Hi Everyone

Kaiser Soze

Aug 8, 2010
I lean to the left, I'm thoroughly disappointed in the whole political process, I find Obama to be more of the same old corporate-favoring crap we've had for decades, can't stand the stupidity of the teabaggers, loathe and despise the spinelessness of the Democrats...did I leave anything out? If so, just ask! I'm not shy. :evil:
Welcome, Kaiser. My dad drove a Kaiser for a while...went on vacation in one...laid in the back and read funny books as he drove through the scenic mountains. He wondered about that.

I'm not shy either. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Those that lean left are usually discovered to be brainwashed idiots that have no concept of the damage they do to free enterprise and the unfettered pursuit of happiness through ingenuity, personal struggle and accomplishment. They'd rather their income and that of those that keep them in office be attained from the hard work of other people.

Liberalism sucks!
Welcome, Kaiser. My dad drove a Kaiser for a while...went on vacation in one...laid in the back and read funny books as he drove through the scenic mountains. He wondered about that.

I'm not shy either. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Those that lean left are usually discovered to be brainwashed idiots that have no concept of the damage they do to free enterprise and the unfettered pursuit of happiness through ingenuity, personal struggle and accomplishment. They'd rather their income and that of those that keep them in office be attained from the hard work of other people.

Liberalism sucks!

Nice talking points you have there. Generalize much? Thanks for sharing! Next....
welcome, i am not happy with obama...esp with his wife...well just both of them...if i had the power and ablitlity to do what a first lady could do and accomplish....i would be hitting the ground running..what happen to her 'garden' , anyone really see anything being done about child obesity....*one major thing that could be done is make school lunches healthier....stop using purchased surplus items* i agree that neither party seems to be any different now...and some day i will tell you about my 7 minutes at a tea party rally....

pay no attention to the conservatives on this board...they are mostly full of mal and dont have a clue about history etc.

it is my firm believe that is the damn true fairy showed up...they would beat her to death with a stick!
welcome, i am not happy with obama...esp with his wife...well just both of them...if i had the power and ablitlity to do what a first lady could do and accomplish....i would be hitting the ground running..what happen to her 'garden' , anyone really see anything being done about child obesity....*one major thing that could be done is make school lunches healthier....stop using purchased surplus items* i agree that neither party seems to be any different now...and some day i will tell you about my 7 minutes at a tea party rally....

pay no attention to the conservatives on this board...they are mostly full of mal and dont have a clue about history etc.

it is my firm believe that is the damn true fairy showed up...they would beat her to death with a stick!

A-ha! A reasonable thinker. Nice to meet you, Strollingbones!!:clap2:
Hi Kaiser.

Sometimes I lean left, and sometimes I lean right. Neither side has all the answers, although reading some of these threads, I'm amused by those who cannot formulate an original thought.

I guess that's the nature of politics.

What's up with the donation button?

Is is expensive to run one of these boards?
My name is Natsumi Fukudome. I would say some of my political views would be best described as Libertarian. I am 28 years old and from Shizuoka, Japan. I am the only daughter of three brothers and also youngest. Now, I reside in the frontier of the great Pacific Northwest in Washington State. I enjoy it and feel comfortable living here. There is a high Japanese population so I am able to speak in my native tongue as well as English (sometimes used together!)

Before college, I worked at my grandparents green tea farm in Shizuoka. It is known as the "Green Tea Capital" of Japan and in some people even the world. I did bookkeeping and thought It was time to move to a bigger more developed society. I've always been fascinated with how lax and open the western world is and now I will soon be a US citizen when I take the exam in April 2011 I have lived here for 4 1/2 almost 5 years.

I had the objective to possibly earn a good education as I went to the University of Washington (Go Huskies! Jake Locker for Heisman!) I have a Master's in Automotive Design & Software Engineering with a minor in Political Science. But somehow ended up as a bookkeeper for the Forest Service. I am thankful for not having to no longer depend on unemployment as I start my new job in one week!
Hi Kaiser.

Sometimes I lean left, and sometimes I lean right. Neither side has all the answers, although reading some of these threads, I'm amused by those who cannot formulate an original thought.

I guess that's the nature of politics.

What's up with the donation button?

Is is expensive to run one of these boards?

What donation button?

Vbulletin software doesn't cost that much - does it?

And how much could it possibly be to pay for webhosting??

I've participated on a number of differnet political forums and it seems the rightwingers all share the same brain and talking points. It sucks that they can't seem to figure out that if you don't agree with their silly myths about secret muslims, birther crap, etc., it doesn't mean Obama's your hero OR that you're a Democrat.

Two-dimensional thinking. Sad.
welcome, i am not happy with obama...esp with his wife...well just both of them...if i had the power and ablitlity to do what a first lady could do and accomplish....i would be hitting the ground running..what happen to her 'garden' , anyone really see anything being done about child obesity....*one major thing that could be done is make school lunches healthier....stop using purchased surplus items* i agree that neither party seems to be any different now...and some day i will tell you about my 7 minutes at a tea party rally....

pay no attention to the conservatives on this board...they are mostly full of mal and dont have a clue about history etc.

it is my firm believe that is the damn true fairy showed up...they would beat her to death with a stick!

A-ha! A reasonable thinker. Nice to meet you, Strollingbones!!:clap2:

everyone says that in the beginning.....*evil laughter fading into the shadows*
Hi Kaiser.

Sometimes I lean left, and sometimes I lean right. Neither side has all the answers, although reading some of these threads, I'm amused by those who cannot formulate an original thought.

I guess that's the nature of politics.

What's up with the donation button?

Is is expensive to run one of these boards?

just join the board and become a supporting member....its like 16 bucks or less
My name is Natsumi Fukudome. I would say some of my political views would be best described as Libertarian. I am 28 years old and from Shizuoka, Japan. I am the only daughter of three brothers and also youngest. Now, I reside in the frontier of the great Pacific Northwest in Washington State. I enjoy it and feel comfortable living here. There is a high Japanese population so I am able to speak in my native tongue as well as English (sometimes used together!)

Before college, I worked at my grandparents green tea farm in Shizuoka. It is known as the "Green Tea Capital" of Japan and in some people even the world. I did bookkeeping and thought It was time to move to a bigger more developed society. I've always been fascinated with how lax and open the western world is and now I will soon be a US citizen when I take the exam in April 2011 I have lived here for 4 1/2 almost 5 years.

I had the objective to possibly earn a good education as I went to the University of Washington (Go Huskies! Jake Locker for Heisman!) I have a Master's in Automotive Design & Software Engineering with a minor in Political Science. But somehow ended up as a bookkeeper for the Forest Service. I am thankful for not having to no longer depend on unemployment as I start my new job in one week!

Though late, welcome to America!!
Welcome, Kaiser. My dad drove a Kaiser for a while...went on vacation in one...laid in the back and read funny books as he drove through the scenic mountains. He wondered about that.

I'm not shy either. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Those that lean left are usually discovered to be brainwashed idiots that have no concept of the damage they do to free enterprise and the unfettered pursuit of happiness through ingenuity, personal struggle and accomplishment. They'd rather their income and that of those that keep them in office be attained from the hard work of other people.

Liberalism sucks!

lol do you even read your own posts? do you?
Hi Kaiser.

Sometimes I lean left, and sometimes I lean right. Neither side has all the answers, although reading some of these threads, I'm amused by those who cannot formulate an original thought.

I guess that's the nature of politics.

What's up with the donation button?

Is is expensive to run one of these boards?

What donation button?

Vbulletin software doesn't cost that much - does it?

And how much could it possibly be to pay for webhosting??

I've participated on a number of differnet political forums and it seems the rightwingers all share the same brain and talking points. It sucks that they can't seem to figure out that if you don't agree with their silly myths about secret muslims, birther crap, etc., it doesn't mean Obama's your hero OR that you're a Democrat.

Two-dimensional thinking. Sad.

Well, I'm fairly new to political boards, but from what I've seen, conservatives are heavy on talking points, but they don't do the legwork to back their assertions.

A generalization? Yes. perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised here.

A previous post in this thread brought up M. Obama, and her child obesity campaign. When she addressed this with the NAACP, the only thing I saw conservatives discuss was that she was a racist, because she dared to address this organization.

I haven't done enough reading here yet, to see if I should expect anything different.
Hi Kaiser.

Sometimes I lean left, and sometimes I lean right. Neither side has all the answers, although reading some of these threads, I'm amused by those who cannot formulate an original thought.

I guess that's the nature of politics.

What's up with the donation button?

Is is expensive to run one of these boards?

just join the board and become a supporting member....its like 16 bucks or less

Let me guess: It costs sixteen bucks to make these obnoxious ads go away, right?
Hi Kaiser.

Sometimes I lean left, and sometimes I lean right. Neither side has all the answers, although reading some of these threads, I'm amused by those who cannot formulate an original thought.

I guess that's the nature of politics.

What's up with the donation button?

Is is expensive to run one of these boards?

just join the board and become a supporting member....its like 16 bucks or less

Do I get one of those cool supporting member tags?

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