Hillary Admits She Broke U.S. Law in Benghazi

Brooks beat the butch bitch like a red headed step child! Awesome!
Really? what hearing were you watching?
You are retarded. I don't agree with the op, as the beast bitch may not have contravened a criminal statute (she clearly did not), but she did lie to the American people, was involved in a conspiracy to utilize the media to mislead the electorate for political reasons, and obstructed a congressional (and probably Justice Department investigation).

Brooks lambasted Hillary. If you watched her interrogation and concluded otherwise then you may need to seek medical attention.
False, brooks repeated the same debunked bullshit that was spewd in last 150 Benghazi hearings.
You sure are an uppity prick for a bag of chips.
true, but it doesn't make me any less correct.
If anyone ever needed to know how low liberals will stoop to protect their corrupt leaders, this thread should show you there is no level too low. They've stooped so low the ants could piss on them.
right. correcting a dumbass who is spreading lies is 'stooping'

grow up. clinton broke no law.
22 U.S. Code § 4865 - Security requirements for United States diplomatic facilities

22 U.S. Code § 4865 - Security requirements for United States diplomatic facilities

Chancery or consulate building

this goes back to a wsj piece in 2014 and Victoria the little bit slutty, but lots nutty wife of di Genova

Victoria Toensing and her husband and legal partner Joseph diGenova are pushing claims that anonymous State Department and CIA "whistleblowers" have been blocked and threatened by the Obama administration to prevent their testifying on the September 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. Toensing and diGenova are longtime Republican activists, and Toensing has a history of pushing dubious claims and falsehoods into the media.

What's the code got to do wh HILLARY ? Even if the state dept wasn't following it so what ? It's like a company not following a reg . The company gets fined at the most . As we all know , the prez of a company is not held personally responsible .

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