high fuel prices and inflation hurting minorities the most ...


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
with high energy costs and inflation disproportionately hurting minorities the most weve heard nothing from the left or the msm about the suffering .... rest assured if a conservative were in the WH at this time cries of racism would be being shouted from the rooftops by the msm and democrats .

yes well....the democrats can do without them can't they? Now that they've got millions of new illegals comin' in to the country daily?
yes well....the democrats can do without them can't they? Now that they've got millions of new illegals comin' in to the country daily?
they dont care about the poor white or black .. the modern dem party is a party of elitists that believe their base is made up of uninformed people that will believe their lies .
with high energy costs and inflation disproportionately hurting minorities the most weve heard nothing from the left or the msm about the suffering .... rest assured if a conservative were in the WH at this time cries of racism would be being shouted from the rooftops by the msm and democrats .

Always remember the leftwing goal is not to help people; it's to retain power at all costs. That bit about caring for women, blacks, and the poor? They don't.
with high energy costs and inflation disproportionately hurting minorities the most weve heard nothing from the left or the msm about the suffering .... rest assured if a conservative were in the WH at this time cries of racism would be being shouted from the rooftops by the msm and democrats .

Its hurting everybody, no need to compartmentalize one group, or groups over any other, its hurting all Americans aside from the psychopaths certain communities have insisted upon electing and sending to DC in perpetuity! This is also very intentional, Biden and his "ahh" team, know exactly what they are doing, and what they are doing is making absolutely fucking positive the United States is road kill, which by the way is strongly evidenced by his spiteful refusal to honor the American boys who stormed Normandy beaches, its patently obvious they hate the United States!
Yep. Just like all those hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens marching into the country every month. Guess who is going to have their benefits reduced? Democrats say "Thanks for your vote chumps, now step aside for the REALLY IMPORTANT PEOPLE".
If Trump would have actually built the wall instead of stealing money, lying & running his mouth, he would have got re-elected. Trump said he could build the wall for $4 billion. But Trump was spending at a rate that would have cost $70 billion & still barely built anything. Trump got multiple times more funds to build the wall as he said it would cost.

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If Trump would have actually built the wall instead of stealing money, lying & running his mouth, he would have got re-elected. Trump said he could build the wall for $4 billion. But Trump was spending at a rate that would have cost $70 billion & still barely built anything. Trump got multiple times more funds to build the wall as he said it would cost.

Trump has nothing to do with this thread .... this thread is about dem policies that are hurting minorities ...
with high energy costs and inflation disproportionately hurting minorities the most weve heard nothing from the left or the msm about the suffering .... rest assured if a conservative were in the WH at this time cries of racism would be being shouted from the rooftops by the msm and democrats .

Of course they are....Minorities are the heart of the working class, and nobody loathes those smelly people people who actually work for a living more so than do the demoncrats.
The guy highlighted in the article who is doing the complaining, just did 25 years in the hole, was recently released and is upset about the $200 gate money he's being given.

From the article...

''He wants the government to provide a debit card loaded each month, similar to the EBT system to 'historically marginalized communities' to be used for gas only.''

What do you think that's gonna do to inflation?
The monetary policy actually does affect minorities more. The people who get all of that freshly printed currency before it's effected by inflation often put that currency into the economy in a way that benefts them only.

That's a very deep discussion, and one that the author of that piece (Kandace Redd, whoever that is) clearly isn't qualified to discuss.

Which is why we see such shallow articles as hers that only promote gimme, gimme, gimme.

But demanding a piece of the same bad pie just adds to the problem.
All western countries are seeing inflation and gas price increases. Has nothing to do with the left.
OP failed attempt at lying to spin the facts.

Minorities live near work or mass transit.

High fuel prices hurt Rural Trump voters the most.
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OP failed attempt at lying to spin the facts.

Minorities live near work or mass transit.

High fuel prices hurt Rural Trump voters the most.
so you are saying there are no blacks or minorities in rural areas ? wow ! hurting Trump voters the most ? you are insane ...
Does it matter whether the high gas prices affect blacks more….or whites more….or Asians more? Why is it more or less important that a minority poor person is hurt more than a white poor person? Must everything be couched according to race?

What matters is that Biden’s anti-energy policies is hurting everyone from the middle class on down.
with high energy costs and inflation disproportionately hurting minorities the most weve heard nothing from the left or the msm about the suffering .... rest assured if a conservative were in the WH at this time cries of racism would be being shouted from the rooftops by the msm and democrats .

Whats bad for minorities aka blacks economically is good for the democrat party politically

The uber lib puppet masters in the white house are doing handstands
It has been all about race by democrats and the lib media since obama was president
I realize that….I was just pointing it out. Even math Is racist to them! The irony of course is that the Dems accuse Republicans of being the ones obsessed with race.
Does it matter whether the high gas prices affect blacks more….or whites more….or Asians more? Why is it more or less important that a minority poor person is hurt more than a white poor person? Must everything be couched according to race?

What matters is that Biden’s anti-energy policies is hurting everyone from the middle class on down.
Absolutely right.

I'm sick of people reducing everything down to "how this will affect blacks."

There are poor people of ALL races in this country. And ALL of them are hurt by the reckless Biden policies.

Blacks are NOT the only minority in this country, so let's get past this.

In addition, a great many of the problems blacks face are caused by blacks, themselves. These include not keeping jobs, not supporting their own kids, having kids they cannot afford, committing huge numbers of crimes, rape, murder, you name it.

So let's remember the other people, too - including white people. People of all ethnicities are affected by rising prices and increasing crime.

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