 other similarly ugly incidents have also been reported in recent months. In other cases she is reported to have said such things as: ‘Get the f___ out of my way!’ Or, ‘Get out of my face!’

  • “Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?”
This quote is taken from (the 1998 edition of) former FBI agent Gary Aldrich’s 1996 book, Unlimited Access. The passage in which it appears is part of a section detailing President Clinton’s supposed habit of sneaking out of the White House to evade his Secret Service detail while on his way to trysts at a nearby hotel and is attributed to an unnamed source identified as “a senior law enforcement officer with more than twenty years’ service in a federal agency”:

My source used the term “the first family” rather than simply “the president” because he says Hillary Clinton is as bad as the president. She has told her Secret Service Protective Detail agents in public to “Stay the f–k back, stay the f–k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else!” When the agents have tried to explain to the first lady that they cannot effectively guard her if they must remain so far away, her reply is, “Just f–king do as I say, okay?”

In 1997, David Brock, author of the American SpectatorTroopergate” article cited above, wrote of Aldrich’s book:

In his best-selling exposé on the Clinton White House, Aldrich reported as fact a wild rumor about Bill Clinton sneaking out of the White House to a Marriott hotel to meet women for trysts. Because Aldrich had been assigned to the White House during the first two years of the Clinton presidency, I had asked him about this piece of gossip, which I’d heard while I was digging for damaging material for my own book. He told me then that he knew nothing about the rumor. [After Unlimited Access was published,] I called Aldrich, who verified that I, in fact, was the sole source for his supposed scoop.

My public comments, other glaring holes in the book, and Aldrich’s loopy tales of X-rated ornaments on the White House Christmas tree led the mainstream press to deep-six Unlimited Access. But as someone who tries hard to practice credible journalism from a conservative perspective, I was outraged when conservative outlets … let Aldrich brazen it out and perpetrated a hoax on the public by celebrating Unlimited Access as legitimate and well-researched.


I was astonished that Hillary Clinton wept as she decried bullying, after Donald Trump’s used of the word “schlong”.

A woman who is seeking the office of “Commander-in-Chief” should really show a little more intestinal fortitude.

The act is laughable, because her own use of profanity is so notorious that there are whole books on the subject!

A California friend, Bill Monroe, offers this example.

Hillary’s vulgar and nasty language is well documented. To directly quote her: ‘F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.’

(From the book American Evita by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.”)

That is not the only tome that documents Clinton’s legendary temper. Another book, Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton, recounts an episode with Obama as the target of one of her grand tirades.

Clinton requested a meeting with Obama, against the advice of hubby Bill Clinton, believing “she was being persecuted for minor, meaningless violations,” author Edward Klein writes.

Clinton initially took a friendly approach during the meeting and Obama reacted as if he didn’t know what she was talking about, the book claims.

“He was almost being deliberately dense,” a Clinton source said. “It really angered her.”

Clinton lost her temper and called the president by his first name in an emotionally driven break with White House decorum, according to the book.

“What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama, according to Klein’s account, which cited sources close to Clinton and Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.

Obama got off lightly compared to her husband, according to an episode described in a third book, The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House.

[Author Kate Andersen] Brower gave an interview with CNN in which she is laughing and smiling while telling the story of Hillary Clinton’s violent, bloody attack on her husband the President of the United States.

Apparently, spousal abuse is funny if committed by a feminist icon running for president.

An example of how the political press is playing this comes from Politico, which published a lengthy book excerpt that left out Hillary’s alleged bloody attack on Bill.

Politico did lead with the ‘lamp throwing’ incident which as the Clinton defenders might say, is ‘old news’. But Politico left out the damning alleged criminal attack.


The HildaBeast
‘Deplorable’ Hillary Clinton Maligns Nearly 50 Million Americans
Nice deflection from Trump’s inexcusable comments today.
A typical Fox- like maneuver.
Tomorrow morning billions of people all over the world will know for sure what they suspected all along. That the President of the United States is not only an insensitive jerk but a virulent racist. And there’s not enough Hillary threads that’s going to change that.

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