High Profile ‘Kidnapping’, ISIS Leader Arrested In Ukraine Bust, Suspected Links To Yovanovich

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As the circus unfolds in Washington D.C., in what seems to be an attempt to cover up what the previous administration(s) have been doing in Ukraine, an ISIS leader is arrested, a high profile “kidnapping” takes place, resurrection of a bloody ISIS raid in Georgia linked to an apartment that was paid for by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia in 2009, an automobile manufacturer, and Burisma all converged in one day. It’s been a busy Saturday. There are no coincidences.

ISIS is an entity we were funding and training, according to Former President Barack Hussein Obama, who proudly stated as much in the video seen below during his address to our nation.

(Excerpt) Read more at loomered.com ...

Be interested to hear the lefts spin on this from the lips of the Surrender Monkey.....so much more DAMAGING TO AMERICA then a phony quid pro quo, or supposed bribery. or some intimidation of a frail Ambassador that knew nothing about a Tweet until Schitt pointed it out to her in committee and BTW what the fuck does that have to do with an impeachment hearing.... who gives a fuck how she FEELS?????

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