Hilary not only protects rapist husband, she also protects male employees who harass young females.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Hilary protected her rapist husband in order to keep her own political career alive. Apparently, her protection also extended to other democrat males...like harvey weinstein....and now a staffer who was harassing a young female worker...

The Wreck of Hillary Clinton

And the Left complains about Trump... Meanwhile, this little flapola seems to have some legs:

While most of her supporters can't think of anyone who's a bigger and better champion for women than Clinton, here comes the bucket of salt to pour in that 2016 wound that never really healed. According to the New York Times, Clinton shielded one of her advisers, Burns Strider, from being fired for repeatedly sexually harassing a younger staffer during her 2008 presidential campaign.

Surely, this is just a mistake, and Clinton had no say in the matter, her base might add. "Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Mrs. Clinton did not. Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job," reads the New York Times.

This can't be real, you say. Clinton ran an inspiring 2016 campaign for president filled with love and inclusion against the serial misogynist womanizer with wandering hands, Donald Trump. Clearly, this is the work of the Trump campaign. The funny thing for most people in politics is that sooner or later evidence will present itself that completely undercuts everything they stand for. In the case of Clinton, her time of being a champion for women is up.

The only female advancement/empowerment Mrs. Clinton has ever been interested in is her own. Maybe she should heed the advice of Dean Wormer:
With Hillary for their champion, women hardly need enemies at all.
Hilary protected her rapist husband in order to keep her own political career alive. Apparently, her protection also extended to other democrat males...like harvey weinstein....and now a staffer who was harassing a young female worker...

The Wreck of Hillary Clinton

And the Left complains about Trump... Meanwhile, this little flapola seems to have some legs:

While most of her supporters can't think of anyone who's a bigger and better champion for women than Clinton, here comes the bucket of salt to pour in that 2016 wound that never really healed. According to the New York Times, Clinton shielded one of her advisers, Burns Strider, from being fired for repeatedly sexually harassing a younger staffer during her 2008 presidential campaign.

Surely, this is just a mistake, and Clinton had no say in the matter, her base might add. "Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Mrs. Clinton did not. Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job," reads the New York Times.

This can't be real, you say. Clinton ran an inspiring 2016 campaign for president filled with love and inclusion against the serial misogynist womanizer with wandering hands, Donald Trump. Clearly, this is the work of the Trump campaign. The funny thing for most people in politics is that sooner or later evidence will present itself that completely undercuts everything they stand for. In the case of Clinton, her time of being a champion for women is up.

The only female advancement/empowerment Mrs. Clinton has ever been interested in is her own. Maybe she should heed the advice of Dean Wormer:
Well you're currently championing a rapist husband in the White House. So you really shouldn't complain.
And the big lie machine marches on.

An evangelical working for Clinton was caught in harassment.

No, he wasn't a rapist. He tried to kiss a woman.

2aguy, do you have any regrets about telling the lie that the guy was a rapist? No? Then enjoy burning in Hell for eternity, along with most of the other Trump backers here.

The woman making the charges was believed. The guy was suspended, disciplined, and counseled, but given another chance, standard corporate policy for 2008. He didn't reform, so he was canned.

The CDS liars here claim that's a problem. They're doing that to deflect attention from the molesters here that they tongue-bathe.

Since we're on the topic, let's talk about those people that the Trump voters here all love so much.

Dozens of People Recount Pattern of Sexual Misconduct by Las Vegas Mogul Steve Wynn

RNC finance chair Steve Wynn is a particularly rapey little bastard (note how the media is very reluctant to ID him as RNC finance chair. They bury that deep in the stories.)

All the Republicans here demanded the Democrats refund all the money that came from Weinstein. Will they be consistent and demand that Republicans refund every penny raised by Wynn?

We all know the answer to that. After all, if they had any consistent moral principles, they'd be Democrats.
If they didn't kill them before birth, democrats would eat their young.
Hilary protected her rapist husband in order to keep her own political career alive. Apparently, her protection also extended to other democrat males...like harvey weinstein....and now a staffer who was harassing a young female worker...

The Wreck of Hillary Clinton

And the Left complains about Trump... Meanwhile, this little flapola seems to have some legs:

While most of her supporters can't think of anyone who's a bigger and better champion for women than Clinton, here comes the bucket of salt to pour in that 2016 wound that never really healed. According to the New York Times, Clinton shielded one of her advisers, Burns Strider, from being fired for repeatedly sexually harassing a younger staffer during her 2008 presidential campaign.

Surely, this is just a mistake, and Clinton had no say in the matter, her base might add. "Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Mrs. Clinton did not. Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job," reads the New York Times.

This can't be real, you say. Clinton ran an inspiring 2016 campaign for president filled with love and inclusion against the serial misogynist womanizer with wandering hands, Donald Trump. Clearly, this is the work of the Trump campaign. The funny thing for most people in politics is that sooner or later evidence will present itself that completely undercuts everything they stand for. In the case of Clinton, her time of being a champion for women is up.

The only female advancement/empowerment Mrs. Clinton has ever been interested in is her own. Maybe she should heed the advice of Dean Wormer:

Hillary looks like she was IN a wreck. Why does she look like she's wearing a spinal brace under her blouse to keep herself from falling over? The one good thing I can say about the old bat is that as bad as everything has always turned out for her, she still manages to fare better than everyone else around her!
Hilary protected her rapist husband in order to keep her own political career alive. Apparently, her protection also extended to other democrat males...like harvey weinstein....and now a staffer who was harassing a young female worker...

The Wreck of Hillary Clinton

And the Left complains about Trump... Meanwhile, this little flapola seems to have some legs:

While most of her supporters can't think of anyone who's a bigger and better champion for women than Clinton, here comes the bucket of salt to pour in that 2016 wound that never really healed. According to the New York Times, Clinton shielded one of her advisers, Burns Strider, from being fired for repeatedly sexually harassing a younger staffer during her 2008 presidential campaign.

Surely, this is just a mistake, and Clinton had no say in the matter, her base might add. "Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Mrs. Clinton did not. Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job," reads the New York Times.

This can't be real, you say. Clinton ran an inspiring 2016 campaign for president filled with love and inclusion against the serial misogynist womanizer with wandering hands, Donald Trump. Clearly, this is the work of the Trump campaign. The funny thing for most people in politics is that sooner or later evidence will present itself that completely undercuts everything they stand for. In the case of Clinton, her time of being a champion for women is up.

The only female advancement/empowerment Mrs. Clinton has ever been interested in is her own. Maybe she should heed the advice of Dean Wormer:
, fraud, and business cheat.

You assholes love that shit.
Hilary protected her rapist husband in order to keep her own political career alive. Apparently, her protection also extended to other democrat males...like harvey weinstein....and now a staffer who was harassing a young female worker...

The Wreck of Hillary Clinton

And the Left complains about Trump... Meanwhile, this little flapola seems to have some legs:

While most of her supporters can't think of anyone who's a bigger and better champion for women than Clinton, here comes the bucket of salt to pour in that 2016 wound that never really healed. According to the New York Times, Clinton shielded one of her advisers, Burns Strider, from being fired for repeatedly sexually harassing a younger staffer during her 2008 presidential campaign.

Surely, this is just a mistake, and Clinton had no say in the matter, her base might add. "Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Mrs. Clinton did not. Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job," reads the New York Times.

This can't be real, you say. Clinton ran an inspiring 2016 campaign for president filled with love and inclusion against the serial misogynist womanizer with wandering hands, Donald Trump. Clearly, this is the work of the Trump campaign. The funny thing for most people in politics is that sooner or later evidence will present itself that completely undercuts everything they stand for. In the case of Clinton, her time of being a champion for women is up.

The only female advancement/empowerment Mrs. Clinton has ever been interested in is her own. Maybe she should heed the advice of Dean Wormer:
One has to wonder why private citizen H. Clinton still terrifies trumpanzees.

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