Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Trump 'accidentally reveals location and identities of US Navy Seals in Iraq'

And now Trump exposed seal team five, who they are, and where they are.

This day just keeps getting better.
deanrd Republicans here have no defense for the moron in our WH only thing they can do is bash hill ,obama and posters They are cowards that can't face the fact they were dead wrong electing the pervert in charge
ed people like you and your good buddy dean have nothing to say about how hillary,and her "taint" was the one picked out of much better people in that party to run against trump and his "taint".....you folks gave us this guy.....thanks....
Harry harry harry the problem in that election was not only the natural hate republicans have for dems but it was the added burden of all the bs believed by them,,, and the russian help helped some too
bullshit ed....you guys picked someone that even many in your party did not like,but yet there she was....all through that election i saw many posts here by lefties saying how they dont like hillary,but they hate trump more so they voted for the so called "lessor" of 2 evils....and there was many posts here by righties saying how they dont like trump but they hate hillary more so they did the same thing....the lessor of 2 evil bullshit.....if you wont vote for Lucifer,but you would vote for Dracula,you are still going to get fucked....the Democrats gave us trump ....
Not true. Republicans gave us Trump. And now the entire world is suffering.
Ever notice that republicans never take the blame for any of the crap they cause? They learned from an old crook to DENY DENY DENY
Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having.

First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers.

Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to into Iraq and didnā€™t even meet with the leaders of the country there by insulting them terribly. They are supposed to be our allies.

Now you have Republicans on the USMB complaining that Obama didnā€™t protect our election from the Russians meaning they now agree that the Russians helped get Donald Trump elected.

Information came out about trumps ā€œbone spursā€.

Trump says most of the government workers not getting paid are Democrats. So Iā€™m guessing the point is that means itā€™s OK.

And now, because of the surprise visit, and the insult to the leaders of Iraq, theyā€™re demanding the US leave Iraq immediately.

Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit | Fox News

You canā€™t write this stuff. Itā€™s impossible to make up.

I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Ever notice that republicans never take the blame for any of the crap they cause? They learned from an old crook to DENY DENY DENY

If define "old crook" as "the left wing of the democratic party"....I would agree.
Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having.

First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers.

Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to into Iraq and didnā€™t even meet with the leaders of the country there by insulting them terribly. They are supposed to be our allies.

Now you have Republicans on the USMB complaining that Obama didnā€™t protect our election from the Russians meaning they now agree that the Russians helped get Donald Trump elected.

Information came out about trumps ā€œbone spursā€.

Trump says most of the government workers not getting paid are Democrats. So Iā€™m guessing the point is that means itā€™s OK.

And now, because of the surprise visit, and the insult to the leaders of Iraq, theyā€™re demanding the US leave Iraq immediately.

Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit | Fox News

You canā€™t write this stuff. Itā€™s impossible to make up.

I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??
They have an excellent excuse for voting for Trump...

Seriously, what difference did it make?
You really don't think our economic well being ,our foreign relationships would have been on a smoother path?

I think by now, HIllary and Bill would have enough in their Swiss accounts, to pay to build a condo on Pluto
BUT it was trumps charity bs that was taken from him You know the one he used as his personal checking account

and the Clintons that had to return $20,000 worth of things they took from the WH the first time they left.

yea yea, small potatoes for crooks at that level, I know.

What lie?

Clintons Return White House Furniture
Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having.

First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers.

Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to into Iraq and didnā€™t even meet with the leaders of the country there by insulting them terribly. They are supposed to be our allies.

Now you have Republicans on the USMB complaining that Obama didnā€™t protect our election from the Russians meaning they now agree that the Russians helped get Donald Trump elected.

Information came out about trumps ā€œbone spursā€.

Trump says most of the government workers not getting paid are Democrats. So Iā€™m guessing the point is that means itā€™s OK.

And now, because of the surprise visit, and the insult to the leaders of Iraq, theyā€™re demanding the US leave Iraq immediately.

Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit | Fox News

You canā€™t write this stuff. Itā€™s impossible to make up.

I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??

And beat you with him.

How can you live with yourself.
Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having.

First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers.

Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to into Iraq and didnā€™t even meet with the leaders of the country there by insulting them terribly. They are supposed to be our allies.

Now you have Republicans on the USMB complaining that Obama didnā€™t protect our election from the Russians meaning they now agree that the Russians helped get Donald Trump elected.

Information came out about trumps ā€œbone spursā€.

Trump says most of the government workers not getting paid are Democrats. So Iā€™m guessing the point is that means itā€™s OK.

And now, because of the surprise visit, and the insult to the leaders of Iraq, theyā€™re demanding the US leave Iraq immediately.

Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit | Fox News

You canā€™t write this stuff. Itā€™s impossible to make up.

I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??

And beat you with him.

How can you live with yourself.
Hurts a lot but my question to you is how can you look in the mirror knowing you and your trumpettes put this garbage, this low life human being ,in our WH ?
I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??

And beat you with him.

How can you live with yourself.
Hurts a lot but my question to you is how can you look in the mirror knowing you and your trumpettes put this garbage, this low life human being ,in our WH ?

How can you look in the mirror, knowing "the most qualified candidate, EVER", lost to him?
Trump 'accidentally reveals location and identities of US Navy Seals in Iraq'

And now Trump exposed seal team five, who they are, and where they are.

This day just keeps getting better.
deanrd Republicans here have no defense for the moron in our WH only thing they can do is bash hill ,obama and posters They are cowards that can't face the fact they were dead wrong electing the pervert in charge
ed people like you and your good buddy dean have nothing to say about how hillary,and her "taint" was the one picked out of much better people in that party to run against trump and his "taint".....you folks gave us this guy.....thanks....
Harry harry harry the problem in that election was not only the natural hate republicans have for dems but it was the added burden of all the bs believed by them,,, and the russian help helped some too
bullshit ed....you guys picked someone that even many in your party did not like,but yet there she was....all through that election i saw many posts here by lefties saying how they dont like hillary,but they hate trump more so they voted for the so called "lessor" of 2 evils....and there was many posts here by righties saying how they dont like trump but they hate hillary more so they did the same thing....the lessor of 2 evil bullshit.....if you wont vote for Lucifer,but you would vote for Dracula,you are still going to get fucked....the Democrats gave us trump ....
Not true. Republicans gave us Trump. And now the entire world is suffering.
no people like you gave us trump because you worshiped fucking hillary not being able to see she was not a very good pick......
Ever notice that republicans never take the blame for any of the crap they cause? They learned from an old crook to DENY DENY DENY
neither do democrats ed....politicians will do whatever they have to do,to somehow keep their slimy skin clean.....
Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having.

First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers.

Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to into Iraq and didnā€™t even meet with the leaders of the country there by insulting them terribly. They are supposed to be our allies.

Now you have Republicans on the USMB complaining that Obama didnā€™t protect our election from the Russians meaning they now agree that the Russians helped get Donald Trump elected.

Information came out about trumps ā€œbone spursā€.

Trump says most of the government workers not getting paid are Democrats. So Iā€™m guessing the point is that means itā€™s OK.

And now, because of the surprise visit, and the insult to the leaders of Iraq, theyā€™re demanding the US leave Iraq immediately.

Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit | Fox News

You canā€™t write this stuff. Itā€™s impossible to make up.

I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??
thanks to you guys giving us another low sharkshit as a chioce.....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??

And beat you with him.

How can you live with yourself.
Hurts a lot but my question to you is how can you look in the mirror knowing you and your trumpettes put this garbage, this low life human being ,in our WH ?

How can you look in the mirror, knowing "the most qualified candidate, EVER", lost to him?
Believe me will ,it ain't easy BUT if the pos can say the market is a great buy and it goes up 1000 points I may have to reconsider my feelings about him
Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having.

First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers.

Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to into Iraq and didnā€™t even meet with the leaders of the country there by insulting them terribly. They are supposed to be our allies.

Now you have Republicans on the USMB complaining that Obama didnā€™t protect our election from the Russians meaning they now agree that the Russians helped get Donald Trump elected.

Information came out about trumps ā€œbone spursā€.

Trump says most of the government workers not getting paid are Democrats. So Iā€™m guessing the point is that means itā€™s OK.

And now, because of the surprise visit, and the insult to the leaders of Iraq, theyā€™re demanding the US leave Iraq immediately.

Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit | Fox News

You canā€™t write this stuff. Itā€™s impossible to make up.

I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??
thanks to you guys giving us another low sharkshit as a chioce.....
At least ours didn't grab pussy
I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??
thanks to you guys giving us another low sharkshit as a chioce.....
At least ours didn't grab pussy
how do you know?....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
Live with himself??? When you republicans voted for the lowest sharkshit in the ocean in trump??
thanks to you guys giving us another low sharkshit as a chioce.....
At least ours didn't grab pussy
how do you know?....
An educated guess
Hilarious! Republicans are having a bad day in so many ways.

Iā€™m walking around chuckling again and again at the day the Republicans are having.

First they have to defend a president who went overseas and lied to our soldiers.

Then they have to explain why the president went overseas to into Iraq and didnā€™t even meet with the leaders of the country there by insulting them terribly. They are supposed to be our allies.

Now you have Republicans on the USMB complaining that Obama didnā€™t protect our election from the Russians meaning they now agree that the Russians helped get Donald Trump elected.

Information came out about trumps ā€œbone spursā€.

Trump says most of the government workers not getting paid are Democrats. So Iā€™m guessing the point is that means itā€™s OK.

And now, because of the surprise visit, and the insult to the leaders of Iraq, theyā€™re demanding the US leave Iraq immediately.

Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit | Fox News

You canā€™t write this stuff. Itā€™s impossible to make up.

I suspect you spend your days wandering the streets muttering to yourself, occasionally stopping to scream at lampposts or stop signs....
If you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger.

There is no message. Only your keyboard drool.

I still wonder how you can live with yourself knowing the entire world is laughing at you.

Hell, even your own side tells you to stop trollling.
It's not me the entire world is laughing at fool.


Don't you watch the news?

It's bad enough lying in front of the troops. They have to remain respectfully quiet.

Another matter altogether to be laughed at in the UN by the entire world.


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