Hillary Clinton says she has stomach virus - Refuses to testify on benghazi


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Hilary gets "dehydrated" which causes her to "faint" which causes her to get a "concussion", somehow I think she wants to slither out of testifying.

As usual, the fix is in. She's never gonna testify or if she does it won't be under oath. Remember when bush pulled that stunt 7-8 years ago?
Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion | News - Home

Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion
Secretary of state won't be testifying on Benghazi next week as scheduled

Published On: Dec 15 2012 WASHINGTON (CNN) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sustained a concussion after becoming dehydrated and fainting, and will no longer testify Thursday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton had been suffering from a stomach virus at the time, according to a statement on Saturday from Philippe Reines, deputy assistant secretary of state.

She is being monitored by doctors and is recovering at home. She was never hospitalized, Reines said.
she refuses cause she is having medical problems, give her a break, asshat.
What do you want her to do? Be broought in by stretcher?
This is part of the cover up....she is not going to put her career at risk by lying to Congress. Her aides will dance around the subject claiming she has the final answer but can't testify.

This is blatant criminal activity on the grand stage of DC and the media is helping cover it up.
Bullshit.. get her fat ass in there to testify..

Recall that 4 Americans were killed and their families are suffering far worse than that fat assed incompetent bitch. America and especially the families of the victims deserve the truth..
It is rather amazing that the list of top witnesses for the Benghazi debacle are being immobilize one by one!!!!

Does this not appear to be strange and too convenient for al the liars in the Obama Administration?

Is there any political reason for all those witnesses suddenly being unable to tell us the truth?

They truly have no shame!!! :mad:
As usual, the fix is in. She's never gonna testify or if she does it won't be under oath. Remember when bush pulled that stunt 7-8 years ago?
Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion | News - Home

Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion
Secretary of state won't be testifying on Benghazi next week as scheduled

Published On: Dec 15 2012 WASHINGTON (CNN) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sustained a concussion after becoming dehydrated and fainting, and will no longer testify Thursday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton had been suffering from a stomach virus at the time, according to a statement on Saturday from Philippe Reines, deputy assistant secretary of state.

She is being monitored by doctors and is recovering at home. She was never hospitalized, Reines said.

People with concussions are usually hospitalized. She is lying through her teeth!
As usual, the fix is in. She's never gonna testify or if she does it won't be under oath. Remember when bush pulled that stunt 7-8 years ago?
Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion | News - Home

Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion
Secretary of state won't be testifying on Benghazi next week as scheduled

Published On: Dec 15 2012 WASHINGTON (CNN) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sustained a concussion after becoming dehydrated and fainting, and will no longer testify Thursday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton had been suffering from a stomach virus at the time, according to a statement on Saturday from Philippe Reines, deputy assistant secretary of state.

She is being monitored by doctors and is recovering at home. She was never hospitalized, Reines said.

People with concussions are usually hospitalized. She is lying through her teeth!

I agree.

But then ..... lying through their teeth is what this Administration does best!:mad:
There are indeed a great many problems with this situation and the Obama administration, but, faking a temporary, albeit minor, condition would not cause any investigation to fail. When she gets better, if necessary, she would be compelled to testify.

Such paranoid bullshit is the stuff of the interwebz.
Uh, their plan is drag this out beyond the holidays and the swearing in of the new Congress as well as John Ketchup's nomination for her position.....then Democraps and the media will cry bullshit on the GOP trying to bring Hillary "back" for such trivial questions.....she will just ignore them until they find her in contempt.

They are hoping the GOP gets bored, distracted and takes a deal to cover it all up.

There are indeed a great many problems with this situation and the Obama administration, but, faking a temporary, albeit minor, condition would not cause any investigation to fail. When she gets better, if necessary, she would be compelled to testify.

Such paranoid bullshit is the stuff of the interwebz.
Uh, their plan is drag this out beyond the holidays and the swearing in of the new Congress as well as John Ketchup's nomination for her position.....then Democraps and the media will cry bullshit on the GOP trying to bring Hillary "back" for such trivial questions.....she will just ignore them until they find her in contempt.

They are hoping the GOP gets bored, distracted and takes a deal to cover it all up.

There are indeed a great many problems with this situation and the Obama administration, but, faking a temporary, albeit minor, condition would not cause any investigation to fail. When she gets better, if necessary, she would be compelled to testify.

Such paranoid bullshit is the stuff of the interwebz.

That strategy would fail. The people who want to get Obama are dogged in their pursuit of what they believe is the truth of the matter. "Giving up", "getting bored" or forgetting over the holidays is not in the interests of the Republican party. This plum of mishandling the Benghazi situation would serve the interests of the Republicans and cause irreparable harm to the Democratic party.
Valerie Jarrett is the puppet master and Michelle Obama is the director
in every move this President makes.This whole thing is scripted out to buy
more time till after the Holiday recess and the hope that the citizens will be in the
Holiday frame of mind and will have moved on to something else.
Uh, their plan is drag this out beyond the holidays and the swearing in of the new Congress as well as John Ketchup's nomination for her position.....then Democraps and the media will cry bullshit on the GOP trying to bring Hillary "back" for such trivial questions.....she will just ignore them until they find her in contempt.

They are hoping the GOP gets bored, distracted and takes a deal to cover it all up.

There are indeed a great many problems with this situation and the Obama administration, but, faking a temporary, albeit minor, condition would not cause any investigation to fail. When she gets better, if necessary, she would be compelled to testify.

Such paranoid bullshit is the stuff of the interwebz.

That strategy would fail. The people who want to get Obama are dogged in their pursuit of what they believe is the truth of the matter. "Giving up", "getting bored" or forgetting over the holidays is not in the interests of the Republican party. This plum of mishandling the Benghazi situation would serve the interests of the Republicans and cause irreparable harm to the Democratic party.

Nothing causes, "irreparable harm" to the Democrat Party...

Sheesh... already
She wants to run on 2016.

That's why she refused to go on the Sunday shows and lie about the Benghazi attack (so Susan Rice became the sacrificial lamb), and why she's gonna try to avoid getting dragged down by King Barry's lies.

Can't say I blame her.

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