Hillary badly needs a rest -- even a racehorse gets better treatment

I frankly was surprised they took her out of the stable for a run in the first place. After 8 years I was sure they would have some fresh blood on the scene.
You know, all this trouble around her would have stayed hidden if her ego did not want the presidency. She could have lived the rest of her days in comfort and peace.
Now, emails, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation... all kind of shit and again all that would have remained hidden...
That's what happens when more than enough is still not enough

That's what happens to people who value money above all else. The clintons would sell their country down the river if the price was right. This is why it's so important that Trump, with admittedly all his faults, wins the white house.
Articles: Hillary at Bay

Hillary Clinton badly needs a rest, but the powers behind her won't let her have one. If this were happening to a racehorse, someone would be calling the Humane Society.

These powers, who have been running the real permanent government since they took down Nixon with Watergate, desperately need Hillary to beat Donald Trump.

Trump has openly opposed their agenda of endless wars abroad and dismantlement of the American middle class at home. He must be defeated, even if the real permanent government has to come out of the shadows and reveal itself.

So they will run Hillary, even if it means she dies from exhaustion.

Boy, you really must like stroking on the big black ones.;)

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