Hi Def Society podcast planning


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
Good morning!

So, CK is thinking of doing something very exciting here, and making an entire sub-forum dedicated to the genre of podcasting.

USMB-ers will be able to discuss their favorite podcasts; and, with that, users with their own podcasts will also be able to provide their content and also have the usmb users'-feedback to coincide. Even live feedback can be heard on air, as usmb-ers listen.

Moving ahead, CK will likely be providing more details on that - so, onto the meat and potatoes (mashed) of this thread.

As some of you know, I have been a podcast host here and there having done a show about two years ago and, more recently, a show called The Cavalier club.

My partners and I have decided to change the name and give the show a better structure. We have re-named it Hi Def Society. We will air live on Sundays at 6pm eastern time, with the exception of this Sunday because we are spending the bye week taking care of all of the show's restructuring. If you miss the cast, you'll be able to hear the re-stream at any time. If you catch it live, you can follow along and provide live feedback right here at USMB.

As far as structuring the show, if you'd like to Volunteer and be a part of our staff, consider this our "job listing," only remember, you are VOLUNTEERING and so the only compensation you'll currently have is being a part of our team and getting credits on the air for being such as we are not a monetized podcast. HOWEVER, we do in the future plan to monetize -> by way of selling t-shirts, air time for underground artists', ad space and things of that Nature. If we ARE able to collect any capital, whichever Volunteers are on the team will also be compensated. Those discussions will not take place publicly. So by volunteering, your drive can be towards the collective of the show and you WILL be compensated, shall we become successful.

Now, what we're looking for:

The show is 120-minutes long, with an after show of an additional hour which will be freestyle/unscripted. With that 120-minutes main show, we will be playing about 5 songs per show so about 20-minutes on music. That leaves 100-minutes of air-time.

We'd like to break that down into formatted segments, and each week have our volunteers be our content providers for some of these segments.

For example:

Current news segment: the volunteer for the current news segment will provide us with the 5-8 most interesting/lightning rod stories of the past week. As we are not politics-based, this volunteer should not be providing primarily political news, but only political when it bleeds into the mainstream conscience of the Country and not when only the hobbyists are following. This volunteer is responsible for their stories to be interesting, for them to be to us by Fridays via email, and provide good notice if they're unable to provide any content on any specific week. The stories can be provided to us in bullet-form (just bulleting the few main points/overview), or just simple links to the stories will do as well. Nothing too serious, especially if you're already a news hawk. The hosts will take these stories and have an impromptu discussion, and also allow call-ins and read some live feedback from the live feedback thread.

Another segment idea is current celebrity/tmz news. Looking for the same criteria, only different genre of discussion...

etc. etc. and my co-host Pair-a-dyce is already going to be doing hip hop news.

In this thread, I'm soliciting SEGMENT IDEAS, and VOLUNTEERS.

Note, you don't have to want to be on the team in order to provide segment ideas here. What do you fans want?

I can't accept any and all people to be on the team, so we maybe have to develop or have developed a repoire in the past.

A few users I believe wanted to be tagged to this thread are:
BlackSand (already on the team, segment not yet chosen) LoneLaugher Gracie Sarah G Sonny Clark

and my family pillars Ravi

Please invite anyone else you believe may be interested.

Hi Def Society will be hosted by G.T. (Genius Tracks, NY), Pair-A-Dyce (Texas), and K3 (Canada). The live show will stream from blogtalkradio, but the re-airing will be posted elsewhere on our dot com.

Catch you all soon!! (I may not be able to be in this thread that much today, but I will get to any questions/ideas, so please be patient)
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Good Job ... Great Idea to restructure and focus on direction.
I haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet but could add some ideas on the segment structure.

Having the defined segments weekly is good ... And I would add Sports.
Like you mentioned, the segment can be tailored to the show and not a bunch heady serious crap unless the story just needs it.

You could also have floating segments ... They just come around when certain subjects happen to fit and don't have to be supported weekly but could come around often enough.
Stuff like ... GT's Garage (automotive) ... Pair-A-Dyce Island (travel/outdoors) ... And they could have their own intro with a sound effect possibly (spinning tires/gulls and waves).

Anyway ... Good Morning, gonna go drink some coffee.

Ill keep live updates coming as they happen : )
I got this one. Weird, though. Someone else tagged me today and I didn't get that one either.

We are alerted and connected ... :woohoo:

If you were to choose between general news, celebrity/athlete news, and picking the philosophical topic or question of the week.....(i can elaborate on each)...

Which would you prefer, if any?

As far as music, dyce, k3 and I have a lot of connections in that realm and can take care of song submissions.

Right now, i have in my mind these segments thus far:
Celeb/sport news
General news
Music news
Host introspective kinds of segments
Philosophical topic or question(the MAIN focus of discussion week to week)


And i can call audibles week to week such as prank calls, interviews, etc.
If you were to choose between general news, celebrity/athlete news, and picking the philosophical topic or question of the week.....(i can elaborate on each)...

Which would you prefer, if any?

As far as music, dyce, k3 and I have a lot of connections in that realm and can take care of song submissions.

Right now, i have in my mind these segments thus far:
Celeb/sport news
General news
Music news
Host introspective kinds of segments
Philosophical topic or question(the MAIN focus of discussion week to week)


And i can call audibles week to week such as prank calls, interviews, etc.

I am still kicking it around or I would have signed up for a segment.
It is also possible that others may want to handle a particular segment ... And I don't want to discourage their participation.

In other words ... I can handle what you put on my plate within reason.
If there is something in particular you would like worked on ... Just let me know.

Also let me know if you just want the basics (summary and links) ... Or if you want some writing and development.

If you were to choose between general news, celebrity/athlete news, and picking the philosophical topic or question of the week.....(i can elaborate on each)...

Which would you prefer, if any?

As far as music, dyce, k3 and I have a lot of connections in that realm and can take care of song submissions.

Right now, i have in my mind these segments thus far:
Celeb/sport news
General news
Music news
Host introspective kinds of segments
Philosophical topic or question(the MAIN focus of discussion week to week)


And i can call audibles week to week such as prank calls, interviews, etc.

I am still kicking it around or I would have signed up for a segment.
It is also possible that others may want to handle a particular segment ... And I don't want to discourage their participation.

In other words ... I can handle what you put on my plate within reason.
If there is something in particular you would like worked on ... Just let me know.

Also let me know if you just want the basics (summary and links) ... Or if you want some writing and development.

Naw it would be just summary and links...no development. I dont want it to feel like a job or anything like that : )

I guess ill wait on the others who told me to tag them to this thread and see if theyve got any preference or specialty, or want to volunteer at all... and spin off from that.

The cohosts and I have a meeting saturday morning to develop our social media stuff...like a show email, facebook, twitter etc.
Hi folks.

I'd like to contribute.

I will suggest that we create a PM group of some kind consisting of those who are volunteers. Whoever that is can have an ongoing discussion about the news etc. and present a list of topic ideas to GT by Friday. Sort of a "think tank" so we can put our heads together and provide better coverage and even come up with segment ideas.

Looking forward to it.

Hi folks.

I'd like to contribute.

I will suggest that we create a PM group of some kind consisting of those who are volunteers. Whoever that is can have an ongoing discussion about the news etc. and present a list of topic ideas to GT by Friday. Sort of a "think tank" so we can put our heads together and provide better coverage and even come up with segment ideas.

Looking forward to it.

Awesome man!!

Were there any specific segments of the ones mentioned youd take preference to?

Also yea....we will all meet up once we are a team

..i dont know if by pm or by email or what not....but we will : )
We currently have a team of:
Gt (host/segment provider)
Pairadyce(host/segment provider)
Blacksand (segment provider/brainstorming)
Lonelaugher (segment provider/brainstorming)

Thinking one to two more and we can call it a full house!
Hi folks.

I'd like to contribute.

I will suggest that we create a PM group of some kind consisting of those who are volunteers. Whoever that is can have an ongoing discussion about the news etc. and present a list of topic ideas to GT by Friday. Sort of a "think tank" so we can put our heads together and provide better coverage and even come up with segment ideas.

Looking forward to it.

Awesome man!!

Were there any specific segments of the ones mentioned youd take preference to?

Also yea....we will all meet up once we are a team

..i dont know if by pm or by email or what not....but we will : )

My news consumption is heavily influenced by the SIRIUS shows that I listen to on the radio. So.....I'm not going to pretend that I'll have tons of original ideas.

I've no doubt that Blacksand and I could work together to brainstorm segment ideas.
We currently have a team of:
Gt (host/segment provider)
Pairadyce(host/segment provider)
Blacksand (segment provider/brainstorming)
Lonelaugher (segment provider/brainstorming)

Thinking one to two more and we can call it a full house!

I'm shocked that you haven't asked Sonny Clark. He's a big fan.

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