'Hillary Broke No Law With Her Server' LIE / DENIAL / MYTH - RIP

You're officially in the same category as 'Healthmyths' and his rambling posts. Congrats!
Except that unlike snowflakes, I have compiled and presented the undeniable EVIDENCE, laws Hillary Clinton violated, as proven by the evidence - confirmed by both the FBI and State Department.

It's so damning, that the president, who said he would investigate her ... isn't. :mm:

In fairness, he isn't really doing anything he said he would.
Kicked Hillary's ass like he promised
Eliminating Obama's Legacy
Getting a Tax Reform Bill Passed
Reducing Illegal Immigration
Improved Economy
Reduced Unemployment
Reduced Number of people on Food Stamps
...yeah, not doing one thing he said.
You're officially in the same category as 'Healthmyths' and his rambling posts. Congrats!
Except that unlike snowflakes, I have compiled and presented the undeniable EVIDENCE, laws Hillary Clinton violated, as proven by the evidence - confirmed by both the FBI and State Department.

It's so damning, that the president, who said he would investigate her ... isn't. :mm:

In fairness, he isn't really doing anything he said he would.
Kicked Hillary's ass like he promised
Eliminating Obama's Legacy
Getting a Tax Reform Bill Passed
Reducing Illegal Immigration
Improved Economy
Reduced Unemployment
Reduced Number of people on Food Stamps
...yeah, not doing one thing he said.
SNAP usage has been declining since 2013 and other than not eliminating his own legacy, Obama accomplished the rest of those as well.
SNAP usage has been declining....

This is great for another thread, but back to the one at hand. You want to try to explain how 30,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act equates to zero Hillary Laws Broken...despite the e-mails being in the FBI's hands and both the FBI and State Department stating she broke the law by not turning these over as required by the law?
Obama's own appointed inspector general said he if did what Hillary did he would be serving time in Leavenworth federal prison. This guy has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server. Hillary's campaign threatened him, told him he'd be the first one fired after she won.
SNAP usage has been declining....

This is great for another thread, but back to the one at hand. You want to try to explain how 30,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act equates to zero Hillary Laws Broken...despite the e-mails being in the FBI's hands and both the FBI and State Department stating she broke the law by not turning these over as required by the law?
If it belongs on another thread, why did you bring it up on this one? :dunno:
actually, what ensured Hillary wouldn't get indicted was that everyone knew the charge was laughable

Despite numerous people having posted articles, laws, regulations, EOs, State Department Rules / Regs/ Memos, etc putting this to be long ago....

Lying, Idiot snowflakes incredibly continue to spew the PROVEN lies / DNC talking points / debunked Myths about how Hillary Clinton 'did not violate any laws' regarding the use of her own personal server.

It is time to drive a stake through this 'walking dead' liberal LIE once and for all:


The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552
--- THOUSANDS of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED (TS/SCI) and official govt documents in the hands of the FBI that both the FBI and State Department confirmed Hillary Clinton never turned in as required by the law, THOUSANDS of violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

Clinton failed to hand over key email to State Department

---'Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.'

The FBI found 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton didn’t turn over. Uh oh.

Illegal possession of TS/SCI information
- Was no longer 'Read Into' TS/SCI programs thus had no legal right to possess TS/SCI Material

- 18 U.S. Code § 793

- DOD 5200.1-R, Information Security Program

- 18 U.S. Code § 1510

Illegal Storage of Classified Information
- Violation of US Law regarding Legal Storage of Classified - encryption, storage, transporting...

- 18 U.S. Code § 793

- DOD 5200.1-R, Information Security Program

Illegal Handling of classified information - ''Gross Negligence'
- 18 U.S. Code § 793

- DOD 5200.1-R, Information Security Program

- STATE DEPARTMENT - Volume 12 Foreign Affairs Manual 544. TL:DS-46; 06-08-1995
--- Sensitive But Unclassified Handling Procedures: Transmission, Mailing, Safeguarding/Storage, and Destruction

- STATE DEPARTMENT: Volume 12 Foreign Affairs Manual 545. TL:DS-46; 05-26-1995
--- 'Document Title: 'CONSEQUENCES' - Provides a general warning of consequences for person or persons guilty of unauthorized disclosure of Sensitive But Unclassified information. Provides reference to Foreign Affairs Manuals that provide specific information on regulations, processes and Library of Congress – Federal Research Division SBU Information 25 penalties for person or persons guilty of unauthorized disclosure of Sensitive But Unclassified information.'

- Executive Order 12958: Telegram Ref: 95 State 232445. 02/02/2000
--- Describes how documents containing sensitive but unclassified information should be labeled.

- Granting access to TS/SCI information to those without a valid Security Clearance and Need to Know
--- Tech Aides, Tech Co that stored her server in their bathroom, her MAID

Illegal Destruction of Classified Information / material

46 CFR 503.59

- NSDD-145: National Security Decision Directive 145 – National Policy on Telecommunications and

--- “systems handling sensitive, but unclassified, government or government-derived information, the loss of which could adversely affect the national security interest, shall be protected in proportion to the threat of exploitation and the associated potential damage to the national security.”

- NSD-42: National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems

--- “U.S. Government national security systems shall be secured by such means as are necessary to prevent compromise, denial or exploitation.”

Illegal Destruction of Classified Devices

- 440-3-H - National Security Information Handbook – Handling / Destruction of Classified

- 18 U.S. Code § 1924
--- Whoever being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.


...and that's not even all of it.

Hillary's illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Acts equates to 2 separate criminal charges per document / e-mail she refused to / failed to turn in as required by the law. THAT means the MORE THAN 15,000 documents/e-mails the FBI has in its possession off Hillary's server that she never turned in equates by themselves 30,000 CRIMINAL CHARGES AGAINST HILLARY....not counting all of the other criminal violations of all the other laws, Regulations, Directives, Policies, etc...




(Will they? Of course not....but this post effectively proves those who continue are intentionally lying.)

deflect deflect deflect from the kleptocrat in the White House.

good job, sergei.

Deflect!? Looks like the thread is about Hillary, not Trump. I would say nice try, but your post was too stupid.
SNAP usage has been declining....

This is great for another thread, but back to the one at hand. You want to try to explain how 30,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act equates to zero Hillary Laws Broken...despite the e-mails being in the FBI's hands and both the FBI and State Department stating she broke the law by not turning these over as required by the law?
If it belongs on another thread, why did you bring it up on this one? :dunno:

uh, because easy doesn't know his ass from his elbow ?
uh, because easy doesn't know his ass from his elbow ?
So Jill already proved she is a Hillary-worshiping Troll. You and Faun want to do the same thing?

You want to try to explain how 30,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act equates to zero Hillary Laws Broken...despite the e-mails being in the FBI's hands and both the FBI and State Department stating she broke the law by not turning these over as required by the law?


The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552
--- THOUSANDS of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED (TS/SCI) and official govt documents in the hands of the FBI that both the FBI and State Department confirmed Hillary Clinton never turned in as required by the law, THOUSANDS of violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

Clinton failed to hand over key email to State Department
---'Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.'

The FBI found 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton didn’t turn over. Uh oh.
uh, because easy doesn't know his ass from his elbow ?
So Jill already proved she is a Hillary-worshiping Troll. You and Faun want to do the same thing?

You want to try to explain how 30,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act equates to zero Hillary Laws Broken...despite the e-mails being in the FBI's hands and both the FBI and State Department stating she broke the law by not turning these over as required by the law?


The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552
--- THOUSANDS of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED (TS/SCI) and official govt documents in the hands of the FBI that both the FBI and State Department confirmed Hillary Clinton never turned in as required by the law, THOUSANDS of violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

Clinton failed to hand over key email to State Department
---'Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.'

The FBI found 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton didn’t turn over. Uh oh.

what I want is for you to accept the fact that after countless Republican led investigations, not one single charge was filed against Clinton, and STFU.

uh, because easy doesn't know his ass from his elbow ?
So Jill already proved she is a Hillary-worshiping Troll. You and Faun want to do the same thing?

You want to try to explain how 30,000 violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act equates to zero Hillary Laws Broken...despite the e-mails being in the FBI's hands and both the FBI and State Department stating she broke the law by not turning these over as required by the law?


The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552
--- THOUSANDS of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED (TS/SCI) and official govt documents in the hands of the FBI that both the FBI and State Department confirmed Hillary Clinton never turned in as required by the law, THOUSANDS of violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

Clinton failed to hand over key email to State Department
---'Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.'

The FBI found 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton didn’t turn over. Uh oh.
Your AP link is about one email exchange and the WP article is about the FBI finding 15000 additional emails, which were in their possession.

As far as your link to the Freedom of Information Act, Hillary complied with that when sued...

Hillary Clinton’s 15,000 New Emails to Get Timetable for Release
You're officially in the same category as 'Healthmyths' and his rambling posts. Congrats!
Except that unlike snowflakes, I have compiled and presented the undeniable EVIDENCE, laws Hillary Clinton violated, as proven by the evidence - confirmed by both the FBI and State Department.

Why don’t you just try filing those charges and see how far you get with them Evgeny?

We’ll see who ends up before a judge first, Hillary or the orange faced baboon that your boss Putin got elected. My money’s on Fat Donnie.
what I want is....

What YOU want to do is to continue to duck having to prove your LIES and BULLSHIT about How Hillary Clinton, according to you and all of the other Hillary Worshiping TROLLS on this board, did not break the law through the use of her personal server.

Sorry - that shit ends NOW.

So, either prove that Hillary did not break the law by providing the evidence and links to support your lies or admit that Hillary broke the law!

You keep saying over and over that Hillary did not break any laws while personally attacking those who FACTUALLY point out that she DID

I give you and Faun ...and since Dragonlady stuck her big ass in the middle of this just now, once again claiming Hillary did not break any laws I will include her as well ... the same challenge I gave Jill - provide the info / links / facts 'debunking the following' OR do like she did and duck the whole thing...again...and be known as a lying, Hillary-worshiping Troll:

The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552
--- THOUSANDS of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED (TS/SCI) and official govt documents in the hands of the FBI that both the FBI and State Department confirmed Hillary Clinton never turned in as required by the law, THOUSANDS of violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

Clinton failed to hand over key email to State Department
---'Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.'

The FBI found 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton didn’t turn over. Uh oh.

As far as your link to the Freedom of Information Act, Hillary complied with that when sued...


Hillary NEVER complied with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, you F*ing TROLL! The FBI declared they FOUND 15,000 e-mails and documents on her server THAT HAD NEVER BEEN TURNED IN AS PER THE LAW. THE ARTICLE ALSO STATES THE STATE DEPARTMENT CONFIRMED THIS.
In the Army I provided technical support for Intel units. part of that was an email server. If I had sent any information across an unsecured network I would have been busting big rocks into little ones for a very long time.
In the Army I provided technical support for Intel units. part of that was an email server. If I had sent any information across an unsecured network I would have been busting big rocks into little ones for a very long time.

BUH-BAM! THAT is what I am talking about.

People like you and I, people who have worked with classified, who KNOW what the hell we are talking about - as opposed to these butt-hurt, Hillary-worshipping TROLLS, know that the crap they spew, have spewed is nothing but LIES AND BS!

Hillary broke the law. PERIOD! End of story. End of Debate.
what I want is....

What YOU want to do is to continue to duck having to prove your LIES and BULLSHIT about How Hillary Clinton, according to you and all of the other Hillary Worshiping TROLLS on this board, did not break the law through the use of her personal server.

Sorry - that shit ends NOW.

So, either prove that Hillary did not break the law by providing the evidence and links to support your lies or admit that Hillary broke the law!

You keep saying over and over that Hillary did not break any laws while personally attacking those who FACTUALLY point out that she DID

I give you and Faun ...and since Dragonlady stuck her big ass in the middle of this just now, once again claiming Hillary did not break any laws I will include her as well ... the same challenge I gave Jill - provide the info / links / facts 'debunking the following' OR do like she did and duck the whole thing...again...and be known as a lying, Hillary-worshiping Troll:

The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552
--- THOUSANDS of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED (TS/SCI) and official govt documents in the hands of the FBI that both the FBI and State Department confirmed Hillary Clinton never turned in as required by the law, THOUSANDS of violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

Clinton failed to hand over key email to State Department
---'Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.'

The FBI found 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton didn’t turn over. Uh oh.


BTW, Time is up, TROLLS! You Lose, you lie.
You're officially in the same category as 'Healthmyths' and his rambling posts. Congrats!
Except that unlike snowflakes, I have compiled and presented the undeniable EVIDENCE, laws Hillary Clinton violated, as proven by the evidence - confirmed by both the FBI and State Department.

It's so damning, that the president, who said he would investigate her ... isn't. :mm:

In fairness, he isn't really doing anything he said he would.
Kicked Hillary's ass like he promised
Eliminating Obama's Legacy
Getting a Tax Reform Bill Passed
Reducing Illegal Immigration
Improved Economy
Reduced Unemployment
Reduced Number of people on Food Stamps
...yeah, not doing one thing he said.

There is literally nothing on that list that you can point to and pick out something real and tangible that Trump did. Not one.

Tax reform is the closest at this point.
As far as your link to the Freedom of Information Act, Hillary complied with that when sued...


Hillary NEVER complied with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, you F*ing TROLL! The FBI declared they FOUND 15,000 e-mails and documents on her server THAT HAD NEVER BEEN TURNED IN AS PER THE LAW. THE ARTICLE ALSO STATES THE STATE DEPARTMENT CONFIRMED THIS.
You poor thing, you’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

First of all, Hillary didn’t need to turn over emails to the FBI when the FBI had those emails. But that has nothing to to with the law you’re citing, the Freedom of Information Act, which provides an avenue for the public to access non-classified material. And in this case, Hillary was sued by Judicial Watch, citing the Freedom of Information Act, and Hillary complied — which is the purpose of that law, which you clearly don’t understand.

And dumbfuck, when Hillary was sued to release them, that’s not a criminal charge. Judicial Watch is a conservative watchdog group with no authority to charge anyone criminally.
In the Army I provided technical support for Intel units. part of that was an email server. If I had sent any information across an unsecured network I would have been busting big rocks into little ones for a very long time.

Part of the problem is that so many of these liberals don't seem to know the difference between an email and an email server.

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