Hijab, symbol of oppression, the symbol of left wing women? Just nuts....

Most of these right wingers have little to no interaction with people who aren't white and Christian. You'd think they get a chance to talk to a Muslim woman?
If she told me she likes or deserved to be beaten I would tell her she is being abused whether she knows it or not. You have no clue whether we are white, red, brown or yellow when posting on this board.

You're right, I don't know what color you right wingers are but it's clear you're close minded. But statically right wingers are white Christians You are associating hijab with domestic abuse which isn't the case. Some absusive men in this country force their wives/girlfriends to dress up all the time. Does that men high heels and short dresses are oppressive?

Many Muslim women choose to wear hijab. In many Muslim countries, some women even face issues with their family if they do wear it.

The hijab isn't associated with "domestic abuse", is associated with the most oppressive and violent ideology on the planet. Muslim women are forced to wear them, because their culture and in most cases state laws demand it. But I suppose the choice of wearing on, or not wearing one and being labeled a whore and stoned to death is a "choice" in your book.

State law only demands the hijab in Saudi and Iran. Majority of Muslim countries has no law about it.

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. They come from different countries and different cultures. In some cultures they wear them and in some places they don't. Like in UAE for example. Women can wear what they want. But many of the local women wear it. In places like Pakistan, many of them don't wear it. In fact some families even frown upon it.

Hijab isn't a black white issue. There are people who do force it. But nowadays many Muslim women choose to wear it. Some Muslim women are part time hijabis where they will wear it sometimes and other times no. I have friends who wear hijab but take it off when they go to go.

I myself don't wear hijab but I'll occasionally wear it to Friday prayers and other religious events. And I have friends who choose to wear it.

And no where in Islam does it say to stone women who don't wear hijab.

Matter o' fact the Catholic church demanded women cover their heads in church until ....

.... wait for it.......

..... 1983.

And when were they beaten in the streets by the police, decapitated by the state, or murdered by their families for failing to cover themselves everywhere except their own homes?
If she told me she likes or deserved to be beaten I would tell her she is being abused whether she knows it or not. You have no clue whether we are white, red, brown or yellow when posting on this board.

You're right, I don't know what color you right wingers are but it's clear you're close minded. But statically right wingers are white Christians You are associating hijab with domestic abuse which isn't the case. Some absusive men in this country force their wives/girlfriends to dress up all the time. Does that men high heels and short dresses are oppressive?

Many Muslim women choose to wear hijab. In many Muslim countries, some women even face issues with their family if they do wear it.

The hijab isn't associated with "domestic abuse", is associated with the most oppressive and violent ideology on the planet. Muslim women are forced to wear them, because their culture and in most cases state laws demand it. But I suppose the choice of wearing on, or not wearing one and being labeled a whore and stoned to death is a "choice" in your book.

State law only demands the hijab in Saudi and Iran. Majority of Muslim countries has no law about it.

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. They come from different countries and different cultures. In some cultures they wear them and in some places they don't. Like in UAE for example. Women can wear what they want. But many of the local women wear it. In places like Pakistan, many of them don't wear it. In fact some families even frown upon it.

Hijab isn't a black white issue. There are people who do force it. But nowadays many Muslim women choose to wear it. Some Muslim women are part time hijabis where they will wear it sometimes and other times no. I have friends who wear hijab but take it off when they go to go.

I myself don't wear hijab but I'll occasionally wear it to Friday prayers and other religious events. And I have friends who choose to wear it.

And no where in Islam does it say to stone women who don't wear hijab.

Matter o' fact the Catholic church demanded women cover their heads in church until ....

.... wait for it.......

..... 1983.

And when were they beaten in the streets by the police, decapitated by the state, or murdered by their families for failing to cover themselves everywhere except their own homes?

Actually the Church itself historically took on that gig. But I guess when you're being burned alive, "who's doing it" is not your first priority.
And yet again.....

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder.

How can they say that, these people are getting worse, not better. :cuckoo:

What's wrong with asking Muslim women how they feel about wearing a hijab instead of assuming they all see it as oppression? Is that so hard?

Yes let's ask you disgusting supporter of Muslim rape culture:

Just as I thought it's hell, now gfys you fucking pig and enemy of humanity.

More evidence, as if we needed more, that hair-on-fire partisan hack Gellerheads can only argue from emotion and ad hominem. And in other news water is wet. Who knew.

Your support for a patriarchal rape culture which oppresses women and has the worst womens rights statistics on the planet is noted you fucking pig.
I am a female and I have spent well over fifty years dealing with chauvinist pricks. I bought my mother-in-law a pickup once. I even made sure it fit within the father-in-laws specifications. He demanded that it be a stick shift so I obliged having no clue the mother-in-law had never driven one. Hell I did not know that she did have a drivers license until she was over sixty. So I went to visit her and asked "How do you like driving your new pickup. Does it drive okay?" That is when she told me that she did not know how to drive a stick shift. I took her out and she learned that afternoon how to drive her pickup. That evening when we got back to their house her husband demanded to know where she had been. Dinner was done and he was pretty rank with her. She told him pretty much something like this, 'I don't want to hear your shit. I recall when I sent you out for pudding one day and didn't see you for three f*cking days'. His jaw dropped and that was that. She was now free to come and go as she pleased without having to beg him or give him some of her hard earned cash so he would drive her even to the store.

I am grateful for everyone that will stand up for liberty and will refuse to accept this crappy religious female hating agenda that you or anyone else believes we should stand still for.

That was the most convoluted complete non sequitur Evah.

Maybe you should have actually read my post.
I read it. Maybe you should quit trying to justify protecting something a sick as Islam.

Once AGAIN --- I haven't even mentioned "Islam". Focus is not your forté is it.

Here's some lighter clothing for ya.


Are there hundreds of millions of girls like those in your picture worldwide, and are they trying to force their religion on everyone else complete with their own set of laws?

Try again.

Nope. There are perhaps hundreds of thousands but that's about it. If these girls are Hutterites as the photo source claims there are fewer than that but I don't think they're Hutterites.

But they're wearing headscarves aren't they.

Now read the thread title.

"Try again"? Why? I made the point successfully every time. But if you insist here's some Mokshas...


And no, I really don't know how many Mokshas there are, nor am I going to start a thread declaring their attire is a "symbol of oppression" on the basis that I read some scary web page about Duh Eebil Mokshas and simply swallowed it whole with no critical thought whatsoever as to whether it's a valid logical point. No can do.

You are simply like all the other liberals all over the internet, who rush in to defend anything about Islam, with the usual deflection posts.
The humorous thing is, you guys on the left would be the first to be hauled off in the night by the Islamic extremists.
You're right, I don't know what color you right wingers are but it's clear you're close minded. But statically right wingers are white Christians You are associating hijab with domestic abuse which isn't the case. Some absusive men in this country force their wives/girlfriends to dress up all the time. Does that men high heels and short dresses are oppressive?

Many Muslim women choose to wear hijab. In many Muslim countries, some women even face issues with their family if they do wear it.

The hijab isn't associated with "domestic abuse", is associated with the most oppressive and violent ideology on the planet. Muslim women are forced to wear them, because their culture and in most cases state laws demand it. But I suppose the choice of wearing on, or not wearing one and being labeled a whore and stoned to death is a "choice" in your book.

State law only demands the hijab in Saudi and Iran. Majority of Muslim countries has no law about it.

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. They come from different countries and different cultures. In some cultures they wear them and in some places they don't. Like in UAE for example. Women can wear what they want. But many of the local women wear it. In places like Pakistan, many of them don't wear it. In fact some families even frown upon it.

Hijab isn't a black white issue. There are people who do force it. But nowadays many Muslim women choose to wear it. Some Muslim women are part time hijabis where they will wear it sometimes and other times no. I have friends who wear hijab but take it off when they go to go.

I myself don't wear hijab but I'll occasionally wear it to Friday prayers and other religious events. And I have friends who choose to wear it.

And no where in Islam does it say to stone women who don't wear hijab.

Matter o' fact the Catholic church demanded women cover their heads in church until ....

.... wait for it.......

..... 1983.

And when were they beaten in the streets by the police, decapitated by the state, or murdered by their families for failing to cover themselves everywhere except their own homes?

Actually the Church itself took on that job. But I guess when you're being burned alive, "who's doing it" is not your first priority.

Lot of women burned alive in the early 80s eh you rape culture apologist piece of shit?
And yet again.....

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder.

How can they say that, these people are getting worse, not better. :cuckoo:

What's wrong with asking Muslim women how they feel about wearing a hijab instead of assuming they all see it as oppression? Is that so hard?

Yes let's ask you disgusting supporter of Muslim rape culture:

Just as I thought it's hell, now gfys you fucking pig and enemy of humanity.

More evidence, as if we needed more, that hair-on-fire partisan hack Gellerheads can only argue from emotion and ad hominem. And in other news water is wet. Who knew.

Your support for a patriarchal rape culture which oppresses women and has the worst womens rights statistics on the planet is noted you fucking pig.

Funny you can't quote it then huh Sparkles?

I haven't expressed "support" for any culture here, ass klown, other than the right of women in general to wear what the fuck they want. I simply cut the legs off the OP's logic.

I think they're still bleeding, so watch your step.

That was the most convoluted complete non sequitur Evah.

Maybe you should have actually read my post.
I read it. Maybe you should quit trying to justify protecting something a sick as Islam.

Once AGAIN --- I haven't even mentioned "Islam". Focus is not your forté is it.

Here's some lighter clothing for ya.


Are there hundreds of millions of girls like those in your picture worldwide, and are they trying to force their religion on everyone else complete with their own set of laws?

Try again.

Nope. There are perhaps hundreds of thousands but that's about it. If these girls are Hutterites as the photo source claims there are fewer than that but I don't think they're Hutterites.

But they're wearing headscarves aren't they.

Now read the thread title.

"Try again"? Why? I made the point successfully every time. But if you insist here's some Mokshas...


And no, I really don't know how many Mokshas there are, nor am I going to start a thread declaring their attire is a "symbol of oppression" on the basis that I read some scary web page about Duh Eebil Mokshas and simply swallowed it whole with no critical thought whatsoever as to whether it's a valid logical point. No can do.

You are simply like all the other liberals all over the internet, who rush in to defend anything about Islam, with the usual deflection posts.
The humorous thing is, you guys on the left would be the first to be hauled off in the night by the Islamic extremists.

Nor have I posted anything about "Islam". Go look in Craigslist for a "remedial reading course".

The difference is no man, government, or culture is FORCING the bikini clad woman to wear her attire.

Say, that reminds me of these....


Cool gig huh?

Yeah that's cool. Was she forced to uncover like that, and threatened by her husband?

Whelp, if I were to speculate on that I'd be as bad as the OP, pulling it out of my ass. I wooden know what their husbands (that's two different women, sharp eyes) said or did, or if they even had husbands. Those are the beach police enforcing laws about how high a bathing suit could end above the knee.

Here's a couple of women being arrested by them:


Here's a whole page on it. Knock yourself out, start a thread on "bathing suit police, symbol of oppression".
Course, that will require emerging from the dank cellar of xenophobia. You up for it?

I doubt it.
I personally know dozens and dozens of married muslim couples.

And never once heard of a husband demanding his wife must wear the hijab, and threatening her if she didn't. ..... :cool:

The difference is no man, government, or culture is FORCING the bikini clad woman to wear her attire.

Say, that reminds me of these....


Cool gig huh?

Yeah that's cool. Was she forced to uncover like that, and threatened by her husband?

Whelp, if I were to speculate on that I'd be as bad as the OP, pulling it out of my ass. I wooden know what their husbands (that's two different women, sharp eyes) said or did, or if they even had husbands. Those are the beach police enforcing laws about how high a bathing suit could end above the knee.

Here's a couple of women being arrested by them:


Here's a whole page on it. Knock yourself out, start a thread on "bathing suit police, symbol of oppression".
Course, that will require emerging from the dank cellar of xenophobia. You up for it?

I doubt it.

Yeah 90 years ago.
Problem is, in many of your beloved Islamic countries, there's no sign they'll be ending their mistreatment of women any time soon.
You probably would have loved to been able legally slap your wife and daughter around, instead all's you can do is be jealous of what goes on in their culture.

The difference is no man, government, or culture is FORCING the bikini clad woman to wear her attire.

Say, that reminds me of these....


Cool gig huh?

Yeah that's cool. Was she forced to uncover like that, and threatened by her husband?

Whelp, if I were to speculate on that I'd be as bad as the OP, pulling it out of my ass. I wooden know what their husbands (that's two different women, sharp eyes) said or did, or if they even had husbands. Those are the beach police enforcing laws about how high a bathing suit could end above the knee.

Here's a couple of women being arrested by them:


Here's a whole page on it. Knock yourself out, start a thread on "bathing suit police, symbol of oppression".
Course, that will require emerging from the dank cellar of xenophobia. You up for it?

I doubt it.

Yeah 90 years ago.
Problem is, in many of your beloved Islamic countries, there's no sign they'll be ending their mistreatment of women any time soon.
You probably would have loved to been able legally slap your wife and daughter around, instead all's you can do is be jealous of what goes on in their culture.

"They" huh.

Why don't you define "they" for the class. Aye, there's the rub.

I neither have any "beloved Islamic countries" nor do I claim to pronounce "what goes on in their culture" --- which is two different things btw, a distinction that no doubt also sails over your hood.

And I especially wouldn't do that based on some hate blog I found on the internets.

I have never physically abused any woman anywhere ever. But I guess it's good you have a fantasy life, since you clearly have nothing else.
The difference is no man, government, or culture is FORCING the bikini clad woman to wear her attire.

Say, that reminds me of these....


Cool gig huh?

Yeah that's cool. Was she forced to uncover like that, and threatened by her husband?

Whelp, if I were to speculate on that I'd be as bad as the OP, pulling it out of my ass. I wooden know what their husbands (that's two different women, sharp eyes) said or did, or if they even had husbands. Those are the beach police enforcing laws about how high a bathing suit could end above the knee.

Here's a couple of women being arrested by them:


Here's a whole page on it. Knock yourself out, start a thread on "bathing suit police, symbol of oppression".
Course, that will require emerging from the dank cellar of xenophobia. You up for it?

I doubt it.

Yeah 90 years ago.
Problem is, in many of your beloved Islamic countries, there's no sign they'll be ending their mistreatment of women any time soon.
You probably would have loved to been able legally slap your wife and daughter around, instead all's you can do is be jealous of what goes on in their culture.

"They" huh.

Why don't you define "they" for the class. Aye, there's the rub.

I neither have any "beloved Islamic countries" nor do I claim to pronounce "what goes on in their culture" --- which is two different things btw, a distinction that no doubt also sails over your hood.

And I especially wouldn't do that based on some hate blog I found on the internets.

I have never physically abused any woman anywhere ever. But I guess it's good you have a fantasy life, since you clearly have nothing else.

Fuck you Pogo, your daily dose of liberal nonsense does nothing but clutter the board with useless arguments. Maybe you should think about slinking back to the DimocratUnderbelly.

Here, i'll make it easy for you, you're just a click away. Democratic Underground
And yet again.....

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder.

How can they say that, these people are getting worse, not better. :cuckoo:

What's wrong with asking Muslim women how they feel about wearing a hijab instead of assuming they all see it as oppression? Is that so hard?

Yes let's ask you disgusting supporter of Muslim rape culture:

Just as I thought it's hell, now gfys you fucking pig and enemy of humanity.

More evidence, as if we needed more, that hair-on-fire partisan hack Gellerheads can only argue from emotion and ad hominem. And in other news water is wet. Who knew.

Your support for a patriarchal rape culture which oppresses women and has the worst womens rights statistics on the planet is noted you fucking pig.

Funny you can't quote it then huh Sparkles?

I haven't expressed "support" for any culture here, ass klown, other than the right of women in general to wear what the fuck they want. I simply cut the legs off the OP's logic.

I think they're still bleeding, so watch your step.

I read it. Maybe you should quit trying to justify protecting something a sick as Islam.

Once AGAIN --- I haven't even mentioned "Islam". Focus is not your forté is it.

Here's some lighter clothing for ya.


Are there hundreds of millions of girls like those in your picture worldwide, and are they trying to force their religion on everyone else complete with their own set of laws?

Try again.

Nope. There are perhaps hundreds of thousands but that's about it. If these girls are Hutterites as the photo source claims there are fewer than that but I don't think they're Hutterites.

But they're wearing headscarves aren't they.

Now read the thread title.

"Try again"? Why? I made the point successfully every time. But if you insist here's some Mokshas...


And no, I really don't know how many Mokshas there are, nor am I going to start a thread declaring their attire is a "symbol of oppression" on the basis that I read some scary web page about Duh Eebil Mokshas and simply swallowed it whole with no critical thought whatsoever as to whether it's a valid logical point. No can do.

You are simply like all the other liberals all over the internet, who rush in to defend anything about Islam, with the usual deflection posts.
The humorous thing is, you guys on the left would be the first to be hauled off in the night by the Islamic extremists.

Nor have I posted anything about "Islam". Go look in Craigslist for a "remedial reading course".

No asswipe...the left is embracing islam.....regardless of it's actual practices and beliefs...simply because they see islam as opposing the United States.....and left wing women embracing the hijab......an actual symbol of the 2nd class status of women in islam is hilarious........since they used to burn their bras fo fight male oppression...now they will willingly embrace a head cover so that they don't tempt men......
Say, that reminds me of these....


Cool gig huh?

Yeah that's cool. Was she forced to uncover like that, and threatened by her husband?

Whelp, if I were to speculate on that I'd be as bad as the OP, pulling it out of my ass. I wooden know what their husbands (that's two different women, sharp eyes) said or did, or if they even had husbands. Those are the beach police enforcing laws about how high a bathing suit could end above the knee.

Here's a couple of women being arrested by them:


Here's a whole page on it. Knock yourself out, start a thread on "bathing suit police, symbol of oppression".
Course, that will require emerging from the dank cellar of xenophobia. You up for it?

I doubt it.

Yeah 90 years ago.
Problem is, in many of your beloved Islamic countries, there's no sign they'll be ending their mistreatment of women any time soon.
You probably would have loved to been able legally slap your wife and daughter around, instead all's you can do is be jealous of what goes on in their culture.

"They" huh.

Why don't you define "they" for the class. Aye, there's the rub.

I neither have any "beloved Islamic countries" nor do I claim to pronounce "what goes on in their culture" --- which is two different things btw, a distinction that no doubt also sails over your hood.

And I especially wouldn't do that based on some hate blog I found on the internets.

I have never physically abused any woman anywhere ever. But I guess it's good you have a fantasy life, since you clearly have nothing else.

Fuck you Pogo, your daily dose of liberal nonsense does nothing but clutter the board with useless arguments. Maybe you should think about slinking back to the DimocratUnderbelly.

Here, i'll make it easy for you, you're just a click away. Democratic Underground

Yeah I figgered you'd whiff on that one. Yer out.

Your consolation prize ---


You'll need less of this stuff by not traipsing in on logical fallacies in the first place.
is the symbol of Muslim oppression of women the symbol of left wing women today?

If so...it is just another piece of evidence that left wingers are insane.....

USA Today: Hijab Emerging as 'Symbol of Resistance and Feminism' - Breitbart
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Hijab, a symbol of sexism, chauvanism, and persecution of Muslim women throughout the world, is now one of the Left's symbols of "resistance". This is about as insane and out of touch with reality as it gets.
What's wrong with asking Muslim women how they feel about wearing a hijab instead of assuming they all see it as oppression? Is that so hard?

Yes let's ask you disgusting supporter of Muslim rape culture:

Just as I thought it's hell, now gfys you fucking pig and enemy of humanity.

More evidence, as if we needed more, that hair-on-fire partisan hack Gellerheads can only argue from emotion and ad hominem. And in other news water is wet. Who knew.

Your support for a patriarchal rape culture which oppresses women and has the worst womens rights statistics on the planet is noted you fucking pig.

Funny you can't quote it then huh Sparkles?

I haven't expressed "support" for any culture here, ass klown, other than the right of women in general to wear what the fuck they want. I simply cut the legs off the OP's logic.

I think they're still bleeding, so watch your step.

Once AGAIN --- I haven't even mentioned "Islam". Focus is not your forté is it.

Here's some lighter clothing for ya.


Are there hundreds of millions of girls like those in your picture worldwide, and are they trying to force their religion on everyone else complete with their own set of laws?

Try again.

Nope. There are perhaps hundreds of thousands but that's about it. If these girls are Hutterites as the photo source claims there are fewer than that but I don't think they're Hutterites.

But they're wearing headscarves aren't they.

Now read the thread title.

"Try again"? Why? I made the point successfully every time. But if you insist here's some Mokshas...


And no, I really don't know how many Mokshas there are, nor am I going to start a thread declaring their attire is a "symbol of oppression" on the basis that I read some scary web page about Duh Eebil Mokshas and simply swallowed it whole with no critical thought whatsoever as to whether it's a valid logical point. No can do.

You are simply like all the other liberals all over the internet, who rush in to defend anything about Islam, with the usual deflection posts.
The humorous thing is, you guys on the left would be the first to be hauled off in the night by the Islamic extremists.

Nor have I posted anything about "Islam". Go look in Craigslist for a "remedial reading course".

No asswipe...the left is embracing islam.....regardless of it's actual practices and beliefs...simply because they see islam as opposing the United States.....and left wing women embracing the hijab......an actual symbol of the 2nd class status of women in islam is hilarious........since they used to burn their bras fo fight male oppression...now they will willingly embrace a head cover so that they don't tempt men......

And again -- the post you ran away from .......

---- Linkie?
And yet again.....

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder.

How can they say that, these people are getting worse, not better. :cuckoo:

What's wrong with asking Muslim women how they feel about wearing a hijab instead of assuming they all see it as oppression? Is that so hard?

Yes let's ask you disgusting supporter of Muslim rape culture:

Just as I thought it's hell, now gfys you fucking pig and enemy of humanity.

More evidence, as if we needed more, that hair-on-fire partisan hack Gellerheads can only argue from emotion and ad hominem. And in other news water is wet. Who knew.

Your support for a patriarchal rape culture which oppresses women and has the worst womens rights statistics on the planet is noted you fucking pig.

Funny you can't quote it then huh Sparkles?

I haven't expressed "support" for any culture here, ass klown, other than the right of women in general to wear what the fuck they want. I simply cut the legs off the OP's logic.

I think they're still bleeding, so watch your step.

Yep Muslim women aren't being forced to dress from head to toe in 120 degree weather, they actually love it. Likewise Muslim women are not being oppressed in the west by their own families and communities under the threat of violence, death, and excommunication from those families and communities. No one is buying your rape culture apologetics dipshit.
is the symbol of Muslim oppression of women the symbol of left wing women today?

If so...it is just another piece of evidence that left wingers are insane.....

USA Today: Hijab Emerging as 'Symbol of Resistance and Feminism' - Breitbart

Opinion | As Muslim women, we actually ask you not to wear the hijab in the name of interfaith solidarity

Challenging the hijab

To us, the “hijab”is a symbol of an interpretation of Islam we reject that believes that women are a sexual distraction to men, who are weak, and thus must not be tempted by the sight of our hair. We don’t buy it. This ideology promotes a social attitude that absolves men of sexually harassing women and puts the onus on the victim to protect herself by covering up.

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